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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Thanks for that @Pib, I’m on a 15/45 meter so I need a separate meter for the EV as at nighttime we have 2 air cons running and with the EV would be too much load. That’s the way I understand it anyway. So luckily i am in PEA territory ( MEA in Bangkok don’t allow a TOU ) and can get a Time Of Use meter added for cheaper o/night and weekend rate ( 2.5 baht ). As it’s a separate meter and circuit a ground rod needs fitting, not sure what that means with the Charger install, presumably there will be an additional charge, the showroom guy was totally in the dark about this but I’m not the first to do this so I suppose the installer will be clued up. My power pole is right outside the gate so should be well within the 15m . From what i can gather it will go something like this: 1) Receive delivery of car 2) 2 weeks (?) after the installer, after an initial audit, will install charger, DB and ground , leaving cable sufficient to the TOU meter. 3) PEA will inspect the installation ( already been given go ahead for a TOU ) and return, at their leisure, to install the TOU meter. 4) Presumably PEA will connect TOU meter to the 2nd ( charger ) circuit and will be good to go. All sounds fairly straightforward but have read on FB that nobody is in a rush to complete anything and PEA already told me that it will be 2 to 4 weeks after inspection to fitting meter so I expect a drawn out affair.
  2. Sorry, yes, I forgot the free installation bit for Dolphin. How is the install in your opinion ?, they fit a ground rod ? or is that only if a 2nd circuit ( TOU Meter ) is fit ? So he only paid 800 baht ? ( apologies for all the questions but I have been following the FB groups and it’s so confusing trying to understand the translations )
  3. 25k if you wanted to buy the charger with the car( same one as Atto 3 I think ).
  4. Okay thanks, I wondered if you had missed the part in the manual about using the button …… obviously not 👍
  5. I might be missing something here but why would you want to manually fold them anyway when you can fold both by pressing a button ?
  6. It appears that new posts are now appearing but existing ones do not. Does that mean that once read they disappear ?
  7. What has happened to the “ Content i follow “ content ?, there’s now nothing to show. Using an iPhone and Microsoft Edge browser. Is it just me ??
  8. According to a couple of videos after installing the camera a reset of the screen ( long press on volume scroll button ) and it is activated. The resolution looks okay but the real test is at night if you can read a license plate. The video also has no sound but does record speed and gps etc. Like I said previously I will spend 2k to test it but if not acceptable would probably buy a 70mai A800s with front and rear cameras. There’s a micro sd card slot in between the usb ports under centre console.
  9. My plan is to use the BYD built in dash cam ( Shopee 2000 baht ) for forward facing and utilise my current 70Mai A500s for rear facing if I can have it hard wired. It’s only a tentative plan at the moment and will get better informed closer to delivery but I want to avoid any unsightly cables to usb ports. My last 2 cars had a usb port built in behind the rear view mirror needing a very short ( 20cm ) cable, very handy. Not sure of the reason for the removal of the camera in Dolphin and Seal unless it is cost cutting, which seems unlikely at 2k and the cable for said camera is already fitted. Is the camera still being fit to Atto 3 , @Pib ?
  10. As we see from the video there’s a lot of commands available, particularly liked the “ find nearby charging station “ giving a list that you can instantly see if mall or gas station etc and then starting navigation when you choose, how good is that ?? Suspect the commands we would like “ turn off lane keeping assist “ “ change to high regen “etc are not available but i will certainly use mine and no doubt find a shortlist of the most useful depending on my needs. The Thai only commands in my previous MG and current Haval are now redundant.
  11. If you are using the standard range guesstimate ( based on NEDC ) it is indeed not linear and will recalculate itself as it gets down to the lower percentages to achieve the 480 km per 100% charge which has caught some drivers out in the past as their remaining range disappeared quickly from 10% or so. ( obviously not a good idea to let it get so low unless you are doing it for cell balancing purposes as recommended ). The dynamic option will give you a more accurate idea of what your range is based on your driving habits and after a few recharges you can determine your average range available. Or maybe somewhere in the data screens there is a running total of your km/kWh ??
  12. Yup, when I get my Seal one of the first trips will be up to the little lady’s hometown and a visit to the Wat there for the monk’s blessing, as we have done with the last 3 cars. A 420 km round trip so should be a good test and I will be looking forward to that even if it means an obligatory visit to the mother in law !! I had a little play with the voice commands in the showroom and was impressed, will be particularly helpful to increase/decrease temp or fan speed without fiddling with the screen although with the Seal it can be done via a steering wheel shortcut but far easier to say “ I am too hot “ or “set temp to 20°” etc To avoid the voice command assistant butting in every time you say anything remotely close to “ BYD “ you can disable the “ Hi BYD “ start command on the screen and use the microphone symbol button on your steering wheel. There are a lot of commands but i suspect only a handful will get used. Also, the button on the steering wheel for rotating the screen has a couple of other uses ( 1 is to take a snapshot with the dashcam, don’t remember the other one ) , a long press on the button will bring up the menu, for Atto 3.
  13. I think there’s 3 options on the Seal, as on the Atto 3, but all weird so i’ll definitely be looking at eliminating or reducing it.
  14. I think I will see if some tape around the speaker to stop it being annoying inside the car, failing that will unplug it. Recently was in a car park when an Atto 3 was cruising looking for a space, it certainly got some strange looks as the sound is loud outside ( as it should be I suppose ) , I personally don’t need the attention. I live in a moobahn with a speed limit of 20 km/h and 4 speed bumps to traverse so i would become a local celebrity ……. and not in a good way !! A selection of normal sounds would have been more accepted I think, just a beeping sound like a reversing truck would make more sense.
  15. Bjørn Nyland ( YouTube ) must use a similar set up as he regularly shows it on his 1000km runs. For the price it is worth it for the battery temp alone.
  16. “ the impact made the cable unplug itself your Honour “
  17. Yes, went to local PEA head office today and they okayed the installation but wanted to see the booking contract along with some other docs. Have a job number to quote when the charger install is complete. He said they would come check installation first and if okay would install TOU 2 to 4 weeks after. Gonna drag on a while and no way to get a head start .
  18. Need a little assistance here from anyone who has installed a wall charger recently ( preferably a BYD ). My set up will be a TOU meter and good old fashioned electricity. Visited PEA Authority to present docs ( tabian bahn, charger and car specs ) and received a job number to contact them after wall charger and associated parts ( breaker, earth rod etc ) have been completed. PEA will inspect installation to then return to fit TOU meter. My questions are : 1) What does BYD supply ( I suspect charger and 40A breaker only ). 2) What do the BYD installation crew actually install as I have read for a nominal fee (9k) they complete installation ??, also installation can be outsourced for around 20k ? 3) When charger installation finished and PEA return to fit TOU meter do they make the cabling from meter to distribution box or should that be readily available from charger install. ( seen 15m cable is free and any longer is charged but don’t know who’s responsibility this falls under ) Apologies for the noobie questions but the showroom guy seemed very vague and told us to get TOU meter first, PEA guy stated the opposite.
  19. I think the Atto 3 started selling in Nov last year so once it had got into its stride, Jan 2023, it took off and never missed a beat, expecting Dolphin to do the same. Seal is going to be a slow take off to get into its stride I think, seems to have run out of stock, especially the Premium, and expect late November early December for the next bunch to arrive and be registered. Don’t see anyone taking their crown for a while, the MG X Power and Cyberster will sell without a doubt but not in such great numbers I think. Aion Y Plus is here , saw one on the highway on Sunday, but it ain’t too pretty from the front, it’s selling point being put the front seats right back put an inflatable mattress on and you have a good sized bed , but not everyone likes to sleep in their cars !! Changan are here with a bunch of showrooms planned (12 ?) and looks good but I can’t help feeling they were slow off the mark.
  20. Saw this on AutolifeThailand about a month ago, forgot to mention it today at the showroom but @Pib ‘s post seems to confirm it.
  21. Checked out the Aion Y Plus a couple of weeks ago at my local mall, while I didn’t care much for the overall look of the car the room in the rear seating area is second to none. The boot space is great too even with a spare wheel in place which is a bit of a rarity these days.
  22. yes but I understand you can choose 1 from 6 insurance companies ?
  23. Yes, I’ll be seeking some advice from the early adopting Sealsters no doubt. Starting with , which is the best insurance to go with ?, i have read Bangkok ? Can the synthetic sound be unplugged like the Atto 3 ? In return i will be offering some tidbits of info: Did you know the Seal can be remote started to cool down using the remote up to 15 metres ? ( the Atto is 10 metres I believe ), limited obviously by distance but easier than messing with the app. Handy when you are in Amazon for a cold refreshing beverage and the sun is attempting to remove your paintwork !!
  24. Ordered today, test drive was as expected ……. tremendous !! although it was in a Performance , Premiums in high demand and nowhere to be seen ! Black Performance test drive and 2 in the showroom, 1 black Dynamic in the local Central mall. Did get to see the Space Grey in all its glory though ( another Performance ! ) and that’s the colour I ordered.
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