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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. My understanding is different to yours.
    To drive here legally in theory you still need to have an IDP backed up by your home licence. If you are going to be here for more than 3 months you are supposed to get a local licence.

    Yes, you are correct, I was meaning to get the Thai driving license it doesn't do anything if your DL is in English anyway.

    But yes I agree, to drive legally ( for 3 months) you need the IDP .
  2. Just wonder how is the procedure nowadays for someone who has not only a valid license of his home country but as well an international license.
    Must be a lot less hassle, hopefully ?

    As Nanlaew has said with your valid home country driving license you don't have to do the actual driving part of the test or the test , only the colour, reaction and depth perception ( watching the video seems to be optional, depending on which province).

    The IDP ( internacional driving permit) is only a translation of your license into English .
    If your license is already in English it's not really needed to obtain Thai DL although most people get one to be able to drive in Thailand with less hassle.
  3. You've had a mixed bag of replies, some happy endings and also some warning you to stay away.
    I came here a year and a half ago to stay after visiting a girl for 6 months on and off. After hearing all the horror stories I decided I would rent a small apartment and buy a small car and give myself a year to decide whether it's for me or not.
    I spent that year traveling round Thailand, obviously taking in the sights but also deciding where, and if, I would settle.

    Happily for me it's working out and I moved into a house 2 weeks ago.
    I'm not in Isaan but I'm not in the large tourist areas either.

    My advice would be:
    Take it slow, coming here on holiday, is one thing but working here is another ( I'm retired by the way).
    Don't burn your bridges, rent your house out, you can always sell later.

    But mainly, don't rush into any spur of the moment decisions .

    I wish you luck and hope you find the happiness you seek.

    • Like 1
  4. To be honest with you , your pending document means nothing to some immigration offices as I found out.
    I did the same thing and was told that the office will not do any online reporting , they want to see feet through the door.
    So my pending document was thrown in the bin , and my 90 day report done by the officer.

    Which Immigration was this NE1 ?
    Might save some of us some time if we know.
  5. Thanks gents, I will take your advice(s) and put my back into it !!

    I have another patch at the front ( about 50sqm ) that was a proper building site !! This is gonna be an ornamental garden ,all gravel, beach seat, spirit house and a few pot plants with maybe a tree in the corner . I've been busy clearing that and digging a trench for the incoming water pipe as it was literally just laid on the ground !!
    Have enjoyed my working in the garden hours ( 7.30 - 9.00 am and 5.00 to 6.30 pm ) shade permitting.

    I asked about the weedkiller in case I had to wait some months after, but forget that now.

  6. I have a small strip of land at the side of the house that the gf wants to plant some stuff, small lime tree and some vegs etc .


    The plot has never been "worked " so needless to say was full of weeds and what looks like coarse grass.


    I've weeded/hoed it but it's all coming back.


    What I'd like to do is put some weedkiller down to clear it out and then start afresh in a month or two.


    a) would that work ?


    B) where do I buy weedkiller ?

  7. A friend of mine deep into his 70s was a train driver in western new south Wales australia for 50 years. Pigeon fanciers with racing birds used to send crates of them 400km west of Sydney by train, to race back to Sydney. When money was tight he tried one and developed quite a taste for the birds, pilfering two or three from each crate. I wonder if there are still a heap of 80 year old men and women sitting in their suburban backyards waiting for their favourite bird to turn up?

    I grew up in Yorkshire and there was a lot of pigeon fanciers around at that time.
    A colleague of mine used to race pigeons and always used to ask myself and others to "drop off" his basket of pigeons at the back of Leicester Forest Service station ( some 120 miles from where we lived ) when we made our regular visits to a sister company.
    But I do remember some years later he contracted some disease from the pigeons which ended up with the birds being exterminated , his lofts being destroyed, the area being seriously sterilised and him ending up in hospital.
    It was very serious apparently and rumour has it that he almost died !
  8. Pigeon is common fare in China, back in '84 myself and a colleague were being treated to a " banquet " by our Chinese hosts.
    One dish was covered in a thick brown sauce and we were asked to guess what it was. I said frog and my colleague said rat ! ( much to the amusement of the Chinese ).

    We were pleasantly surprised to find out it was baby pigeon, tasted pretty much like chicken .

  9. I had a couple of implants years ago ( maybe 25 ) in the uk on 2 front teeth and to this day one of them is fine.
    About 6 or 7 years ago the other one came loose, the dentist ( in Brazil ) struggled to fit a new one but couldn't and the solution was to fit a bridge, not ideal but works.

    About 4 months ago I had severe pain in another tooth complete with swelling, the options were extraction or root canal treatment and crown ( it already had a crown ). I chose the latter, and several visits and about 20,000 baht later have a tooth that I am very happy with .
    Dentist in Ayutthaya.

    As a child I had a fear of the dentist and combined with a lack of self discipline my teeth suffered. I made sure my children were aware of the importance of dental higiene and maintenance, I hope they do the same with their children.

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