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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Oh B++++r... Sorry to hear that you had an aborted trip today.
    I'm not sure why they would want a copy of your Decree Nisi as it has no particular bearing on you being registered at an address.
    May I suggest that before getting the Decree sent to you, you contact the District Office and confirm with them what documents they actually require.... You would be rightly Pd Off if you get the Decree sent, then possibly translated and authenticated etc., to find that the local office don't require it.
    Good luck.

    Yes, am gonna get my Decree sent over anyway, to be honest I forgot it last time I was there as my dad stashed it somewhere and it wasn't with my other docs.

    I'll get the gf to give them a call re documents before I set foot in the place !!
  2. The references I find to "Decree Nisi" are usually relating to divorce, before the divorce is finalized. 
    In the case of other singles, would an "affirmation of freedom to marry" have the same function with regards to a Yellow Book application?  Granted, that still requires an embassy-visit (and fee), plus translation plus MFA-certification - just curious if this is what they are after - proof of single/married status. 

    Yep, seems like they have decided it is related to residence !!

    It took me by surprise and if I'd have known I would have asked the gf to tell them I never married, how would they get proof of that??

    Anyway as the French say "c'est la vie " or in my case " c'est la merde " !!
    • Like 1
  3. Well, going to the Provincial Tesaban didn't work but it did give me some more info.
    The provincial tesaban is only for residents of the city, as I'm on the outskirts I have to go to my district ( Amphur ), and I indeed do need to show my Decree Nisi as the fella explained by showing me some other poor farangs file with translated copies of passport, birth certificate and decree nisi.

    So, I'll arrange for my Decree to be posted to me and then, via a phone call, find out if a translation is good enough or if they require the Embassy, translation, MFA certification version .
    If the former, I'll be happy to oblige, if the latter, then I'll probably spit my dummy out, have a little tantrum and think about it [emoji51]

  4. OP…. I appreciate your frustration… the Thai system can be overpowering at times.
    I was very lucky when I applied for my yellow book, a good few years back.  Mrs MoneyBaht and I went to our local Amphor, completed the application form, submitted a copy of our Thai marriage certificate (which had my name translated into Thai on it), a copy of my passport page and a copy Mrs MoneyBaht’s Blue book.
    We were informed that it would take about a week and they would call us when it was ready.  True to their word, in less than a week we were back at the office, paid a small fee and I was presented with the yellow book.  As a bonus the officer took us to the ID card section and a few minutes later I also had a pink ID card.
    That said, a friend of ours who lives in another province experienced similar problems to you when he applied.  Mrs MoneyBaht and I accompanied him and his wife to their local Amphor and we were met with a stonewall of negatives and demands for various additional documents which also had to be translated into Thai and certified by MFA Consular Section. 
    I could see that my friend was about to blow his top, which would have been the worst thing he could have done (loss of face etc).  So at that point I asked the officer to put in writing the reason for refusing the application based upon the documents supplied and requested that it be signed by the principle officer…. This is a process which all Government offices must comply with when refusing a service.
    I thought that may shake them into action, but I was wrong.  About 30 minutes later the officer appeared with a typed letter stating the reasons for refusing the issue of a yellow book on the basis of the documents provided and listing the requirements for additional documents to support the application.  The letter was signed by the principal officer.
    Within an hour of receiving that letter, a copy was faxed to the Ombudsman.  A member of the Ombudsman’s staff contacted my friend by phone shortly afterwards and said that they would contact the Amphor the next morning.
    About 10am the following day my friend received a phone call from the principle officer at the Amphor who very politely requested that my friend return to the office to collect his yellow book.  Upon returning to the Amphor office my friend and his wife were shown to the principal’s office.  Apparently there were a few weak apologies for the inconvenience caused and lot of smiles.  They also had some photos taken of the yellow book being handed over (possibly to show the Ombudsman that they had complied with his instruction).
    To be honest, I was a little concerned that there may be some repercussions at a later stage when the ‘smoke’ died down… Thankfully I was wrong.
    Keep at it,… be polite and if need be ask them to put their reasons for refusing in writing.... What's that old saying about don't let the B+++++s grind you down.
    Good luck

    Thanks for that !! I still have a little faith that justice will prevail . I will know tomorrow whether I have a chance or not.

    Surely it should be Mrs Moneysatang ?? [emoji51]
  5. Hi there if your completley sure what this guy said to your G/F about drugs ect. I would take G/F back to your Amphoe and ask to see the head honcho top man/woman, and register a complaint against him. Some will say that would be counter productive i think not. As the chances are he will never give you one anyway. Registering a complaint will at least make them look at him. There would be no way in hell if an official said that about me to my wife i would let it lie no way.

    I'm pretty sure that this was the head man, we had dealt with a woman until she disappeared and he arrived just to give the " interview ", from all the bowing and scraping that went on when he walked through the office I can only assume that he was the head honcho .

    Anyway, it's all muddy water under the rusty old bridge now !

    Went back today to get my documents, the lady apologised and said that there was more than one person involved in issuing the yellow house book and her boss would not sign.

    Went to Provincial Tesaban , guy had gone out, have an appointment tomorrow 9.00 am. ?

  6. Well, ( he says trying to get back on topic ) am going back to the Amphur to retrieve my documents and will give one final try at the Provincial Office ( as suggested by Tanoshi ).

    If this fails then I'm done, I'm not going to lay down more cash for what seems like a semi useful/useless document !!


    If later today you read " Farang arrested for punching Amphur officer ", then that would be me !! [emoji20]


    • Like 2
  7. I have heard somewhere that houses are numbered as they are build irrespective of the position in the street. Thai logic I guess. So nearly impossible to determine the number from the position of the house.

    That would certainly seem the case for the houses numbered 40 to 48 as they were built after I think. But even so for the houses 20 to 38 it seems a strange idea and equally difficult for the people delivering. For example 20 and 30 are semi detached ( attached to each other ) so one would have to assume they were built together.

    A guy from the post office was riding up and down the soi on his mc scratching his head for ages yesterday !
  8. When I got mine it was easy it only took a couple of hours and then had to go back to pick it up, and while I was doing that, they noticed that there was an error on my daughters Thai Birth Certificate so they made all the changes at the same time. I went to the Amphur in Bangkok (Thonglor).  I didn't have to get anything translated just show them my Passport.

    Thai immigration offices and Amphurs are consistent with their inconsistency !!
    • Haha 1
  9. Obviously the rules change from one area to another, but in general, is it compulsory to have a 1 year retirement visa to obtain a yellow book,
    or will a 90 day "O" non immigrant, retirement  visa be enough?

    I've had a non imm B, a 90 day TV and am now on a non imm O-A ( 1 year " retirement " ) so I can't really see that being the issue.

    I think the main problem is, as you said, the rules change from one area to another, and the lack of understanding of these rules forces them to make sh1t up as they go along !
  10. I can feel your frustration. In Pattaya I used my Thai marriage docs as they contained an MFA translation of my name (saved me getting passport translation), but nothing to do with being married as a requirement for yellow book. Maybe the guy at the ampher is confused in that regard.

    I don't think he's confused, I think he knows exactly what he's doing !!
    I did my bit, i produced the requested docs ( translated, certified etc ), dressed smartly, smiled in all the right places ( I think ), never showed frustration at not understanding the interview etc.
    I think he's one of those officials who has a high opinion of himself and his position.
    • Like 1
  11. Bloody hell, decree nisi, that's well out of order, you know sometimes it's better say nothing, even at the British Embassy if you tell them you've never been married, they don't check via the UK before they issue the Affirmation to Marry Certificate.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yes, I didn't know that he was gonna ask about whether id been married or not, if I'd have known I'd have asked the gf to say " no, never " . He would have had to think up another stumbling block then !!
  12. At least now we know how to find you AD old chum. Maybe pop by on Burns night for a wee dram or on Hogmanay for a few wee drams? 

    I think you might have misinterpreted my cryptic reference to McDonalds as Scottish food PDL !!
    I am from gods own county.... Yorkshire.

    But you are more than welcome to drop in for a drink of whatever I have in house , which at the moment is tea, ovaltine and 3/4 of a bottle of JD !! [emoji4]
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