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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. OP, it sounds like you have worked out its the toilet, but I spent a couple of days chasing a toilet smell only to find out it was the floor drain with a broken bell trap, no s or p trap under the floor, some of them only hold a very small amount of water and thai cleaning ladies love removing them. Often they get replaced with a standard drain cover without the bell. I had a cleaning lady that got a screwdriver and removed all the bells (because they get clogged) in the floor and shower.

    Thanks for the sketch Peter, I was imagining something much more complicated.
    All the showers ( plus a couple of floor drains) have the bell shaped cover and all were dry, after all it is a tiny bit of water.

    I'm not 100% convinced it is the toilet as my gf , in trying to help ([emoji36]) has scattered moth balls everywhere. So all I can smell now is mothballs !!

    Have put water in the trap and will fill the holes in the toilet with grout and see in the morning.
    Am in transition right now, not sleeping here, moving in over the next few days, guys outside fitting water and pump, so am just here waiting.
    Bringing the big bits tomorrow ( fridge, wardrobe etc) in my buddy's pickup.

  2. I really want to avoid removing the throne if possible, so looking at others options first.

    The house was finished build around a year ago and has stood vacant , with no water, since then.
    There are 3 toilets, all had water in them ( well I think it was water) but the 3 showers have never been used so likely the p-trap ( if fitted ) is dry. I poured a couple of litres down them anyway.

    I was gonna use silicone to fill the empty bolt holes only on the throne as I have some already and would not be seen right round the back but will hold off and buy some grout instead.
    Two of the thrones have the bolt holes empty but the third has no visible bolt holes anywhere, something I've not seen before.

    Only got the water meter fit a couple of days ago so only have a trickle.
    Supposedly coming to fit tank and pump today ( he says looking at his watch and rolling his eyes ).

  3. remember, the toilet has a built in "S" bend so nothing should come back thru' the bowl unless the overall system is under pressure (somehow) forcing fumes back thru' the bowl "S" bend.
     Is the system vented (don't be surprised if it isn't) assume you have an inground sewage tank - maybe remove the lid and try - should tell you if its under pressure.

    I remember back at the other house the sewage tank was under the pavement/sidewalk, a big concrete lid ( about 2 foot square) weighed a ton !!
    Don't see any thing like that here unless it's in the jungle that passes for a garden !!
    How big will this lid be, more or less, and what material is it made of.

    The toilet bowl is indeed not bolted to the floor and there's 2 bolt holes at the back, will try to fill with grout or silicone etc , access to these holes is not easy though !
  4. Basically, I'm moving into a house that is a new build and one of the toilets has a drain smell, it's not the shower drain it's definitely the toilet bowl.


    I've seen this before in a house I had built about 20 years ago ( not in Thailand ) and then it was a rubber seal between toilet bowl and the drain under the toilet. The toilet was removed, a new seal fitted and toilet reseated , this cured the problem.


    My question is:

    Is this the same setup here in Thailand ( I'm assuming it is international ) ?? Or is it different now ?


    Or has anyone any other ideas before I get a builder in to take a look .


    Many thanks in advance.

    ( please no toilet humour.......okay just a little bit ! )

  5. My Wifes Car has that Adaptic thing , along with a bunch of silly things i turn off .The safe distance it leaves is perfect for Mr Big Bonces Fortuna to carve into.50 Cal Gatling Gun would be more use here.?[emoji592]



    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Totally agree, leave an adequate stopping distance and 2 cars squeeze in !!.

  6. A good life I think, been very lucky working in 42 different countries ( some good, some bad ) met some interesting people.
    13 years good marriage ( 2 kids ), divorced ( my fault ).
    20 years bad marriage ( no kids ) divorced ( her fault but I instigated divorce ).
    2 years relationship in Thailand, going great.

    Some low points ( apart from 2 divorces !! ), lost my brother, me 19 , him 22 .
    Lost my mother aged 72 in an unsuspected illness.

    Gave up smoking 20 years ago, drinking 2 years ago.
    Healthwise, okay, need to lose a couple of k and more exercise, just lazy.

    All in all a good life, would I make changes if I had the chance...... of course I would !!

  7. Don't bother me at all use them regularly have to to get onto highway. Observe and treat as a right turn at a junction you will have no problems

    Yes, u-turns aren't such a big deal if people treat them with respect, it's the " chancers " who make them dangerous, the guys who don't want to wait or misjudge the oncoming traffic.
    Plus the idiots who go down the outside of a u-turn queue/line to push in ahead only to find they are stuck with their backend in the fast lane.

    Where I live I have to use the u-turn bridges daily, a lot safer obviously but you still get plenty of motorcycles squeezing through the wrong way.
    About a week ago a pickup came over the u-turn bridge the wrong way !!, he misjudged it completely thinking he could make it to the other side before a car came and about 3/4 of the way round he had to stop because of incoming traffic.
    I was number 4 in the line as we waited for him to reverse back round the u-turn !!
    Looked like his gf was reading him the riot act [emoji23]
  8. Most civilized (not saying that UK and other countries that drive on the wrong side are not civilized. They should just conform to the rest of the world) countries drive on the right side.. even saying it sounds RIGHT. Both in number of people and amount of countries the right choice has been made. Just some suborn  Brits and their descendants that need to do things different. The Americans quickly saw the light and came over to the RIGHT side.
    Post made in jest (for those that don't have their humor sensor switched on)

    I'm from the uk so learned to drive on the left, then I traveled extensively in Europe and the US ( lived in South America for 20 years) so learned to drive on the right.

    But now I'm in Thailand I've learned to drive on whichever side it takes my fancy !! [emoji51]
  9. My mother ( god bless her ) passed in 2000.
    My father is 88 , lives on his own, with 3 dogs for company, exercise and pleasure.
    My fathers physical health Is good and mentally okay except for forgetting a few things.
    I go back ( uk ) every 3 months and stay for a month purely to spend some quality time with the old fella.
    I have a brother and 2 kids and between them are keeping an eye on him .
    He is deteriorating and it's obvious that he won't be able to live alone for much longer.
    But, all he wants out of life right now is to live in the house he ( and my mother ) bought in 1955, sit on his sofa with the dogs at his feet and a cup of tea in his hand.
    Then, he walks the dogs 3 times a day on the moors next to his house and chats to fellow dog walkers.

    Things do happen, he collapsed a few times ( a pacemaker fitting cured that ) and he loses his wallet every other month, also his personal higiene is coming into question !

    But, I have a duty to travel back and forth to see him as my brother and my kids have a duty to visit him after work or at weekends.

    Maybe I'm not answering the OP's question but as someone has already stated we are all living in different situations and we all deal with those situations differently.

  10. I've been living in a box ( 30 sqm) for 18 months and not been bored.
    I'm in a top floor corner apartment so have a corner balcony and 1 next door neighbour, nobody pacing around upstairs either !!
    My view is of a construction site and apartment block being built down the way so not exactly a stunning view.
    But, I've spent a lot of time traveling around to decide on a place to truly lay my hat.
    10 days from now will be moving to a house with a garden and hopefully I won't have time to even think about being bored !!

    Life is what you make it !!

  11. If hes around bkk why not. Whilst i agree just for what he needs it for now (yellow book) its not worth going all the way there. But if he's there he might as well as i said yellow book is good for cert of residance. In the long run he will save money and time.

    I agree with you !
    I went to British embassy as I'm about an hours drive from there and then the MFA is about half way home so it was easy for me.
    I'm bitter about the headman at my Amphur trying to show his authority in front of me and the gf by basically telling me to go away and come back in 2 weeks and he will " see what he can do ! "
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