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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Being of Irish descent, “ to be sure, to be sure “ works for me. Admit the service has improved greatly in the last few years but I interrupted its natural flow with a OA to O visa conversion and it took 13 days to get approval last time despite my application in person 1 week earlier. Now my online and in person due dates are aligned so fingers crossed i will be back on track for online next time .
  2. 15 days before and up to due date . I generally set a reminder on my countdown app for 2 weeks before.
  3. Found it ! Hopefully there’s some info in this thread. @simon43 also returned recently ( not sure if a permanent move ), maybe he has some advice.
  4. GWM hoping to get a better hold on the Thai EV market via a battery factory here , no mention on the makeup of the battery though. https://www.zigwheels.my/car-news/gwms-new-battery-pack-assembly-plant-opening-soon-in-thailand
  5. Indeed, Owl appears to be an easy going sort of guy who puts up with a lot, a bit like myself ( i lived a marriage of convenience for 10 years before pulling the plug but no kids involved so an easier decision ) Difficult to judge the situation, only Owl knows which way to go, but i would say Mrs Owl has been living this lie for many years already and it has certainly got away from her. What would clinch it for me would be any signs of remorse. Owl is definitely between a rock and a hard place and not jeopardising his relationship with Mildred must surely be on the top of his list.
  6. Well it’s looking like girls might not be top of his “ desired sexual partner “ list but i think it’s too early to say for certain. Certainly very immature and might not have made a decision either way yet .
  7. Yes, I agree, my son in law doesn’t have it either, sort of a last resort type deal. Failed to get into school, a family member suggested we enroll him at this vocational ( not community as I said before) college. At the interview the teacher said “ let me guess this is your last resort ? “ I would like him to pursue a career in something that he likes ……….. are there jobs available for eating and sleeping enthusiasts ?
  8. Blimey, a tough week Owl !! Finding out stuff like this after many years of marriage is devastating ( been there with an ex wife myself ). Wish you all the best in your decision in which way to go with this news. On the good side, Mildred continues to impress with her artistic talent, hopefully she can take this further. My 15 year old step son has started computer graphics at a community college after failing to pass the entrance exam for a local school. His attempts at freehand drawing are woefully pitiful compared to Mildred.
  9. Rumours abound on the Dolphin price here in Thailand. The Dolphin Australia price release at AUS$100 less than the MG4 Australia release has fuelled much speculation that BYD are pricing their cars to suit the competition !! Latest here is that the standard range version will be just less than 700k , great news for those already willing to pay the advertised 800k. A proposed price hike for the Neta V would be bad timing if Dolphin drops that low. The extended range version is rumoured to be around 850/890k mark . With the same hp , torque and battery ( 60 kWh ) as the Atto 3 this will come as some surprise as it means you can get basically an Atto 3 ( okay, a smaller boot, slimmer body and losing a little on looks ?) for a good deal less. Great news for those burdened by renditions of 3 string Smoke on the Water from the rear seats or those who preferred Atto 3 to MG4 but felt the extra baht just too much. Could BYD reduce the Atto 3 price here in Thailand ??, well it could be done but at risk of peeing off the 1000’s who already shelled out 1.2 mill !! https://autolifethailand.tv/unofficial-price-byd-dolphin-ev-bev-thailand-rever/
  10. Think Americans first thought they were Kool doing this ? The Fonz rarely put his collar down and didn’t James Dean favour the peaking round the collar look ?
  11. I did a similar thing, I entered the info using the auto fill as before and it froze so I came out of the site and re entered but all my auto fill info had disappeared. Filled it all again, not knowing if I did it exactly the same ( note to self : take screenshot at every step ). It was rejected 7 days later, immediately applied again ignoring auto fill as I could have made a mistake and it lay pending for a few days so i went in person. A few days later my online application was approved 13 days after applying online and about a week after i went in person !! Maybe it will work next time for me ?
  12. Yes, I think he starred on here before venting his Anti China agenda.
  13. BYD unveils their pickup, initially as a PHEV but an EV version also in the works. Planned to go on sale in Australia and SEA, makes sense as China not a big fan of pickups unlike Australia and Thailand. https://carnewschina.com/2023/06/13/byd-pickup-truck-interior-was-exposed-by-the-international-delegation-first-video/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
  14. Yes, the red plates are 30 cm and the white plate around 34 cm but both fit in my holder in the photo above so i imagine the dealer will just swap the plates and use the same holder leaving me with the same crappy result. I have sourced some holders from Lazada already. My only fear is that using self tappers into those 4 pads might cause them to crack ( a pilot hole would be the best bet I guess ). Double sided tape is another option but i don’t feel really safe with that. I have read a few posts, on FB , from Atto 3 owners who have removed the additional plate on the front in an attempt to tidy up that area and found similar pads and some slots hence many Attos have a plate on a plate deal going on . Seems like GWM and BYD haven’t made any allowance for the stubby Thai plates. Not a problem in U.K., Europe or Australia with much longer plates. The Atto 3 problem being slightly different as the Thai plates is too tall for the allotted space .
  15. Thanks, it might be different on H6 but on my Jolion: Rear has 4 tapped holes, showroom only used top two so that was easily solved. Front has 4 pads which are presumably for mounting the license plate holder ( not an additional mounting plate as in case of Atto 3 ) but the 4 pads do not have tapped holes, only dimples. I really just want to confirm I can screw self tappers into those pads . For those wondering what i am on about, i want it to look like this: currently looks like this:
  16. This might be a little off topic but i think it’s applicable to anyone who bought a Chinese vehicle recently so maybe get an answer from the good people here. It’s about fixing the license plate to the car. Started when i noticed the rear license plate is only fixed at the top 2 points and “ slaps “ when the boot/ trunk is closed. I lifted it up and saw 2 more threaded holes ( commonly known as captive nuts or hank bushes ) lower down, so I fixed this (6mm threaded holes ). Having a look at the front I saw there are 4 small mounting pads which aren’t being utilised and the plate holder is fixed with 2 “ self tappers “ straight into the bumper ( was not happy when I saw this !! ). Still on the red plates so will point out this when called to change for the whites !! Now, looking around it appears that Chinese cars have these mounting pads which are further apart ( 42 cm ish ) than the Thai license plates ( 34 cm ish ) seen it on this Jolion but also on Atto 3 which seems a bit of a clusterf#ck in the front license plate dept. Lazada supply various lengths of plate covers ( 39cm, 44cm and 48cm etc ) specifically for the short Thai license plate so am sorted there . Will buy a couple to match the car colour, don’t care for the GWM free advertising ones . Soo, my question is: ( there’s a question to this novel ? ) The mounting pads have small dimples in each but no holes, are they for self tappers ?
  17. Ah okay thanks, seems like a bit of a marketing ploy, drop it down a little to attract the bargain hunters and yes it would be a bad move to put it up after everyone ( well you and me at least ) thought 799,999 was the fixed price.
  18. So what is the price of a BYD Dolphin here in Thailand ?? I was led to believe it was 799,999 baht but am seeing many FB posts discussing what the actual price will be, as if it hasn’t been officially released yet. Anyone who has booked one ( @Gweiloman ) put me out of my misery please ? ( my local BYD showroom yet to break ground, despite an end of April opening date ???? )
  19. “ Thailand has witnessed a consistent increase in EV sales in recent years. In 2020, the country sold 1,056 EVs, followed by 1,935 EVs in 2021. In 2022, the number of EVs sold in Thailand rose significantly to 9,729. From January to May 2023 alone, Thailand has already sold 24,106 EVs, more than doubling the figures from the previous year. “ https://carnewschina.com/2023/06/09/byd-has-kept-the-ev-sales-champion-in-thailand-for-six-months/
  20. Our water pressure, moobahn in Ayutthaya, is very poor barely making it up to the shower ( bungalow ) and only suitable for cleaning teeth etc, also is regularly turned off on weekends or holidays during the day. We have a couple of emergency showers ( big plastic dustbins, one in the 3rd bathroom and one outside for power outages or pump problems) which we keep full. Of course we have a pump ( Hitachi 150 ) and storage tank ( 700 litres ) but due to some nearby construction work found that the city water was being turned off nearly every day during the day. This meant we had to monitor water usage during the day, watering the garden, washing clothes or the car etc could mean we ran close to running out. Due to the location of the storage tank it would be unsightly to increase the size so I linked another identical tank by piping from the drain plugs. Also noticed that by raising the float valve I gained another 50 litres in each tank, now storage is 1500 litres from 700 . With no increase in water pressure forthcoming, headman for the moobahn assures us he frequently requests it, we have had to take measures to assure we have adequate storage.
  21. After a slight dip in April things are back on track for EV sales in Thailand.
  22. For the small runabout there are a couple : Neta V 549k : very budget car but price unbeatable. BYD Dolphin 800k : lots of tech , good looks and reasonable size. Not exactly small runabouts but if your budget allows: MG EP 771k : older model estate car, maybe larger than you need but excellent value. MG4 869/969k : viewed as a hot hatchback, excellent reviews. BYD Atto 3 1.1/1.2 mill : larger “ small runabout “ , excellent reviews, excellent tech, good range
  23. Okay thanks Sheryl, Richard and others who gave advice. @Sheryl can you please close this topic, i will do a follow up topic at a later date.
  24. Yes, am in Ayutthaya but within easy reach of Bangkok.
  25. So, I have had a small growth under my nose, adjacent to the left nostril, for many years. Recently it appears larger and more inflamed, the problem being shaving. I wet shave but steer clear of the growth as I have nicked it a couple of times, so i usually wet shave near then finish with an electric razor, but this also seems to add to the irritation. More recently i have started plucking the hairs around it and on it ( hairs grow through it also ) but this sometimes draws a little blood ( see photo ), not sure if that’s due to me mistaking some dry skin for a grey hair . It doesn’t hurt, except when i irritate it with the electric razor, but is unsightly and i wish it gone. Any thoughts on what it is and if it can be treated or removed ?, i would appreciate any suggestions .
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