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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I have one , a Clarté model, the fannying around filling it with water got tiresome and a fan is as good imho. Mil has a portable air con, looks just like my “ air cooler “ but has a flexible exhaust pipe and works a treat .
  2. Which Dolphin will Thailand get ?? Seems like there’s two slightly similar versions ( same same but different ? ) but why ? Seems like it’s a class thing !! https://carnewschina.com/2023/04/17/byds-inflatable-dolphin-why-euro-version-is-larger-than-the-chinese/?fbclid=IwAR12Huc6cae4UYuYYjaC31m5wsH3lUTFW3EsiA7UQONk6jFGWReqZa18Bi0
  3. Having a few days of village life myself right now, while it is not exactly Isaan ( rural Nakhon Sawan ) it is as close as I get to being the only farang in the village. Paying respects to the mil with the bil’s Buddha collection ( 30 ) getting an airing . Then today off to the local Wat to splash a little water on the Buddha statue and into the hands of the resident monks. Then all hell broke loose, at this point I had admitted defeat and accepted being the main target of the local songkranners .
  4. BYD ready to release their budget model, the Seagull, soon. Smaller than the Dolphin it’s believed to be a competitor for the Neta V . Also could be the 1st test of a Sodium-Ion Battery ( nicknamed the Salt Battery ). Looking for a great little city car, this could be worth waiting for. https://autolifethailand.tv/byd-seagull-ev-bev-coming-soon/
  5. BYD Dolphin ext range rumoured to be making an appearance soon. 60 kWh battery giving 427 km ( WLTP ) and 201 Horsepower , 290 nm torque. 11 kw AC charging and a 7.1 second 0-100 km/h. That’s better on the specs , Atto 3ish. Any guesses on the price ? I am going with 999k baht. Any advance ? https://press.bydauto.be/byd-dolphin
  6. BYD Seal getting a good discount to compete against Tesla in Australia ………………… fingers crossed and hang in there Seal lovers here in Thailand . https://thedriven.io/2023/04/12/byd-follows-tesla-price-cuts-with-big-discounts-on-seal-its-model-3-competitor/?fbclid=IwAR2yML3wVO_w0czSWbspKqemxXpMIvv_SQfOq-Xto9s5SK9QBykA-C1PD4o
  7. A little bit of self driving madness coming to U.K. roads, hopefully it doesn’t make it over here ……. I see enough madness already ! Ford launches hands-free driving on UK motorways https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65272929
  8. Not over exciting so be warned. Where I live, moobahn in Ayutthaya, the water pressure has always been p1ss poor so necessitates a pump and tank. During Sat and Sun the water usually doesn’t come ( or the pressure isn’t strong enough to make it up into the tank ) until night time so activities like watering the garden and washing the car have to be avoided, just lately the lack of water during the day is happening all week long. We have a couple of emergency showers ( dustbins ), one inside and one outside, for when the power is off or water totally dries up but what i really need is more storage. Still with me ? My tank is only 700 litres but where it’s positioned is not possible to fit larger so I bought another 700 litre tank and will locate it nearby and connect the two together with some pvc pipe. Got my regular “ Jack of all trades “ ( should rename him “ any job done badly “ ) to weld up a stand for the new tank. So my input is quite small, adjust the legs of the new stand so the tank is vertical, prime and paint the stand and do the pipework to join the tanks together. Not a big project …. but you did ask ????
  9. I spotted one of those too today, same colour, or is that the only colour ? EDIT: if I had taken the time to open the link I would have seen there are a few other colours, all the basic ones ????
  10. The weather here ( Ayutthaya ) has been unbearable this week, reaching 40 degrees . Weather forecast called for thunderstorms Friday, yesterday and today but up till now….. nothing !! Don’t remember the last time it rained . Mrs D is all worried because people have been dropping down with the heat, a couple of deaths I think, and I have a diy project on the go !!
  11. @owl sees all Try looking at the drainage pipe of your washing machine, if it is like ours and the mils ( a twin tub type ) occasionally some thread or fluff will go through and stop the spring loaded plunger from closing properly and the water drains away. The drainage pipe should be held on with a fancy clip and easily removed, stick your finger in there you might be able to reach the blockage, the mil’s was a safety pin one time !! If not, the back panel can be removed, a couple of screws and some plastic clips , you can then pull on the cord which lifts the plunger and by pulling it further than the drain setting on the knob will probably lift the plunger up more and the blockage will clear itself. If of course you don’t have a twin tub type have a look round the back, the problem will be similar I’m sure.
  12. I have bought plenty of these, when they are available, they are great imho but the serving size is nothing like that on the photo and is a little small for me.
  13. Atto 3 is the only model out on the street at present, the Dolphin will be the next to be seen. MG4 are starting to appear more now and Neta V seems to be common also.
  14. So, if the HiPhi X was too extravagant for you then try the HiPhi Z . Okay so it has a couple more speakers and and a couple more adjustments for the drivers seat ( apparently 12 wasn’t quite cutting it ! ) but the rest is a bit more normal. Except for the dancing screen , now that’s a whole new level of unnecessary tech !!
  15. I think we have already found the winner to this year’s APOTY ( aggressive poster of the year)
  16. Very nice. Surprised it passed the handbag test though !
  17. That’s a sad story Gary, hopefully you have found some peace now and are happy. Retirement means your options are open and you can do as you please. enjoy your retirement. 7 years to the day for me, where did that time go ??
  18. My sil planned to go work in S Korea late last year, but a lot of reports of Thais being refused entry so she had a rethink. Had flight and hotel booking etc for a “ holiday “ ( said she wouldn’t return ) to Taiwan on January 21st. We took her to the airport on the 20th to meet someone returning from there to get the rundown, after that she went to stay with a “ friend “ in BKK, still there . Her suitcase and worldly goods still at our house and her husband and kids still at their house. I suggested the overseas trip was just an excuse to leave the husband and kids but “ no, no , waiting for situation in Taiwan to improve !! “ Like you Owl, I sometimes think I am only being told half the story … “ up to them “.
  19. Yes, some interesting stuff on there, not sure my old ears warrant 17 speakers but the little lady would appreciate the front passenger screen !
  20. Tired of the same old options ?, 5 seats not enough ? …….. 7 seats too many ? ……. how about 6 ?. 6 direction electronic adjustment driver seat ? ……… boring !! ..… how about 12 ? 6 speakers ?, 8 speakers ? …….. try 17 !! How many screens would you like ? How many sunroofs ? Need something a little bit flashier to impress that cashier in 7 or Mini Big C ? Wait no longer. Welcome to the HiPhi X
  21. Thai price more than double the China price !!, looks like Sea Lion could be out my budget … by a long way !!
  22. BYD prices a bit steep for your liking ?, well here’s a model ( Qin ) for around US$17 k, looks very good for the price , almost Seallike ? I usually don’t like this guys videos as he likes to go the scaremongering route but on this occasion he tends to stick to the facts.
  23. Yes, strange how the Sea Lion has popped up out of nowhere and could be released this month, although there are some reports of it from around a year ago it hasn’t been hyped like the Seal and Dolphin. Looks larger than the Atto 3 and expected price in China is 1 million- 1.2 million baht, so could be 1.3-1.5 M baht here? A toned down interior from the Atto 3 and I’m all over it.
  24. What next for BYD ? With Seal on hold till next year, Han and Tang not coming but being released elsewhere , the E6 likely to appear soon and Dolphin already here, not forgetting the Atto 3 which is still forging ahead one could be forgiven in thinking that BYD would take a little break to decide which is the best way to proceed. But no !! The Seagull ( Dolphins smaller sister ) is already hitting the headlines with its rumours of a Sodium-ion battery. Unlikely to hit Thailand shores though and will probably stay a domestic model. https://topelectricsuv.com/news/byd/byd-sea-lion-byd-seagull/ But wait , there is still hope for another model to possibly head this way. The Sea Lion ( mid size SUV and possible Tesla Model Y challenger) is already setting its sights on the Australian ( RHD alert ! ) and other export countries so could be another contender for the Thai market . https://topelectricsuv.com/news/byd/byd-sea-lion-electric-suv/
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