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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Reading this story made me go bananas. Completely ape $hit. When you think about it they are the same thing.
  2. My wife has a salon. And a new one opened up just a few shops away. All new equipment top to bottom. Pulled his girlfriend out of a massage shop. She didn't know how to cut hair at all. Farang paid for it all. He goes home and she can't run it. Always asking my wife for help. After 4 months she came over wanting to sell everything. 125,000 of equipment for 30,000. Wife's shop got a nice make over. And we sold my wife's older equipment for about 20,000. Fast forward Mr farang comes back looking for his girlfriend. No where to be found. He comes and asked what happened to the shop down the street. Took one look inside my wife's shop and his jaw dropped. I thanked him and told him to take it up with his X girlfriend. 5555
  3. What does this have to do with thailand. Last I checked this was a thai forum.
  4. Hard to build a bike without a frame. Can import at a very inflated price piece by piece. But no frames are allowed.
  5. Come to Thailand and worry about world politics. Stupid is as stupid does
  6. Should have been done when it was new. Now after 11 years it is like closing the barn door after the horse got out. To late.
  7. Name the office and let us know how much you had to but in a brown envelope to get it approved. That way the next farang will know . It's done all the time.
  8. So he survived. Guessing a go fund me coming soon to cover medical costs
  9. Some of you get upset when thailand is compared to a 3rd world country. But they are losing face everyday they block any movement forward.
  10. It took the police 5 years to catch him. They were stumped up to that point.
  11. I would come over and shop around as much as possible just in case this K1 thing doesn't work out.
  12. I feel sorry for these young thai girls when I see them with a grandfather type farang. Looks very bad for both her and foolish old him. It is nothing more than a business transaction for her. To see how much, how fast she can drain his retirement funds. It can be very lucrative for her when he keeps handing out money each month. I hear many of them when talking to their friends say "he just won't die fast enough " I got a car,house and alot of gold.
  13. He attacked a woman twice his weight. Drugs or alcohol involved for sure.
  14. The coward was on the 8th floor but moved to the 3rd. The 8th floor was too scary for his child like brain. If she's smart she will dump his a$$.
  15. I hate Disney . Totally opposite from what it was 20 to 50 years ago.
  16. Never, never never give control of your assets to a thai. Cars, houses or name on a bank account. My wife once ask me to give her a monthly amount for houses expenses. My response was no F÷%Kings way. How hard is it to pay a water bill. Or the electric bill. I see how she handles money from her shop. Her profits go to family and herself first. Than when it is time to pay the rent on the shop or electric. She doesn't have the money to do so. She knows not to ask me. I tried to teach her to set aside the money for running the shop first. Than see how much is left over for spending. The shop does make money each month. 7 years later and she still can't do that. Thank God we are not legally married.
  17. The navigation on all Chinese cars is crap. Have to connect your phone and use Google maps.
  18. So now that they know they may be coming. All wealth is being transferred to hidden accounts and companies. But I'm sure the smarter ones have already done that.
  19. X thai girlfriend drank hers. Also would pour it in her eyes. She said she'd been doing it for over a year. I couldn't pack fast enough after seeing that.
  20. If I had a dollar for every time that happened to me, I'd be rich.
  21. Many men marry bar girls because they are too lazy to pursue a normal educated thai. And don't have anything to offer a middle to upper class thai. They know they will get shot down. They go after the easy lower class who just want to be lifted up out of poverty. Save a hoe syndrome
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