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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Do they sell razor blades over the counter?
  2. Who writes this BS. Out come all the idiots that believe everything they read. It's on Thai visa, so it must be true. We all know how much thai visa hates America.
  3. I told my thai wife women with fake boobs look and are stupid. I told her I don't want a stupid wife.
  4. I told my so-called thai wife that I'm never getting married legally. We had the old village wedding. 30,000 baht later ( food, drinks, and party expenses)we were married in the eyes of the village. The family never even bothered to contact the local monks.
  5. I need to find him and extract as much money out of him as possible. Please help
  6. Tramp stamps. It's a sign, look at me. I make my money on my back.
  7. Good your learning thai. You will hear in no time what they really think about you. I just smile and say thank you when they talk $hit about farangs
  8. Know a Brit and his thai wife that stole money from many thais and farang here in Hua Hin on soi 94. Both had to leave town before the local mafia and everyone they stole from stringing then up. Went back to England and got government housing and food because he had 2 very young boys and she seeked asylum because it was too dangerous to return to Thailand. There was a line down the block in front of the police station the day after they bolted out of town. He claims they reached out to the local police through a connection they have and was told there are no legal complaints against them. LOL. I hope they try to return 🙏. If the police don't get them the locals will. 555
  9. Thank god the Dems are finally opening their eyes and see what a mess the democratic party has on their hands. It's a shame Biden is the best they have.
  10. Ya it sucks to be served every 5 min by a cute girl.
  11. Have you tried kissing men first? It might be easier. Than work your way to the ladies
  12. Rent, rent, rent. And NEVER NEVER let them move in. Stay single my friend.
  13. What is Long Covid? More made up BS
  14. You have to understand these old, ugly, fat and wrinkled female tourist are in a very bad mood. Knowing her husband will be going back to their country and dumping her wrinkled butt and up grading to a much younger beautiful thai lady that doesn't set around and complain all day. Seen it hundreds of times over the last 12 years here.
  15. Had a problem with my ducks. They were all flying upside-down. Went to the Veteran,and asked what's the problem? He said I had a flock of quack ups.
  16. At the end of the day it will always be about the money. The more she really likes you the less she will try to get out of you. You can always say no to any money/gold/motorcycle requests. 8 years now with mine. And she still hasn't left. ( she has her own business) Never date or have any thai that is unemployed in your life. I told my wife if she ever stops working she is out the door. Im not a complete ahole. We have talked about her retirement in one or two years at 55 years old. Would you date an unemployed woman in your country? But I have said no a thousand times. And fu$k no 2 thousand. It's easy, just try it. The good ones will stay. The gold diggers will leave.
  17. Funny I feel 100% safe around thais. But if there are European tourists around I keep my stuff close.
  18. They both need to be spanked. Especially her.
  19. Always a towel or my boxers. For the safety of the young lady. I wouldn't want to poke her eye out by accident.
  20. We all know Apple. Get in line.
  21. So they can jack the price up 25% or more. They won't be affordable anymore.
  22. I have friends from many other countries. We have many common interests. But if they really knew how I don't give 2 F$cks about their country. Have told off a few arrogant German Nazis. Told them what a waste using the bomb on Japan. Should have been Germany first, than Japan. A lot of the world gives us the finger. We should give it right back and cut all funding,spending and military support everywhere outside our borders for the next 50 years. See how well that works out for them.
  23. Nice punch. More need to be knocked out.
  24. So you let a dude $uck you off, than you put your d/ch in his a$$. That's pretty gay. And your not questioning your sexuality??. We are.
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