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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. Because the ladies are easy. A normal thai lady wouldn't touch a older ugly fat farang. Most farang have to pay money ( house, car,motorcycle,,gold or buying some sort of business) for a relationship and they mistake that financial transaction as love.
  2. If you are legally married get a divorce. You can still stay together as a family. Many thail live together without being married. If the house and cars are in her name sell everything that she owns. Rent a house and put the car in your name. If she doesn't agree to this run and don't look back. She WILL destroy you financially. I have seen it happen over 20 times to people I know. She could have bet your assets away already and you don't know it. Your #ucked
  3. Why should working taxpayers pay the debts of lazy unemployed college graduates?
  4. No way. People with a eating disorder eating only vegetables maybe can't help destroying their health.
  5. I Googled it. It seems it is a signal to other older gay men that you are available.
  6. He has totally lost it. I saw the interview. Totally scripted. He doesnt have a thought in his head. I have never been so ashamed of a president in my life.
  7. Know a guy who's wife has a bar. He is drinking beer with his friends and playing pool. He takes the brush used to clean off the pool table cloth for the next game. A thai sees him cleaning the cloth. They have bad blood between them so the thai videos him cleaning the cloth for his next game. Goes to imagination with the video and imagination relieves him of 100 thousand baht. And a warning next time your visa is canceled and you are kicked out of Thailand. So go ahead and push the thai laws. What could possibly go wrong?...
  8. Cobras make good pets also. Why can some people be sooooooooo stupid. I read this and don't feel sorry for the person attacked.
  9. I caught my ankle with my weed wacker a few years ago. 2 inches higher and I would have done the same. R.I.P
  10. Just take a piss on the edge of your balcony and let it run down to theirs. Tit for tat.
  11. A fruit basket will be given as an apology and all will agree it was a misunderstanding.
  12. So she found a sponsor had sex with him and he stopped supporting her so it is now rape.
  13. Ooooh their moms going to be mad. Their income stream being cut off like that.
  14. I would think they would have nets surrounding the sky walk. Just for this not to happen.,
  15. She is very successful. If the baht bus driver was smart he would post her photos in the bus and promote his bus as the famous bus with a very famous star customer.
  16. I have 70,000 subscribers on YouTube and make on average $5,500 a month. He has 13.3 million. So on the low side he makes 170,000 usd a month. Funny to read all the anti YouTube remarks. We are laughing all way to the bank.
  17. The fact is NO farang can own land ever. That has been the law for hundreds of years This illegal company loop hole is finally getting closed.. I can hear all the farang say "but I have a piece of paper that says I'm the owner". I have a piece of paper next to my toilet that has more value than yours. ???? LMAO
  18. Guessing The X had a bigger naked shocker than he had. If he could satisfy her she wouldn't have gone back.
  19. What did she think was going to come out of the gun when she fired it?? Butterflies?? Maybe a big screen TV.
  20. A popular activity for young farang is picking up trash on the beach.
  21. The nearest one is 2 kilometers away. OMG it might as well be on the moon.
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