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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. It doesn't matter what packaging these 'coffin nails' are wrapped in because it won't stop this disgusting habit. Smokers couldn't give a hoot for the stench they cause . I timed a smoker lighting up a cigarette, taking drags on it and then stubbing it out. From light up to stub out was 5 mins 10 seconds. Each drag was 2 seconds and total drag time was 18 seconds , the rest of the time was taken up tapping the fag with his forefinger to dislodge the ash. I think it must be something to do with occupying his hands .

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  2. Take a walk through any village market and see the the number of bags being used and the Styrofoam food boxes handed out. Our local crowded market with its stalls in the road is about 150 meters long and is set up 3 times a week. Each shopper is carrying 4 or 5 bags as he or she buys even more items , all in plastic bags. I've yet to see a study made of the bag use at these markets.

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