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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. '' most of the accidents took place on highways and roads in villages and sub-districts.''..... well who would have thought it ? Surely there are other places to have accidents !! I notice the Police in the roadside tents busy on their i-phones as the overloaded pickups and hooligan motorcyclists roar by . Come to think of it, it was the same last year and the year before and the years before that !!

  2. I pull up to the line awaiting the green light. Idiot, selfish ,helmet-less knuckle-headed unlicensed noisy motorcyclists position themselves just in front of my bumper and have a quick look at their mobile as they also wait.  Lorry drivers, with their ecclesiastical nick-knacks hanging from the rear view mirror, 5 years of expired tax stickers neatly pasted across the windscreen, a curtain across the width of the  lower half of the windscreen, numerous stickers and umpteen mirrors blocking the edges of the screen couldn't give a damn. Traffic police are happy to these stupid motorcyclists and lorry drivers around the roads so what hope is there for an improvement in road safety ? The attached photo just one example !!


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