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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. The brain dead gofers up here in Isaan with their illegally modified exhausts race up and down the new dual carriage way that divides the village. All hours of the day and night. The exhausts noise can be heard for over 2 km. The headman is reluctant to ask the police to sort it out. Perhaps the local police chief should tell the village headmen to inform their villagers, in their morning broadcast, that those with illegal exhausts have until the end of the month to fit legal ones or their bikes will be crushed. Simple self policing. 

    The lorries with half an  acre of mirrors and dustbin sized exhausts seem to be untouchable. 

  2.  What hope is there when the police themselves don't obey the rules of the road. Police officers wearing their peak cap as they ride their motorcycles. Handing out parking tickets as school children ride by, three on a bike, no helmets, no licence and no legal exhaust. Perhaps 20 second TV clips on how to use  and how not to use roundabouts etc might me a start to improve road safety.  

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  3. This is also a problem up here in the NE. Local police chiefs do nothing to stop this anti social behavior .

    All it needs is for the local chief of police to get each village headman to tell the villagers, in his morning broadcast, that owners of motorcycles with modified exhausts will have their bikes confiscated if they do not fit lawful silencers by the end of the month..  Ooops, sorry, forgot, last year a village headman was murdered when he went to complain about the noise of a family's son's motorcycle. TIT !!

  4.  Until the police pull these idiots in then the trend for adding all sorts of colours front and back will continue. The other day , just getting dark, most drivers had their side lights on. A policeman was controlling the traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the road. I stopped and noticed the car behind me had his red front side lights on. After the people had crossed the policeman waved the traffic through and made no attempt to pull the 'red lights' driver over. So what hope is there for a change if the police don't act ?

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