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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. @georgegeorgia So you ruined a stranger's good time for no reason at all. Why? If you're miserable in your life, just keep it to yourself.
  2. Doesn't matter, the point is the US can no longer be seen as Santa Claus. Borrowing just to give it away is stupid on any level.
  3. I'm all for helping Ukraine, but considering any money sent there will be money the US has to borrow, shouldn't we be giving Ukraine money as a loan instead of a gift?
  4. The 19th is the big day, and usually the last day in Pattaya. Jomtien IDK
  5. Chill out, it was a joke.
  6. It is only on weekends, nothing during the week thank goodness. If you move away from the tourist areas you wouldn't even know it's happening, except for the traffic.
  7. What does a Jew living in the UK have to do with Israel? By that thinking all the Russians worldwide should have to answer for Putin's actions, or all Muslims after 9/11, or all Germans after WW2. Just admit it, you hate all Jews no matter where they are.
  8. Some people just need to justify their hate, how people dress has nothing to do with it.
  9. Amazing how far the human race has come, so that there are people who now say hate is acceptable.
  10. If you can't stand the heat, don't live in Thailand.
  11. Don't care about your writing style, but calling your fellow BM's Nitwits isn't very nice.
  12. No sir, I don't want to know what you would do if you were in charge, I want to know what you would do if you were one of the grunts going from house to house on the ground looking for Hamas? It's easy to sit in an ivory tower and make judgments, but on the ground in enemy territory, not so easy.
  13. They care, but if they're wrong, they're dead. What would you do, ask for ID?
  14. Which one's are the civilians?
  15. How does anyone know who is Hamas and who isn't? Hamas can be women, children and the elderly. And since it's Hamas controlled media reporting the deaths, can any intelligent person believe it?
  16. I don't like either side, but get your facts straight.
  17. No, I'm referring to an end of second trimester baby who could live outside the womb, and become a perfectly normal child. A friend of mine has 2 that were born just before the 6 month mark and are now both normal and healthy.
  18. Does the baby have any rights?
  19. Thai's love celebrities, so much so that Mike might be able to influence the new rules that are being written now.
  20. Trump causing WW3 and a US civil war is very unlikely to happen. But your entitled to your own opinion.
  21. Do you really believe such B.S.?
  22. In this era of social media, haters gonna hate. All we can do is ignore them.
  23. I'm happy to hear you know what she's thinking. Is that your superpower?
  24. It's been rumored that during the convention Biden will bow out for health reasons, and Michelle Obama will be the democratic candidate. Only time will tell.
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