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About RocketDog

  • Birthday 01/01/1871

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  1. America lost.
  2. I'm not seeing it on the phone app. I asked in forums several times with no answer. It is in the desktop app.
  3. So you agree that the three branches of government shouldn't actually provide checks and balances on each other as the Founders intended? So you agree that Trump is on course to be a dictator and you will cheer him on? Just wanted to be sure I understand you.
  4. I want to ask a muslim friend of mine if he followed the koran strictly. He said he did and so then I asked him if he is approached by a non-beiever The Koran says that he can either tax him.Kill him or enslave him. So I ask him if I should always wonder what A muslim would do with me when I meet them the first time. Should I be afraid he will cut off my head? His reply was oh we don't do that anymore. I told him That did not relieve my fear.
  5. "While he acknowledged that he was not fully informed about the political discussions surrounding his extended stay, he stated, “I believe him. I don’t know all those details.” Horse's mouth.....yes. Horse's belief.......yes. Supported by facts?...no. So horse admits he 'believes' but admits he doesn't 'know'. Bad Horsie! Bad Jonny!
  6. He does serm to create posts for the sake of stirring the pot doesn't he.
  7. China is not debt-ridden? Yes, it is. So they face the same choice usa does. An international naval blockade of the China Sea out of range of their missiles will shut China off from the world. They have cloudsv of dumb missiles but they can't guide them over the horizon and using satellites and operators fir each missile is impossible. Ships on the other hand can constantly move. China's navy is not a true Blue Water navy and most of their ships have limited range because of fuel. China cannot wage war at sea. Japan's Blue Water navy is larger than china's. Without import or export China goes down and her citizens rebel since the CCP has broken the unspoken agreement with its citizens: give us a better life and we will accept your tyranny. China spends billions in propaganda trying to convince the world it is invulnerable and it just ain't true.
  8. That's my reaction as well. If you go asking questions and looking for trouble someone will accommodate you. I'll assume the OP has his reasons and move on. I have studied the Thai tax rules, don't owe tax, so I keep records every year to prove such and I won't go looking for a TIN number. Note that those who have and posted here were told the same thing or met with bewilderment from the tax office. Let sleeping authorities alone.
  9. Does anybody know a way to auto-block news updates concerning Pattaya? Similar to the way I can block anything from certain members. Like some AN members, this is getting terribly redundant and predictable. Nothing new, just continual chaos.
  10. Well........ I guess it depends on the results. Assuming they aren't tampered with.
  11. USA banks, gov,business, all use landlines. That's mainly what I used skype for the last few years.
  12. 'Facts' are generally unknown and obviously of no value to Trump. Either that or he knowingly and repeatedly lies without remorse. OR and most likely, BOTH.
  13. "Most" is a dangerous word to throw around. Most people should avoid using it casually. (I think 'Thai' is the plural of Thai. Most people would agree)
  14. Cheap and readily available on lazada. Very little energy actually needed for battery pack spot welds. Pm me if you can't find one.
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