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About RocketDog

  • Birthday 01/01/1871

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  1. That's your go-to phrase now for anybody that criticises Trump. It's really not as clever as you think. What about us that don't get upset but simply despise the man? We are deranged too? Life is simple for you I see. Somebody has to carry his water I suppose.
  2. No it doesn't. It makes him sound a fool. Saving the USA. What does that mean? An empty slogan that incites idiocy.
  3. I saved most of my life for retirement and now I'm spending it. No sweat.
  4. Sure. Everybody knows thai people don't what batteries are or how to buy or install them. Or that they can buy another remote at any flea market. Flawless plan indeed.
  5. May be? Your powers of visual perception have been distorted. Love in the eye of the beholder I guess.
  6. And your cherished leader is the poster child for obesity. I can only hope the burgers and fries finally do their job.
  7. Get a good auto battery. Hook it up to a AC trickle charger. Hook the battery to a 800W 12VDC to 220vac inverter. When power goes off plug your laptop into the inverter and turn it on. That's all a UPS does but it adds auto switchover. At least you have control of all the pieces and can replace them separately.
  8. Did you not see my question mark? That denotes me asking you a question, not making a statement. I guess your reply answers my question. YMMV
  9. Fear of things actually a threat is the best self defense. Not recognizing threats for what they are can be a risky proposition. Mongering is a relative term my friend and a facile way of dismissing real issues from gullible minds, but is ineffective for those recognizing the truth. Believe what you wish to,as will I.
  10. Hardly a correction. Just looking at it in a more idealist light. The truth is that even a single jihadist can kill hundreds of others and 23% can kill tens of thousands. One madman with a bomb can destroy the efforts of thousands of skilled workers. Terrorism is quite simply a cheap force multiplier. Factor that.
  11. It was inevitable that the masses would eventually wise up to the very poor value-to-cost proposition that EVs represent. More thoughtful people saw it in the first two years of sales with high maintenance cost, poor range, insane surveillance built into the contract, and other factors. One of my bucket list items is to die before I am forced to buy an EV. The whole 'save the environment' thing is a cruel joke. We are way past that tipping point and still can't agree on a unified response. Humans may be the smartest animals but not enough so to stop their own self-inflicted demise.
  12. Maybe a yawn but it is still reported here and on other English media sites. You're the one pushing unrest with falsehoods.
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