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Posts posted by Jumbo1968

  1. 3 hours ago, tso310 said:

    Was a BA flight or a code share with Qatar ? They are both One World Alliance so BA do use them on their website but it will have a BA flight number. I suspect your real problem will be entering Thailand as its easier to pick Euro Lottery jackpot numbers.

    I booked direct with B.A., I know even if there were flights on the 12th of May it would be very difficult for me to return to Thailand in fact impossible even for my Thai partner and son as they might still be quarantining Thai people when they arrive.

    What I want from B.A.is the value and the flexibility of the vouchers which they haven't divulged.

    B.A. are Spanish owned, Qatar have a 25% stake but as I paid with my U.K. Credit Card I can raise a dispute. 


  2. We had flights from Newcastle-Heathrow -BKK on the 12th of May with B.A., they have cancelled the Newcastle-Heathrow flight but not the Heathrow-Bangkok flight even though their site is showing no flights on that date. Vouchers offered or flight change free. I have tried to call them but after several options they cut you off as they are busy. My partners flight is the return journey so she we would need too book a single fare as and when flights resume, I would like to know if the voucher would cover the cost of the single fare and why the Heathrow-Bangkok flight has not been cancelled.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

    The majority of answers on your previous post where telling you to stay put in UK and not travel to Thailand. No one knows how long this will go on for or if any airlines will survive it. If it was me I would be staying at home and get a visa extension for your gf and son, or better still get a British passport for your son so only one Visa extension to worry about. 

    Here take a read at this. It was posted on the 26th. Google is your friend sometimes. 



    Thanks for the info.

  4. 1 minute ago, Tongjaw said:

    On March 22nd the OP posted something similar regarding his flights to Thailand. He received quite a few helpful answers but it appears he’s not taking any notice. 


    The situation has changed since my original post, B.A. have now emailed me asking if I wanted a voucher or reschedule my flights. I am now asking does anyone know what the value of the voucher is and is the better option to reschedule my flight. My original post was what I should do.


  5. 2 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    Second that. Don't be unsecured creditor to airlines if you can avoid it. Wait until they officially cancel it, and get a refund.

    As I said in a previous post my G.F. and sons flights are for their return to Thailand, how much refund would we receive for a single trip. To rebook them at a later date normally single fares are similar prices to returns and I imagine there will be a huge demand for flights and prices will soar ?

  6. 3 minutes ago, japanese said:

    Do you have a date by when you can cancel and claim vouchers?


    From what I can see, BA have canceled flights through the end of April.  But have not canceled May flights.  So you cannot claim a refund.


    If you can delay a decision until BA does the canceling, then I would claim a refund then:



    My guess is BA are not going to be flying into Thailand until the restrictions on entry are lifted.  So if they are flying there is a good chance you can come in. 


    But yes, there does seem to be a mess up with the voucher system:


    Exactly as my G.F. and son will only have a single trip back to Thailand will the voucher cover the cost of 2 single fares.

    i have a return again how much in monetary terms would my voucher be for ?

  7. 2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    I would go with the refund. They are not going back anytime soon. 

    Ok I take a refund, it would be for 2 single flights and 1 return flight, I would then have to book 2 single fares when we can return to Thailand which can the same as a return. As far as a return is concerned I was told the full fare won’t be refunded, similar they won’t refund 50% of the full fare ?

    i think a voucher is the better option but again as I can’t contact B.A. I don’t know the value of it.

    • Like 1
  8. Myself and my partner are due to travel from the UK on the 12th of May with B.A. to Bangkok,we have just received an email to say we can cancel the flight and receive travel vouchers valid for 12 months, no indication of the value though or if we can claim a refund.

    The other option is to reschedule the flights but what it doesn’t tell you in the email there is a fee to do this, surely in this time of a pandemic outbreak fees should be waived. It says on their website don’t try to contact them until 3 days before you are due to travel understandably they are very busy but it doesn’t give you much time to consider your options. 

  9. My Thai G.F. has a visa valid till September our son has a U.K. Passport, thanks for all the positive replies, we are taking each day as it comes.
    My biggest concern is under what terms and conditions and hoops we have to jump through I will need to return to Thailand. I will be applying for a Non O Single Entry Visa based on receiving my U.K. State Pension from London but again up ‘in the air’ for the time being.

  10. My Thai G.F. and son are currently in the UK, I am a UK resident, we have been here since the 9th of March, our return date is booked for the 13th of May with B.A.

    Entry for my self non Thai they are saying I would require a Medical Certificate to state I don’t have Coronavirus which to be honest who could/would issue or write a Certificate saying that. Health Insurance, what company is going to cover me for Health Insurance for a country like Thailand where on a daily basis the numbers are dramatically increasing. I could try for Travel Insurance but I am sure there will be a clause stating that because I am knowingly returning to a country where there is Coronavirus albeit if the U.K. has not advised persons to travel to Thailand that might ok. 

    Am I looking at an extended stay in the UK, my GF is not a seasoned traveller and has only transited through Heathrow once before, she would be coming from Newcastle and would have to go a different Departure Gate via the train with our 5 year old son.

    We have a few weeks before our proposed date but just looking for some honest opinions, as far as I know B.A are still flying into Bangkok.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    You are correct, it is the OP that is confused.

    Heading on the TM28,



    I do a TM28 every time I return at Jomtien, my owner lives in Germany, I never see her, she has no idea what a TM30 is.

    I always return to the same address, been there over 3 years, I have enquired if this necessary at Jomtien, yes. I have a Mulit Entry non 0 Immigrant Visa.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, sitanonchai said:

    My guess they have at least a couple of 1000 people infected by now if it's not more. They just don't know or don't publish it afraid of more declining tourist numbers and less revenue.

    How is it possible that European, smaller countries then Thailand in the last week went from zero infected to hundreds ?


    Is it possible the amulets do work ?

    How is it possible that all the cases through out the globe are not from people who have been to Thailand currently ?

    • Like 1
  13. When I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer I was advised to eat products containing tomatoes as they contain Lycopene they said tinned tomatoes were best.

    If you don’t have After Sun after sun bathing cut a tomato in half and rub the juice in, works wonders from past experience in the days I used to sunbathe.

  14. 16 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    And yet other all knowing non corrupted governments with highly qualified specialists ( who presumably can see through BS) advising them have not seen the the need to neither put Thailand on a no entry list nor banned travel to. Maybe they actually know more about the real situation than the forum members.

    How many countries have imposed no entry to any other countries who have Coronavirus ?

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