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Posts posted by Jumbo1968

  1. 3 minutes ago, DavidCY said:

    Where does it say in the article about Kuwait evacuating their citizens from Thailand? I didn’t see anything about that in the article just the title, unless I missed it. I have not heard of any evacuations yet. Hope it doesn’t come to that! 

    Kuwait Airways will operate a flight to Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, to evacuate Kuwaiti citizens there, the information ministry said on Twitter on Friday.


    The ministry said the flight from Bangkok would leave on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Bangkok time, and urged its citizens in Thailand to contact the embassy.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    The only country to ban all flights to and evacuate their citizens from Thailand is Kuwait. If the UK, USA, Germany, Australia etc etc etc start to do that, I'll start worrying. The UAE has banned its citizens from flying to Thailand but flights are still operating as normal.

    Quite happy to subject the crew to the risk, I believe they still have flights operating to China and Hong Kong ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, stupidfarang said:

    I had to change my flight from May to June from BKK to London, checked details on my ticket from the travel agent, can change but they charge £145 plus what ever the airline may charge. I called EVA air direct and they checked flights for the date in June and said the fights on the day I want to fly are priced the same as my original ticket (booked a year ago) cost would be £95.00 so paid straight away.


    Tip of the day: check with your airline to see if you can change the ticket directly with them instead of agent.

    You were fortunate as in general if you book through an agent any changes you have to go through them. I had an Emirates flight booked through an agent called Emirates no you have to through the agent £295 !

  4. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I've yet to see anyone in public actually wearing such a thing since the onset of the CV problem.


    Yes, that mask may protect your breathing. But it won't protect your eyes. And, good luck in finding any replacement N95 filters for it these days.


    Do they actually know if the virus is airborne or can the infection be passed from person to person by touching ?

  5. 6 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

    Do you live in Jomtien?  I live in Pratumnak, and I can tell you that Chinese tour groups flock to the area.  Every night outside of my condo are rows of tour buses, all containing Chinese tourists staying at the hotel next door.  Eight tour groups would not at all be out of the question...right on my street, let alone the entire area!


    You walk into a 7-11 here and sometimes a group of 20 or more Chinese tourist from a tour group will all be in the store at once, so many, you can't even walk in the door.  They are tourists...here today, gone tomorrow.


    My condo is a high-end high rise.  We have a fair number of Russian, European, and Australian owners; hardly any Chinese owners.

    I thought China had banned Tour Groups, is this now or before the outbreak ?

  6. 3 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

    Well, the point is that it was published at the beginning of February, before hot spots broke out in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan.  So, it forecasted these place as being in the Top 5 in their list.  That's pretty impressive.  I mean, a few weeks ago who would have guessed that these places would be in the situation they are in right now?


    The important takeaway to me is that Thailand is ranked #1 yet would seem to be an outlier.  But perhaps that just due to ineffective screening and detection within the Kingdom; something that is being acknowledged by the Ministry of Public Health right now.


    Look, I know it's just a modelling study, but I think it may have been taken seriously by a number of nations and airlines who are currently putting restrictions on travel to/from Thailand.


    I don't know this for a fact, but I still have no idea why Thailand has suddenly been put in the crosshairs by nations like the UAE and many others in the last week, and why new restrictions are being announced by airlines almost on a daily basis lately.


    I've been trying to figure out for days now why UAE did that, and still can find no definitive answer. 

    I think there a quite a few countries through the world have a deep mistrust in Thailand in the past and probably can’t understand the figures being released re the Coronavirus Numbers.

    UAE are probably being cautious possibly hypocritical even as they have aircrew who stay overnight in BKK, flying in and out of Thailand and other infected areas on a daily basis.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Lemonltr said:

    If a Westerner and indeed many other country's citizens are accused of lying they will be greatly offended. In Thailand you will mostly get a smile accompanied by a denial. It's just not considered a big insult. Lying is just part of the game here. 

    5 moral precepts of Buddhism, think lying is in there !


    1. to refrain from taking life, ie killing any living creature
    2. to refrain from taking what is not freely given, ie theft
    3. to refrain from misuse of the senses or sexual misconduct, ie overindulgence in sex or committing sexual offences
    4. to refrain from wrong speech, ie lying or gossiping
    5. to refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind, ie drugs or alcohol
  8. 17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    and how many of these 30 have been in contact with their families?

    their kids going to school?

    gone shopping at night market?

    or to a Wat? 

    rode in a bus or minivan?

    works in a restaurant? 

    endlessly on and on...

    And his family, friends and where ever he has been since he developed the symptoms ?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Farma said:

    @bermondburi. If I was you I'd be double/triple  checking what you were told. I have a feeling you misheard when he said as long as they had been in Thailand for at least 2 weeks and were showing no signs of sickness they were fine to travel.


    Going by the latest IATA and mofa info I would think he meant "not been".


    As for Transit. Where's the transit hotel? It's not in the airport. They would need to clear immigration to go across from the airport to the closest hotel.

    Major Airports have hotels within them therefore there is no need to venture outwith the airport.

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