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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Instead of asking people to waste time on youtube, why don't you explain what is there and how it relates to my post?
  2. Biden was not "squirreling away" classified information, he was using classified as part of his duties when he was VP. Presumably some of the classified was not properly returned by his staff after its use. What questionable relations with the Chinese and Ukrainians? In answering that, try to avoid speculation about what might be on Hunter Biden's laptop. How do your imagined questionable relations of Biden compare with the demonstrated relations Trump had with Putin, MSB, and others?
  3. No, it's not about declassification. I assume you have never worked with a significant amount of classified. Mistakes are common, and if they are reported and corrected promptly the "punishment", if any, is usually a repeat of mandatory security training. Trump never did the sensible thing and promptly report and return official documents taken when he left the White House, he did the opposite. Even if Trump can show he did declassify the documents found at his residence, which he hasn't to date, he still has violated espionage and PRA laws. "According to Section 793, Part D (of the Espionage Act), it’s illegal to knowingly retain information that one believes could do damage to the US or aid another country and fail “to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it.” https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/8/13/23304194/the-espionage-act-trump-documents-mar-a-lago Note that the damaging information does not have to be classified to violate the Espionage Act.
  4. You want women and children, many who fled active combat zones, to be forced to return? You're quite the humanitarian. Difficult to get accurate figures, but I assume very few of those Ukrainian refugees are men between 18 - 60.
  5. Because Thailand is one of the few desirable countries that accept Russians with money. Russians with money, especially those that can be conscripted, want out of Russia.
  6. Why are you two obsessed with the power to declassify? Has President Biden ever suggested he wanted the documents declassified? Did Trump ever provide any proof he declassified the classified found in Mar-a-Lago?
  7. The Chinese are accustomed to dealing with corrupt regimes in which they would buy influence using the relatives of leaders. Perhaps Hunter was taking advantage of the Chinese assumption that everyone is corrupt and can be bought. We don't know. There is no proof of that or of President Biden being influence on China's behalf by Hunter.
  8. Above are your original post, my reply, and your deflection. None of your links above show news outlets reporting Russian collusion, the Steele dossier or the golden showers as verified facts. Your first link is to op-eds; I don't know what it is supposed to prove. The second traces the money sources for the Steele dossier without ever stating that it was presented as verified. The third is behind a paywall, but from the title I assume it is about FBI procedures for obtaining wiretaps. However botched the procedures the FBI was not wiretapping Trump's campaign, as you insinuate, but officials in the Trump campaign with shady Russian connections. Once again, where are the news stories from legitimate news outlets stating the Russian collusion, Steele dossier or pee tape stories as verified facts? "
  9. No, that was sending the VP to do a meaningless job that Trump didn't want to do. It's not that Trump objects to doing meaningless things, but he wants all the attention on him when he does them. At the Olympics the attention is on the competitions and competitors.
  10. The laptop was verified years ago? Maybe in the sense of "Yep, that's a laptop." However the significance and credibility of the information on it and links to President Biden, if any, have not been verified.
  11. How many significant jobs was Pence given? For that matter, how many high visibility jobs have been given to any VP?
  12. "Biden was VP and was not authorized to possess them period, full stop." If you think Vice President's are not given security clearances and access to classified, you should stop posting now. You are embarrassing yourself.
  13. The Presidential Records Act is one of the laws Trump violated when he took official documents without clearing it with the National Archives. No one has accused Biden of doing that.
  14. Really? You think it's suspicious that news organizations are reporting news?
  15. Did you read the source provided? "The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the legislation would cut federal spending by $71 billion, but would reduce tax revenue to the tune of almost $186 billion. The net effect would be a $114 billion increase in deficits over the next decade, the CBO found. Almost $46 billion of the spending would go toward agency enforcement efforts designed to prevent certain taxpayers — largely corporations and wealthy individuals — from paying less than they owe." https://thehill.com/policy/finance/overnights/3806111-on-the-money-mccarthy-pushes-to-cut-irs-funding/
  16. "So what, the President is well within his right to retain classified docs that he declassified." No, the ex-President is not within his rights to keep any official documents. It's a violation of the 1978 Presidential Records Act. There's also the matter of no record of these documents being declassified.
  17. Wow. Are you unaware that Russia started this war by invading Ukraine? I thought that was common knowledge. The US didn't start the war; in fact the US and allies went to great lengths and revealed a lot of classified intelligence about Russia's plans in an attempt to warn Ukraine and the rest of the world and dissuade Russia from invading. When the Ukrainian people are tired of accepting support from the US and other countries to defend their country I'm sure they will let us know. Until then they should be supported.
  18. I suggest you are engaging in wishful thinking if you are speculating on the crimes it might reveal. Good idea. Wait until a detailed examination of the laptop hard drive is completed by qualified experts and the result examined for credible evidence of criminal activity. Stop wasting time with speculation.
  19. Provide links to news stories that reported any of these things as other than unsubstantiated claims.
  20. This is not a video forum. If you have a transcript of the interview you find pertinent then post a link to the transcript and identify the important sections. Don't ask forum member to waste time on videos you waste time on. Quite a lot there, as has been explained repeatedly.
  21. Indicted for doing the right thing, had their bail revoked for continuing to do the right thing.
  22. For those capable of grasping the big picture, these three sentences give a summary: "Much of this rising U.S. opposition to continuing aid to Ukraine does, however, come from only considering its cost and ignoring the strategic benefits it provides to the U.S. It is developing because far too much of the reporting on the Ukraine war ignores the fact that the U.S. has already obtained major strategic benefits from aiding the Ukraine, and that such aid it is one of the best investments the U.S. can make in competing with Putin’s Russia and in advancing its own security." "Focusing on the price tag of aid. instead of the value of what it buys, ignores the fact that the war in Ukraine has become the equivalent of a proxy war with Russia, and a war that can be fought without any U.S. military casualties, that unites most of the world’s democracies behind a common cause, that deeply punishes Russia for its act of aggression and strengthens every aspect of deterrence." There is much else in this article worth reading, but of special note is that it spells out the obvious; Putin won't agree to a reasonable peace treaty with Ukraine if Ukraine is negotiating from a position of weakness. In order to restore stability to Europe and the world, Putin's aggression must not be rewarded. That means Ukraine must win. It is tragic that Ukraine is the only country paying in blood as well as treasure, but that is unavoidable without broadening the war. Ukraine is doing a great service to democratic nations but also to nations that might not be democratic but don't want to be bullied by Russia. Ukraine should be supported as much as necessary.
  23. Seriously? You haven't any sources to support your claim that Pelosi called Zelensky "a thief, a crooked leader of a crooked country, etc."? In that case I will assume it never happened.
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