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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Actually I think he is not only trolling, but someone who lives for it.
  2. Would Honest Donnie lie? Say it ain't so! On the other hand, I would never buy a used car (or hotel, golf course, casino...) from that man. Although I do hear that if anyone is in the market for highly classified documents of impeccable authenticity, he's your man.
  3. Once again, if one assumes he has any intelligence at all, the only explanation is that he is trolling.
  4. There were many accusations of fraud during and after the 2020 election, all were investigated and all were discredited. The right wing nutjobs are the ones who insist it was fraudulent anyway. There have been many suggestions of fraud in this poll, many originating in Musk's claims of rampant bot use on Twitter. Have any been investigated?
  5. If I make the generous assumption that you know the difference between how US elections are conducted and how Twitter polls are conducted, I can only assume you are trolling.
  6. Really? How many leftists have stormed Twitter HQ chanting "Hang Elon Musk"?
  7. I'm biased towards reality. Nobody knows if the poll results are valid because nobody knows how many votes are valid. You acknowledge that by speculating on how many invalid votes there were and how they voted. You like the poll results therefore you insist that a poll with no safeguards against fraud and manipulation is trustworthy. That is how biased against reality you are.
  8. I hope you are correct. But every time I assume there can't be that many stupid people, something happens to remind me that half of all people are below the median on intelligence. BTW: Executing him would make him a martyr to those far to the left on the intelligence distribution. Risky.
  9. You've lost the plot again. Nobody knows how many of these votes were legitimate, and it's unlikely anyone ever will know. You seem to be recognizing this without considering its implications.
  10. Unlike US elections, there are no legally required safeguards, no audits and no recounts of Twitter polls. Musk could open his poll up for analysis of its validity, but I don't think he'll do that. Do you?
  11. I would consider the poll BS regardless of how it ended.
  12. As of January this year there were almost 400 million people using Twitter, so that equates to a voter turn-out of less than 4%. I suspect more than 4% would have voted if they'd known the poll was being conducted.
  13. Not if they didn't know about the poll until after it was ended. And there remain questions regarding bots and trolls voting maliciously.
  14. You're slowly getting there. Why not say 10 million fakes? Why not say all of them? Once again, what are the safeguards at Twitter to prevent this from happening?
  15. I'm sure that's something you would love to tweet. Perhaps you already have. But it's either false or Biden's statement is taken grossly out of context.
  16. What made this poll democratic? How many people knew it was being conducted before it was closed? What were the safeguards against bots and other fraud?
  17. So you maintain that the Twitter poll/vote you have so much faith in was free and fair? No bots, no multiple accounts held by the same person, no Russian trolls who would like to see a return of Trump, etc. What are the safeguards to prevent that from happening?
  18. I can see the advantage of using Twitter to get detailed news in any country that lacks a free press, such as Thailand. However for countries that have a free press, and for world news, I'll stick with reputable news organizations.
  19. Couldn't one die-hard Trump fan open over 7 million accounts and use all of them to vote pro-Trump? Isn't that possible on Twitter? There are numerous safeguards preventing a stolen election in the US. Safeguards that Trump and his base don't want to acknowledge. What are the safeguards against a fraudulent Twitter vote?
  20. Given a choice between Twitter news that can be posted by anyone and is not fact checked, and waiting a few hours, or even a day, for news from an established news organization that has a business interest in being credible, I'll wait for the quality stuff.
  21. How did Musk remove these biases, and the bots, from his Twitter poll?
  22. You can confirm Trump has millions of fans worldwide? Without using a poll? Great. What are their names?
  23. FTX is on the tip of the tongue of everyone who cares about Crypto. Does that mean its implosion was a good thing?
  24. That's why Trump was constantly condemning the press.
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