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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I agree. However both approaches need to be conducted in parallel. Currently neither party is discussing rational immigration reform, while the Republicans are blocking moves to improve the situation on the border.
  2. Ever had a job where you dealt with classified on a daily basis? I did, in the military where there are proper safeguards to protect classified. It's clear that the White House doesn't have such safeguards, which has engendered a relaxed attitude. Biden mentioned it then forgot to follow up, as the quote suggests. Trump fought to keep classified he had no right to have.
  3. It was four years ago and the POTUS at the time, the one who did nothing to call off his mob rampaging in the Capitol for three hours, is running for office again. Everyone should remember that.
  4. Posted with genuine echo-chamber ignorance. International law, which the US is following, allows legitimate asylum seekers to cross the border. "The right to apply for asylum is enshrined in U.S. and international law. The qualifications resemble those for refugee status, but asylum seekers follow a different process. " https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/seeking-protection-how-us-asylum-process-works
  5. I see, you were trolling; "being sarcastic" as you call it. Obviously you have no intelligent reply to my post. Understandable, I merely stated well known recent history.
  6. From the repost: "When Mr. Biden told his ghostwriter about finding ''all the classified stuff downstairs," his tone was matter-of-fact. For a person who had viewed classified documents nearly every day 4 for eight years as vice president, including regularly in his home, finding classified documents at home less than a month after leaving office could have been an unremarkable and forgettable event. Notably, the classified Afghanistan documents did not come up again in Mr. Biden's dozens of hours of recorded conversations with the ghostwriter, or in his book. And the place where the Afghanistan documents were eventually found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage-in a badly damaged box surrounded by household detritus-suggests the documents might have been forgotten. " https://www.npr.org/2024/02/08/1229805332/special-counsel-report-biden-classified-documents There is no evidence that Biden knowingly kept classified documents, and no reason why he would have.
  7. You take willful ignorance to the extreme. Shall we call it enthusiastic ignorance in your case? Research what happened in the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2020.
  8. Sorry, I can't think of anything to praise about someone who goes to Qanon for information and thinks PizzaGate is real.
  9. I would be amazed if Trump bent over for anything other than a hotel deal with Putin. I'm not obsessed, I'm horrified. Trump sent a mob to the Capitol and ignored all pleas to do something while he watched them rampage through the building for hours. He only sent out a mild, lie-filled tweet asking them to go home after it was clear they wouldn't accomplish anything advantageous to him. It's not difficult to see why he shouldn't be allowed in government. I am amazed at the number of un-American American's who think letting a traitor like him in the White House is a good thing.
  10. And I maintain that the benefits of immigration greatly outweigh the downside of increased competition for low wage, low skill jobs. Those jobs are available in abundance in the US now, no one who wants such a job and meets the minimal qualifications has any trouble finding it.
  11. One person's "clean bill" is another person's worst nightmare. It is Trump's nightmare that the situation on the border improves. That's why he and his supporters opposed the bipartisan Senate bill supported by the Border Patrol union. The want the border to be in chaos.
  12. Really? What negotiations are you referring to?
  13. It might be, if you could pull it off.
  14. He is speaking about legitimate asylem seekers, not illegal immigrants.
  15. BS. Provide a link proving that nonsense claim about the debates.
  16. Do you really not know that is BS? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/feb/06/steve-scalise/no-the-senate-immigration-bill-does-not-allow-5000/
  17. It's obvious to anyone following the news on this one that Trump had classified he had no right to possess and resisted giving it back. Now he's stalling to delay the obvious conviction that will occur.
  18. You're entitled to your opinions, but not entitled to state them as facts. Nonsense claims such as "The USSR and modern day Russia have both been under western oppression." need to be backed up by sources. Also, when it appears your opinions are unrelated to reality, then people have a right to point that out. And when you vaguely reference Bobby Kennedy as a source people are free to point out that he's a whacko conspiracy theorist.
  19. I just realized I replied to the wrong post. Sorry. Corrected below.
  20. Trying to start a new conspiracy theory? Biden returned the classified as soon as possible after it was found. Trump did everything he could to keep the classified he never should have had.
  21. He was probably wrong. Parents often are too quick to give their children the benefit of the doubt.
  22. A much lower level of insurrection, but yes. So I take it you now concede the Jan 6 rioters are insurrectionists, correct?
  23. No, it shows that Trump refused to return the classified documents he never should have had.
  24. Fleeing violence (as in much of Central America) and political repression (as in Venezuela and many other countries) is a legitimate reason to seek asylum. However I agree that the border needs much more support to be capable of dealing with the influx. It needs the kind of support that was in the bi-partisan border bill that Trump had his sycophants kill. That's because Trump and his supporters love the border chaos and want it to continue.
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