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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Do you mean the farmer protests covered by BBC? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68249099 and CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/03/europe/europe-farmers-protests-explainer-intl/index.html and MSNBC: https://www.msn.com/en-ph/money/markets/angry-farmer-protests-are-spreading-across-europe-and-getting-results/ar-BB1i8moz Are those the protests not being covered by BBC, CNN and MSNBC?
  2. You're entitled to your opinions, but not entitled to state them as facts. Nonsense claims such as "The USSR and modern day Russia have both been under western oppression." need to be backed up by sources. Also, when it appears your opinions are unrelated to reality, then people have a right to point that out. And when you vaguely reference Bobby Kennedy as a source people are free to point out that he's a whacko conspiracy theorist.
  3. insurrection noun in·sur·rec·tion ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən Synonyms of insurrection : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insurrection People who's actions fit the accepted description of insurrection can be described as insurrectionists. "The riot -- which followed a months-long disinformation campaign by former President Donald Trump and his allies, who claimed without evidence that the election had been stolen through fraud -- lasted seven hours, during which approximately 10,000 people came onto Capitol grounds, with many engaging in violent clashes with officers trying to protect the building and lawmakers inside. At least 2,000 made it inside the Capitol building." https://abc13.com/jan-6-insurrection-us-capitol-riot/11428976/ Are you going to quibble about the difference between Capitol grounds and actually in the Capitol building? Care to give an example of people making stuff up? You can't use the false claim that the intelligence agencies called the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation, I've already used that one.
  4. I just caught my typo. I meant to post "annoyed" not "ignored". But I think everyone still caught the gist of my post.
  5. You'll have to ask Australia about that last one. I assume most of the illegal immigrants are working because they came to the US to work. I assume most of them will not seek any kind of government assistance because they are here illegally and don't want to draw attention to themselves. I assume that a proper overhaul of the US immigration system would result in most of these jobs being filled by legal immigrants, greatly lowering the incentive for people to come into the country illegally. What do you think?
  6. The truth is that a mob sent by Trump stormed and occupied the US Capitol, forcing the evacuation of both chambers and a delay of the certification of the election. The truth is that Trump watched the rampage for hours and ignored all pleas to do something. The truth is that he only sent out a flattering tweet to the rioters asking them to go home, and repeating the stolen election lie, after it became clear that they would not accomplish anything that benefited Trump. The truth is that great crimes, such as 9-11 and the assault on the Capitol, can be committed without guns. Do you disagree with any of these truths?
  7. No, liars are people who post things like "the intelligence community lied about the Hunter laptop" when the intelligence community accurately posted that the laptop had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. People who accuse everyone who disagrees with them of being "left" also think lying is acceptable for themselves but not for others.
  8. The report shows that illegal immigration is a mixed bag, presenting some winners and some losers in the economy. The report is mostly concerned with the decline in labor force participation among the less educated Americans. However it does not show how illegal immigration is a contributor to this.
  9. No, I think you are ignored by my constantly asking you to abide by forum rules and provide sources supporting what you post. If it also serves to remind people that you have not provided any sources that's fine by me.
  10. Your link didn't work. Is this what it was supposed to go to? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/03-16-16 Camarota Testimony.pdf
  11. Ah, so we are speculating. Thank you for clearing that up. You don't know how much it would cost to induce legal residents to work in the farm to table food chain, and neither does anyone else. I've done stoop labor in tobacco fields and I've pushed a shovel in the lime kiln of a pulpwood mill while the dust ate holes in my skin. I would rather go back the the lime kiln than field labor, it's that bad. I think conservatively you would have to pay legal residents two to three times what they would earn at the fast food and retail stores currently hiring, and I suspect that even at that pay the majority would quit in a matter of days or hours after learning how bad the work is. There is also the problem of getting workers from urban areas, where the majority live, to the rural areas where ag workers are needed. How much would this raise domestic food prices and how many farmers would simply give up on farming? I don't know, and neither do you. The country needs a major overhaul of its immigration laws and it needs to import massive amounts of legal workers. Fortunately the best and most ambitious from around the world want to come to the US to work, so attracting the best of the world to the US would be easy. Unfortunately politicians prefer immigration chaos as a campaign cry, so they won't do anything about the chaos regardless of the damage it is doing. Trump Republicans killing a bipartisan bill endorsed by the Border Patrol union makes that clear.
  12. I assume emojis are you way of stating that you can't back up anything that you post.
  13. How? Substantive help, not just mid-level state department officials expressing a personal preference in the outcome.
  14. I'll back up my claim by category after you do the same for your claim that eliminating illegal workers would only raise the price of lettuce by a quarter.
  15. By challenging people to provide sources. I suppose someone who gets his news from YouTube would think that's a waste of time.
  16. The US didn't seek to expand NATO. Neither did any other NATO nation. NATO doesn't seek to expand. Countries that are threatened by Russia seek to join NATO. An obvious fact that Putin fans refuse to acknowledge.
  17. Because Trump's actions and inactions on Jan 6 present an obvious reason why he should have no position in government outside of a prison cell. That is reason enough why he should not beat Biden.
  18. Yes, you are posting conspiracy theory "opinions" with zero evidence and stating them as facts.
  19. Prove it. Provide links to some of your "research".
  20. In other words, you have zero evidence, but you believe it anyway. How do you describe someone like that? Oh, I remember: Down the rabbit hole.
  21. No, I think you are. What sources do you cite to support your posts? Before you divert by challenging me to do the same, scroll up the page and you'll see.
  22. So Putin is a failure as a leader but a success as a kleptocrat. Do you think that's a good thing?
  23. You need evidence evidence Trump did nothing to stop the rampage in the Capitol? "Former President Donald Trump was watching TV in the White House dining room for the bulk of the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, according to a new compilation of video depositions from former officials given to the House Select Committee investigating the siege." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-watching-tv-during-jan6-white-house-dining-room-video-2022-7?op=1
  24. You come up with some real doozies when it comes to sources: "WND (formerly WorldNetDaily) is an American far-right[1] news website. It is known for promoting fake news[2] and conspiracy theories,[3] including the false claim that former President Barack Obama was born outside the United States.[4] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WorldNetDaily Your link does not direct me to the part of the CBO publication that stated illegal immigration would reduce wages. It did conclude with a note of honesty: "A CBO spokesperson directed the Daily Caller News Foundation to a statement made by CBO Director Phill Swagel. Swagel’s statement did not address the impact of increased immigration on wages. The statement did point out the impact CBO found immigration will have on the deficit. “In our projections, the deficit is also smaller than it was last year because economic output is greater, partly as a result of more people working,” Swagel wrote. “The labor force in 2033 is larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration.” I don't know why you brought up the IRS. I merely pointed out that a lot of illegal workers do have taxes withheld and paid by their employers.
  25. Trump has never won a majority in any election he was in.
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