I replied to a post from IAMFALANG that painted real estate as an always win by pointing out the financial restrictions imposed by interest rates and the fact that average house prices barely increase faster than inflation and are not a great investment. People who have done well in real estate frequently brag about it and often exaggerate their success. I posted a counter narrative because I and friends of mine fell for the nonsense in the '80's. I speak from experience when I state that house prices don't always increase faster than inflation.
Yes, there is more to owning a house than the financial aspect, but there is good and bad there as well. Houses need maintenance, often expensive maintenance. The also need to be insured, and that can be expensive as well. And they are an anchor. The satisfaction of home ownership needs to be balanced against these things.
Regarding my father, he was so certain that he could make money investing in real estate that he bought land next to his house certain that it would make him rich. He worked until he died of a heart attack at 69 and was far from rich. None of his property investments paid off, he would have done much better with a stock index fund. I don't know how much satisfaction he got from ownership.