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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. You replied with: "If you are concerned about the confidence aspect then I would suggest taking a much closer look at your present C-in-C. " When I asked what that had to do with confidence in elections your replied: "Well that wasn't my point but, as you ask, it seems that by the more recent polls and approval ratings, that many of the people who did vote for Joe last time are not that confident now that they voted for the right candidate." Confidence in the current President is not the same as confidence in elections.
  2. I replied to a post from IAMFALANG that painted real estate as an always win by pointing out the financial restrictions imposed by interest rates and the fact that average house prices barely increase faster than inflation and are not a great investment. People who have done well in real estate frequently brag about it and often exaggerate their success. I posted a counter narrative because I and friends of mine fell for the nonsense in the '80's. I speak from experience when I state that house prices don't always increase faster than inflation. Yes, there is more to owning a house than the financial aspect, but there is good and bad there as well. Houses need maintenance, often expensive maintenance. The also need to be insured, and that can be expensive as well. And they are an anchor. The satisfaction of home ownership needs to be balanced against these things. Regarding my father, he was so certain that he could make money investing in real estate that he bought land next to his house certain that it would make him rich. He worked until he died of a heart attack at 69 and was far from rich. None of his property investments paid off, he would have done much better with a stock index fund. I don't know how much satisfaction he got from ownership.
  3. Acknowledging the obvious is not conceding. Trump is still trying to overturn the 2020 election results. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/19/trump-asked-wisconsin-speaker-to-decertify-biden-2020-election-win.html
  4. You were replying to a post about confidence in the electoral system. I just assumed your reply would be pertinent to the post you were replying to. I know, I should know by now that you don't limit your replies to the subject you are replying to.
  5. Biden is now President. Trump refused to concede, didn't go to the inauguration, and left Washington in a serious pout. He didn't hand over power, it was taken from him kicking and screaming.
  6. 80% did not agree with you on vote counting integrity. Then you changed it to 80% agreed with you on system integrity. Then you changed it to 42% have some confidence, so only 58% have no confidence. When you change numbers and what they apply to so easily you lose all credibility. That's enough of you. Bye.
  7. What has Joe Biden done to affect confidence in elections? Other than win by a wide margin.
  8. Good point. You post many conflicting statements and insist everyone is correct, which is impossible. You then defend these impossibilities. It could go on all night, Perhaps this is your hobby.
  9. Trump handed over power? Are you sure? If Trump gets elected again I'm sure he will remove all the impediments that prevented him from staying in office in spite of losing the 2020 election. That will destroy democracy in America.
  10. Replying to a post that has nothing to do with polls in a topic that has nothing to do with polls is a diversion.
  11. Remeber your post that started this? "12 midnight to 6am it all changed. I watched the tv coverage. Is this normal? Not where Im from. The vote counting has more integrity https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/americans-faith-election-integrity-drops-poll/story?id=82069876 80% of americans agree with me." You've largely abandoned that, but won't admit it. Still sticking with 80% don't have confidence in the vote counting?
  12. When was your last post on the topic of Trump getting booed? Pot calling.....
  13. Really? In spite of an attack on the Capitol that forced Congress and the Vice President to evacuate and delayed the certification of the election? Sporktrader doesn't agree. He insists 80%, or some other big number, don't have confidence in the system. If Trump gets re-elected I will have no confidence in the survival of democracy in America.
  14. You started by questioning the outcome of the election and the integrity of the vote counting and stated 80% agree with you. After that was proven wrong you abandoned the 80% claim and insisted you meant that a majority didn't have confidence in the system. You have an extremely flexible definition of being right.
  15. Really? You never made a post stating that you didn't believe the official 2020 election result?
  16. Yes, and all were in reply to posts that have nothing to do with the thread topic.
  17. And the deflections continue.
  18. I'm not surprised that the assault on the Capitol along with gerrymandering, voter suppression, constant lies about a stolen election, etc. have caused a great many people to worry about how long democracy can last in the U.S. I never posted anything to the contrary. I don't believe that this in any way invalidates Joe Biden's win, which seems to be your preoccupation.
  19. A deflection that has nothing to do with the topic or my post.
  20. So you agree your 80% number was wrong.
  21. Confidence in the system is reduced by the electoral college denying victory to the winner of the popular vote, disgust in gerrymandering, absurdly long lines at some polling stations, etc. The comes a mob of Trump supporters storming the Capitol in an attempt to prevent certification of the election. Things like that further reduce confidence. However this general reduction in confidence does not in any way discredit the 2020 election results.
  22. Versus 8 years of "whinging" about Obama.
  23. How about one candidate whose supporters will riot in support of unsubstantiated stolen election claims.
  24. Thugs? Trump seemed to have a high opinion of those people, or at least his tweets on that day indicate he did. Most of the country let the Russian collusion thing go after the Mueller report, but Trump supporters hung on to it.
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