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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The Gravitational Constant (one of those very important number that most people know nothing about) was measured to within 1% accuracy 250 years ago, and that is a much more difficult measurement than temperature. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_constant
  2. Right. Why don't you provide a source showing how the World Economic Forum and/or Bill Gates plan to take over the world? No podcasts or YouTube videos please, give us something in print from a credible source.
  3. Wow! I think that is the deepest dive down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole I've ever seen.
  4. Seriously? Are you unaware that liquids and gases mix very well? That's why when your doctor needs to take a blood sample he doesn't take many samples from different parts of your body. CO2 concentrations are uniform around the world outside of plumes from fires, factories, volcanoes and other isolated sources of CO2. That has always been true.
  5. Only a trace amount of dye in water can greatly change its properties regarding light and absorption of heat. The same holds for trace amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  6. Zillow listings need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. "Handyman's special" and "Needs a little TLC" are often used to describe houses that need to be demolished and rebuilt. "Conveniently located" can mean a property in a loud and polluted industrial area. "Secluded" can mean middle of nowhere with limited access to roads and utilities. Zillow is a great tool for making a list of properties to look into, however 90% of the list won't make it past the first quick look. Also, Miami is a place where you need to seriously research what you are getting into. There are parts of the city where you don't want to live, structures built before modern hurricane construction codes that are just waiting for a big storm to blow them down, many areas that regularly flood, expensive and difficult to obtain insurance, etc.
  7. Listen to the DES kids, movies with people having sex are bad! Now go watch a movie with lots of violence, gore and blood. You know, healthy entertainment.
  8. That's true for most (all?) kinds of cancer; the best way to avoid cancer is to die young. I'd rather live recklessly and tempt cancer with my old age. Sometimes people hustling a life-style product will make claims about societies that use the product or live the life-style and have low cancer rates. Those are usually societies with a low life expectancy. But it is true that you can lower your risk of prostrate cancer by hurrying into the grave.
  9. There's also his gargantuan ego and the fact that staying in the public eye greatly expands his ability to fleece gullible supporters out of their money.
  10. Just because Italy makes some of the best supercars in the world doesn't mean that every Italian owns a supercar. The US doesn't even make the top ten in global health care systems https://www.statista.com/statistics/1090192/health-care-system-performance-rankings-of-select-countries/ In the US 28 million people are without any kind of medical insurance https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-274.html. Many other Americans have inadequate insurance. That is why medical costs are a major driver for bankruptcies in the US. However the US does have the most expensive medical care in the world by a wide margin. https://www.statista.com/statistics/268826/health-expenditure-as-gdp-percentage-in-oecd-countries/
  11. Horrible for women who need an abortion for their own safety, but it plays well to the Republican base. Which do you think is more important to the Texas politicians?
  12. Let's not forget that agricultural subsidies primarily go to grain production, which is used to feed animals and produce corn syrup sweeteners. The result is an abundance of cheap and readily available foods high in animal fat, starch and sugar, while fresh vegetables and fruits are more expensive and sold in far fewer places.
  13. Expanding oil production and refining takes years and many billions of dollars. The current high prices may prove to be oil's last hurrah before other energy sources dominate the market. For that reason the oil industry will make money while it can with what is currently available but will not invest money into significant downstream production increases. "On oil, even if the Saudis agree to pump more, it is unclear how long they can run fields at full tilt, and whether the world has enough refining capacity to turn extra crude into fuel that can be gobbled up." https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2022/07/12/what-does-the-middle-east-offer-america In other words; there are no quick fixes, we are stuck with high prices for now, and there's nothing Biden can do about it.
  14. "I like Trump, least he spoke his mind..." I can't argue with that. Trump was incoherent in mind and speech. The Florida guy is a good substitute. He accomplishes little but does it noisily and gets on Fox News a lot.
  15. Actually the Roe v. Wade ruling protected unborn human beings, defined as the fetus once it becomes viable outside the womb. The point at which a fetus becomes viable is the earliest point at which the fetus has sufficient brain development to (maybe) be capable of consciousness and human thought; that is the point the fetus becomes human. Before that it really is just a fetus.
  16. The new precision weapons are making a difference: "On July 11th a Russian ammunition depot in Nova Kakhovka in southern Ukraine (see map) exploded in spectacular fashion. Satellite images showed that the entire facility vanished overnight. It is thought to be the latest victim of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (himars), which America began sending to Ukraine in late June. " https://www.economist.com/europe/2022/07/13/ukraines-new-rockets-are-wreaking-havoc-on-russias-army
  17. Wikipedia told you the number of ten year olds who gave birth. You posted that number as the number of ten year olds who got pregnant. There is a big difference, and your post greatly misrepresented reality. Most ten year olds are not physically able to give birth, though some are able to get pregnant. I am not aware of any source that provides pregnancies by age down to the age of ten. I suspect that any number provided would be an under-count. Regardless of the number, abortion should always be a safe and accessible option for children and women who are not able to safely carry a pregnancy to term. Some pro-lifers concede that, others maintain that "every fetus is a human" and "every pregnancy is a gift from god" and insist that things be left in god's hands. The Ohio law will outlaw abortions unless "the abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant individual or a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant individual". https://search-prod.lis.state.oh.us/solarapi/v1/general_assembly_134/bills/hb598/IN/00/hb598_00_IN?format=pdf No exceptions for rape or a non-viable fetus destined to be still-born. Also, if it were determined that the ten year old could probably carry the fetus to term without substantially and permanently wrecking her body she would be required to do so. That is what happens when you let political people, mostly men, decide what women can do with their bodies.
  18. I see. You posted: "considering that in the entire WORLD, there have only been two documented cases of a 10 year old getting pregnant in the past 7 years." Apparently you assumed that every ten year old who got pregnant also gave birth. Why did you assume that?
  19. I'm fine with more than two genders. I'm not ok with people insisting that there are only two genders, male and female, but that people can choose either of the two regardless of genitalia. Men who identify as women and women who identify as men should accept the trans-woman and trans-man labels. And large athletic men who transition in their twenties should not be allowed to play on a women's rugby team.
  20. Right....Appreciation always finances housing cost. Unless you buy before a real estate crash. Or buy in an area in which the mill/base/mine or some other key industry closed. And you neglect maintenance, taxes, insurance and costs of buying and selling a house. You also must ignore the fact that your house probably isn't appreciating much faster than inflation: " Housing experienced an average inflation rate of 4.19% per year. This rate of change indicates significant inflation. In other words, housing costing $100,000 in the year 1967 would cost $953,910.69 in 2022 for an equivalent purchase. Compared to the overall inflation rate of 3.99% during this same period, inflation for housing was higher. " https://www.in2013dollars.com/Housing/price-inflation An investment return of 0.2% a year after inflation isn't that great. It get worse when you sell a house you have lived in but don't buy a replacement. Even if you have little or no real profit after inflation, you will pay a capital gains tax on the non-inflation adjusted "profit", which can be huge if you've owned the house for a few decades and its inflation adjusted value was nil. You are posting the kind of nonsense real estate agents will give to gullible buyers. Contrary to the "easy money" stories you hear from some people, buying a house isn't a guarantee of easy money.
  21. How do you feel about people who post lies as if they are facts? It only took me a few minutes to find several stories of ten year olds getting pregnant in the last three years. https://meaww.com/mother-10-year-old-pregnant-girl-allowed-man-take-turns-with-her-and-daughter-years-rapist-kansas https://www.foxnews.com/us/indiana-man-34-who-impregnated-10-year-old-girl-gets-over-100-years-in-prison https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12650949/pregnant-girl-10-gives-birth-raped-stepdad-baby-shower/ https://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/south-africa/2021-08-18-10-year-old-pupils-among-23226-who-fell-pregnant-in-gauteng/
  22. No, the point of this topic is that the Supreme Court ruling will allow states like Ohio to pass laws that restrict the freedom and endanger the health of women and children by making it difficult or impossible to get safe, legal abortions.
  23. Cooler heads reason that rewarding aggression, empire building war and nuclear blackmail will not make the world a safer place.
  24. Nuclear weapons have been an undeniable reality for almost 80 years. So is the fact that they have not been used since the end of World War II. If the Soviet Union did not use them to hold the country together, what makes you think Russia would use them if its smash and grab on Ukraine goes wrong? BTW: Do you envision Mexico invading the US, or the US invading Mexico? Either way, it is an implausible "what if..." scenario for the modern world.
  25. And you think it is a good idea to reward these people when they use nuclear blackmail?
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