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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Europe is a remote part of the world?
  2. Hmmm...Trump is too stupid to know his fund is not being used for its stated purpose. Just as he was too stupid to know that his "fight like hell" speech on the day of the Capitol riot would provoke the mob. And he was too stupid to know that as President of the United States it was his responsibility to take immediate action to call off his supporters when they attacked the Capitol. You know, it's almost believable. But not quite.
  3. Even if the story is dubious the Ohio law that makes abortion illegal after six weeks without exceptions for age, incest or rape is clear. "Abortions beyond this threshold are legal if the provider determines it's a medical emergency and necessary to prevent the pregnant person's death or "serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function." There are no exceptions for cases of rape and incest or fatal fetal anomalies. " https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2022/06/29/ohio-abortion-law-what-know-six-week-ban-ectopic-pregnancy/7748045001/
  4. The "under $50k" places for sell in Chester shown on Zillow show histories of desperation sells and interiors (when shown) that indicate a need for massive renovation before the building would be minimally fit for occupancy. I suspect they are in the areas people don't want to live in. Perhaps your brother sold too cheaply. As for "Easy living", if someone can find a reasonably safe place to live out of a tent and use McDonalds for toilet facilities, I guess it's possible. Winters would be tough. Better that than living in one of the under $50k dumps shown on Zillow.
  5. Good ol' Chester Pennsylvania, known for declining population, high poverty, very poor schools, high crime and a history of political corruption. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chester%2C_Pennsylvania The $50,000 properties in Chester tend to have a lot of issues. https://www.zillow.com/chester-pa/?searchQueryState={"pagination"%3A{}%2C"usersSearchTerm"%3A"Chester%2C PA"%2C"mapBounds"%3A{"west"%3A-75.44840292114257%2C"east"%3A-75.31347707885742%2C"south"%3A39.80697519672637%2C"north"%3A39.88289105840739}%2C"regionSelection"%3A[{"regionId"%3A836935%2C"regionType"%3A6}]%2C"isMapVisible"%3Atrue%2C"filterState"%3A{"sort"%3A{"value"%3A"globalrelevanceex"}%2C"ah"%3A{"value"%3Atrue}%2C"price"%3A{"max"%3A50000}%2C"mp"%3A{"max"%3A226}}%2C"isListVisible"%3Atrue%2C"mapZoom"%3A13}
  6. I'm trying to get my head around this one....Russia can't grow potatoes? Instead of invading other countries, Putin should work on the mess his country is in.
  7. Ideally yes. In reality, no. What's significant in the case of the Budapest Memorandum is that Russia explicitly, in writing, guaranteed to respect Ukraine's borders and sovereignty, then ignored the written agreement it signed up to. That leaves little faith in any promises Putin might make in peace talks.
  8. Russia builds its own cars too, but because of sanctions has to drop basic safety features. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/sanctions-force-russia-produce-popular-car-safety-features-even-kremli-rcna32863 I assume something similar will be happening with aircraft manufacturing and many other parts of the economy.
  9. The point is that in the Budapest Memorandum Russia guaranteed that it would: "Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.[23] " "Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine." "Refrain from using economic pressure on Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine to influence their politics." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances Russia's blatant violation of the agreement makes all agreements with Russia suspect.
  10. A reasonable reply, but I disagree on three points: Russia may have to pause even if military logic dictates against it. High casualty rates and exhaustion take a toll. I think it is too early to say if and how much territory Ukraine should give up for a peace agreement. No nation is paying nearly the price for Ukraine's independence than Ukraine. I still maintain that as long as Ukraine is willing to fight, the west should support it to the best of our abilities.
  11. Obama took office in the midst of an economic meltdown and left the economy in very good shape, and your retirement savings didn't benefit? Maybe the problem was your investment acumen.
  12. "our health as a democratic republic"? Seriously? Trump never came close to winning the popular vote, declared both elections frauds long before the vote, and never substantiated any of his many claims of voter fraud.
  13. "Words with no meaning". Sounds like a Trump rally. And Trump explaining why transcripts of his phone calls don't mean what they clearly mean. ' “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have." doesn't mean find 11,780 votes, it means fudge the vote count. That's not illegal, is it? Oh, it is? Well I didn't say that.'
  14. They've already found that Trump did nothing to call off his mob when the Capitol was under attack. Don't you think that's something? BTW, judging by China's reaction to the Quad 4, Biden's commitments to defend Taiwan, his improving relations with Japan and South Korea, etc, I don't think they love Joe.
  15. Russia wasted most of its precision munitions and best troops early in the war. That's why it is now relying on WW II tactics of leveling cities with massive bombardments using unguided artillery. Russia will continue to use this tactic since western sanctions will make it difficult to impossible for it to manufacture more precision weapons. Ukraine used most of its Soviet era munitions, and much of the Soviet era munitions of former Warsaw Pact countries, defending itself against Russia's initial assault. It is now transitioning to more advanced western weapons systems, but this will take time both to train Ukrainians on the use and maintenance of these weapons and to manufacture more of them. Western nations normally keep enough of these weapons for their needs and some surplus, but not a huge surplus. They will need time to manufacture more. Russia will pause to rest and restock, but not long. The longer Russia pauses the better prepared Ukraine will be when the fighting resumes. When fighting resumes (assuming there is much of a perceptible pause) Russia will continue with leveling the ground in front of it with massive artillery then move in soldiers who will be mowed down by surviving front-line Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine will use its more accurate western weapons to strike at Russian command, supply and communication centers behind the lines. There will be great losses of life on both sides. The war will be won, in the sense of negotiating peace from a stronger position, by whichever side endures the tremendous cost longest. Once the war is over someone will have to rebuild the cities and infrastructure destroyed by Russia, and there must be some accounting of the unknown number of Ukrainians taken to unknown locations inside Russia. The west should continue to support Ukraine as long as the Ukrainian people are will to fight. The easier it is for Putin to present the end results as a victory, the easier it will be for Putin or the next Ivan the Great wannabe to justify another empire building war.
  16. Only 600 in the US? Wow! In 2020 there were over 66,000 in Los Angeles alone. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/2022-greater-los-angeles-homeless-count/2832385/ Someone's been doing a fantastic job of eliminating homelessness. I'm not sure I want to know how.
  17. Even if the fighting stops it won't be over. Sanctions will not be lifted. Europe will know better than to become dependent of Russia for energy or anything else. Russia will continue its decline from second rate economy to third world. Russia will become as dependent on China as Belarus is on Russia.
  18. I've been to four of the countries on that list. Good people there.
  19. Biden using US intelligence to describe in great detail Russia's plans for invading Ukraine is the reason why the initial invasion was a costly and embarrassing failure for Russia.
  20. BTW, I can also explain DeSantis's hypocrisy regarding illegal immigration--lots of "Keep them out!" talk while maintaining loopholes that allow small businesses and farmers in Florida to drive busloads of immigrants through. Interested?
  21. I'm delighted. You gave me the opportunity to twice point out that the election laws that DeSantis has pushed through will not prevent the types of fraud in the last election, and that the fraud that has been identified was primarily committed by Republicans.
  22. Ok. Here's my original post, now cleaned up for you: A trivial amount of voter fraud. The major fraud was a Republican tool criminal who swung a tight election by arranging a "ghost candidate". https://floridapolitics.com/archives/527424-seminole-county-republican-chair-two-others-indicted-in-ghost-candidate-case/ None of DeSantis's election laws would do anything to prevent the kind of fraud identified. His laws target non-existent fraud. Happy?
  23. Is there a polite name for someone who illegally swings an election by arranging for a ghost-candidate to appear on the ballet?
  24. That's a very weak dodge. What evidence do you have that the current government of Ukraine is not popular with the majority of Ukrainians?
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