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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Condomless sex without the woman's knowledge or consent is not limited to prostitute-client sex. I can see this will be a long-running, fast-updating topic in which moralizers with no skin in the game keep telling women how they should live their lives. I'm taking a break from it.
  2. How you think women should behave is irrelevant. How many fathers in the UK, or anywhere else, are being forced to provide adequate support to their children and the mothers when the men don't want to?
  3. What's the difference? A biological entity incapable of thought, consciousness or independent action and a child with thought, consciousness and rapidly developing abilities in independent action.
  4. The year does not change the fact that many men avoid condoms, sometimes without the woman's knowledge or consent. Now you want to dictate what kind of birth control women should use. Some women don't like the side-effects of birth control pills, some don't have access, and some don't want to routinely take a hormonal medicine when it is easier and safer for men to wear condoms. Then there's the matter of rape... But you maintain that a pregnancy is always the fault and responsibility of the woman.
  5. I see. You want to have laws that identify fathers (easy to do with genetic testing) and force the fathers to assume financial responsibility. That would be great. Let's get these laws in place and enforced before we talk about restricting access to abortion.
  6. That is how abortions are carried out when women are denied early access to abortion services. https://www.healthline.com/health/types-of-abortion
  7. Ever hear of stealthing? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/stealthing-men-remove-condoms-sex-without-consent-during-mid-coitus-a7700906.html https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/men-removing-condoms-during-sex-in-disturbing-online-trend-stealthing https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/stealthing-victims-describe-partners-removing-condoms-during-sex-without-consent-n752681
  8. Why not establish a fund to pay for healthcare of the mother and child, child rearing expenses, and compensation for the mother for the employment and career options she has to forego in order to be a mother? That would be a genuine right-to-life position.
  9. 24 weeks is the time generally considered to be when a fetus is viable and abortion should only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.
  10. So you're sticking to your position that pregnancy, childbirth and parenting are mere inconveniences. Wow! 63+ million abortions is a testament to the need to have mandatory sex education that covers contraception in all schools, better access to contraception, and better protection of vulnerable women and girls. Even with all these things in place there will be failures of contraception, non-viable fetuses, pregnancies threatening the life of the women, rape and other tragedies leading to unwanted pregnancies. When these things happen women need the right to choose how to deal with a life-changing situation.
  11. I agree it doesn't look good for Russia.
  12. Suggesting that pregnancy, childbirth, and the responsibilities of parenting are nothing more than an inconvenience is outrageous. Also, we routinely kill for convenience. Every time we upset a life-sustaining ecosystem, large or small, we are killing living things.That includes flooding a valley for hydroelectric power and mowing the grass so it will look nice.
  13. Built in 1985, before strict hurricane construction codes, definitely in a storm surge zone, looks like it started life as a cheap hotel. I'd take a close look at the building, including recent foundation inspections, and how often the area floods before committing to it.
  14. Prior to an advanced stage of brain development the fetus is an organism with no independence or consciousness. It has the potential to become human life, which is significant and is carefully considered by women considering an abortion, but it is not a human life. Like it or not, we routinely kill non-human life.
  15. The Bay of Pigs disaster was organized by the CIA but involved Cuban exiles, not US military forces. It was nothing like Russia's seizure of Crimea, the "little green men" of the Donbas region, or the all-out invasion of Ukraine earlier this year.
  16. You are still using semantics to divert from biological facts. Your video by Linda the clinical psychologist (no last name given, no scientific papers referenced) did not impress me. "Last of all to mature is the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for most of what we think of as mental life–conscious experience, voluntary actions, thinking, remembering, and feeling. It has only begun to function around the time gestation comes to an end. Premature babies show very basic electrical activity in the primary sensory regions of the cerebral cortex–those areas that perceive touch, vision, and hearing–as well as in primary motor regions of the cerebral cortex. In the last trimester, fetuses are capable of simple forms of learning, like habituating (decreasing their startle response) to a repeated auditory stimulus, such as a loud clap just outside the mother’s abdomen." https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1375-when-does-the-fetus-s-brain-begin-to-work
  17. There are many things that can go wrong with an inadequately researched property purchase anywhere, especially Florida. One horrible example from one year ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfside_condominium_collapse The cause of the collapse is still being investigated and inspection rules for older condos being debated, but I suspect that there are a lot of older condos in storm surge areas (anywhere near the beach in Florida) that are selling at a significant discount in Florida. When in Florida avoid storm surge and flood zones, which leaves out coastal areas, or only buy something built to current hurricane standards, which will be expensive. Also, when I state storm surge areas are near the beach, I mean within a few miles or tens of miles. Florida is a flat state and storm surge zones extend well in-land. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/nationalsurge/
  18. Calling a fetus an unborn baby, or an egg an unborn chicken or an acorn an unborn oak tree, doesn't change anything I posted. Semantics does not change biological truth.
  19. The US and NATO have no intentions of putting nuclear missiles in Ukraine. The US never liked having a communist government in Cuba but has tolerated it and not invaded it.
  20. I'll believe Ukraine is being used by the west when Ukraine objects to being used. Currently they are asking for more support in their fight against Russia, not less.
  21. It is not a baby, it is a fetus; incapable of life on its own and for the first two trimesters without a functioning human brain. Calling a fetus a baby is akin to calling an egg a chicken or an acorn an oak tree.
  22. Right, and walking is safer than cars and motorbikes, especially if cars and motorbikes are banned. Of course it is safer still to never go anywhere, so everyone stay home. Let's not do the obvious thing and call for safer road conditions.
  23. From the full article: “The accident was caused by a communication company who were reckless as they let communication wires drop and hang above a roadway after maintenance." He probably wasn't wearing a helmet, which is stupid but a very common stupidity in Thailand and many other places. Wires hanging over the road can catch anyone on a bike, and will usually kill when encountered at speed. The fact that he survived indicates he wasn't driving fast.
  24. Kind of flattering. Putin clearly sees the UK as the keystone of the European support for Ukraine.
  25. If sanctions are so good for the ruble and Russian economy, why is Russia so eager to have them lifted?
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