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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Wow. You are not even attempting to hide the fact that you are a pro-Russian troll.
  2. If NATO is so useless, why is Putin so afraid of it? By the way, $.450B is written $450 million. Are you trying to confuse people who don't understand numbers?
  3. "His reason is apparently a desire to avoid an alliance between Russia and China" You or Kissinger will have to explain how letting Russia dominate its near-abroad, as China is actively doing in Asia, will prevent an alliance between Russia and China. China is supporting Russia in the conflict because it wants to establish and lend "respectability" to the practice of big countries dominating smaller countries. Of course China will turn on Russia as soon as China perceives that to be in its interests.
  4. Blaming Biden for the war in Ukraine and absolving Trump is akin to blaming Churchill for World War II and absolving Chamberlain.
  5. Was that an intentional double-negative? Suggesting Ivanka might say she believes the election was stolen? I suppose it doesn't matter. How many people car what Ivanka says or believes?
  6. I wonder if Trump supporters will ever get tired of waiting for Sidney Powell to "Release the Kraken"? https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-55090145 If there were a Kraken to be released, it would have been let out long ago.
  7. Based on your earlier post I assume the above information came from C-Span. Why not post a link? I don't expect a reply, so I'll post one for you: All the nonsense about election issues have not held up to scrutiny. As soon as you give your source for the poll watcher nonsense it will be shot down.
  8. That is arguably correct in private businesses, but not correct in government service. People with integrity in government service are expected to put service before family, at least on a professional level. Hiring on any criteria other than qualifications leads to a corrupt patronage system that will hold a country back.
  9. Difficult to answer such an ambiguous reply. Do the numbers you edited into my post refer to the sentence that precedes the number or the following sentence? Why don't you clearly answer specific questions?
  10. True, but prisons are not know for all-you-can-eat buffets. Prisons also serve vegetables. What will Trump do with those?
  11. What part do you consider opinion? The part about elected officials and civil servants are supposed to serve the public good? The part that states they should hire the best qualified, not a family member who needs a job and who might meet minimum qualifications if given time and training? Or the part about family members working in the same government offices are more likely to look the other way, cover up, or participate in incompetence and corruption?
  12. Poor countries that had contracts with Ukraine for grain will have to purchase grain on the spot market now at greatly increased prices. There is a lag time of several months between farmers seeing the need to plant additional crops and the first harvest. This reduction in grain supplies comes on top of other reductions caused by drought and extreme weather events. https://www.world-grain.com/articles/16983-world-weather-issues-include-dryness-in-europe
  13. 1. Elected officials and civil servants are supposed to serve the public good. In order to do that they should hire the best qualified, not a family member who needs a job and who might meet minimum qualifications if given time and training. 2. Family members working in the same government offices are more likely to look the other way, cover up, or participate in incompetence and corruption.
  14. Let's see.... I don't think he'd want to go to one of the s**thole countries in Africa. Ukraine is an option but probably not a good one. China is the same along with their puppets Cambodia and Laos. He probably wouldn't like the reception he'd get in a Muslim country who's people he banned from entering the US. What's left? Russia, Belarus, Vietnam and the Stans. Assuming they would have him. Oh wait, I think all the Stans are Muslim. I don't think Trump has that many options for fleeing.
  15. Great. What have you found on C-span that leads you to think the election was stolen?
  16. Even though this was a non-violent protest, I don't agree with holding it outside the home of one of the Justices. I don't agree with targeting judges in general with protests; that sort of thing can be done outside courts. However there is no equivalence at all between this protest and what happened on January 6.
  17. Golly! You don't think Russia would hold the world's poor and hungry as hostages in an attempt to get sanctions lifted, do you?
  18. The shortage of people with the required skills for construction has gone on for years; long enough for employers to adjust wages and trade schools to train workers attracted to the job and increased wages. The system clearly isn't working. People in productively employed in construction don't overtax our resources, they increase our resources. They also make much more than the minimum wage. Whoever led you to believe the immigrants were all women and children was feeding you BS. You should seek better sources of information: https://immigration.procon.org/demographics-of-immigrants-in-the-united-states-illegally/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/257783/estimated-number-of-illegal-immigrants-in-the-us-by-age-and-sex/ On the topic of not believing BS: Florida Governor and future Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis is making a lot of noise about fighting illegal immigration in Florida. The first source shows that Florida is one of the leading states for employing illegal immigrants. Florida has a constant shortage of construction workers, as well as a need for lots of farm workers, hotel and restaurant workers, etc. In spite of the noise Gov. DeSantis is making, he has made no effort close legal loopholes that make it easy for farmers and small business people to hire illegal immigrants and I've read of no large scale raids on businesses employing illegal immigrants. Republicans are playing both sides on this issue.
  19. I'm sure if a sufficient number of international warships were allowed to keep the Odessa harbor a no-conflict zone and escort cargo ships to the Mediterranean that Ukraine would clear the mines, but not until after the ships arrive. I doubt Putin would go along with this arrangement.
  20. And more people with construction skills will increase the supply. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/08/economy/construction-worker-shortage/index.html
  21. And the majority that died after vaccines became available have been Trump supporting anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. These are the people that the science denying, press mocking Trump spent years conditioning to deny reality.
  22. You don't think the mob attempting to force its way into the House Chambers, forcing trained security people to open fire and kill Ashli Babbitt, shows some potential to undermine our system of government? If the security people had not done a good job of evacuating people the mob might have taken dozens if not hundreds of hostages. Would you consider that "dangerously close to catastrophe"? What do you think those peaceful protesters who violently forced their way into the Capitol were up to?
  23. Have you seen videos of people outside the Capitol using mob violence to overcome barricades, uniformed US security people, and the doors and windows of the Capitol to get inside?
  24. "Donald Trump was considering pulling out of Nato and cutting the US’s alliance with South Korea if he won the 2020 election, according to an account of his private meetings with top aides." https://news.yahoo.com/trump-planning-withdraw-us-nato-183526580.html "In the last three years, the Trump administration has fractured the United States’ relationship with its European partners. The most recent manifestation of this was the sudden decision to remove 9,500 U.S. troops from Germany by September, a move that sent shockwaves through NATO. But this is just one of many instances in which the United States has shown disregard for the wishes and concerns of European partners." https://www.dw.com/en/donald-trump-on-nato-top-quotes/g-44588734 ISIS was in full retreat under Obama and had lost half of it's captured territory by the time Trump took office. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-territory-has-isis-lost-2016-10?op=1 North Korea's nuclear program was never cleared up. North Korea conducted both nuclear and missile tests early in Trump's administration, as is typical of North Korea. What was not typical was Trump rewarding Kim Jong Un with international respectability. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_North_Korean_nuclear_test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_North_Korean_missile_tests What did Trump do to change the opioid and fentanyl situation in the US? Trump wasted a lot of money on pieces of a useless wall on the Mexican border, but did nothing to resolve the complicated issue of desperate people in Central America and employers eager to hire them, legally or not, in the US. Trump didn't do enough to prevent the spread of Covid in the US, but did throw lots of money at the development of vaccines. However now that he understands that his base doesn't like vaccines he keeps quiet about it. The Abraham accords will accelerate the marginalization of the Palestinian people in the Middle East. What history will say about that remains to be seen. Trumps most lasting legacy will be his undermining of the institutions of democracy in the US, which is what this topic is about.
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