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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Unnecessary. The people remaining in these depopulated areas will know how they are expected to vote. If they don't vote as expected, the results will be declared to be flawed and will be ignored.
  2. For those puzzled by "Don't say gay", a remarkably uninformative label, the bill restricts discussions of sexuality between teachers and students. How much discussions are restricted is vague. If a student has questions about his/her sexuality he/she doesn't feel comfortable discussing with parents, the student also can't discuss the situation with a teacher unless the teacher determines it is "age appropriate". Rather than incur legal jeopardy by trying to determine if the discussion is age appropriate, teachers will refuse to discuss all sexuality issues. So these confused and isolated young people will learn about sex in school restrooms and by experimenting with "friends" they meet on the streets. Just as God intended.
  3. The situation is simple: In Florida, government is a pay-for-play arrangement. Gov DeSantis received at least $100,000 from Disney contributions. https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-pac-disney-contributions-1699788 Disney not only criticized the bill restricting discussions of sexual orientation between students and teachers, Disney also "paused" political contributions in Florida. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/disney-pause-florida-political-donations-over-law-limiting-lgbtq-discussion-2022-03-11/ DeSantis and his Republican lapdog government are punishing Disney for "interfering" in state government.
  4. It has been surrounded on the maps for weeks. However the steel complex the defenders are defending covers 11 sq kilometers. A leak-proof siege requires ensuring every street, alley, footpath, sewer and anything else leading in or out be guarded with enough men and firepower to prevent anyone from leaving or entering. Doing that will tie up Russian forces needed elsewhere. If the siege does not use sufficient troops, the defenders can be re-supplied and/or stage a break-out.
  5. To "block it up"effectively would require a lot of troops needed for atrocities elsewhere. An ineffective blockade of the area would allow the defenders to get provisions and continue to challenge Russian control of Mariupol.
  6. Agreed, but there is nothing wrong with people who know about his lying and scamming to share this knowledge with comments on a public forum.
  7. If true (I hope so) then it is probably because Russia is using them as cannon fodder. I'm sure mercenaries from Syria, Chechnya, and other places also will be treated as disposable. Someone would have to be desperate, or desperately uninformed, to take that kind of job.
  8. By bringing other countries to fight in Ukraine on Russia's behalf, Putin is destroying his argument that other countries shouldn't fight in Ukraine on Ukraine's behalf.
  9. I don't know much about submarines, but I suspect there aren't many nations that want to risk sending a sub through the narrow waters that separate the Aegean and Black Seas. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=straits+of+"bosophorus"&norw=1&t=ffab&ia=web&iaxm=about I think providing Ukraine with effective land based anti-ship missiles would be a safer bet.
  10. Where have I called you personally a "surrendering wimp"? Where have you posted that you want western nations to provide Ukraine with weapons? Not sell weapons, Ukraine is in no position to buy, but provide weapons of a quality and quantity to make a difference. Why have you argued with so many posters who want the west to support Ukraine? Note that most or all want the support to come in the form of weapons and sanctions, not going to war with Russia.
  11. No one has forgotten that Russia is a nuclear power. No one has denied it. No one is unaware of it. This thread is full of discussions of how to best to deal with an aggressive nuclear power that has illegally invaded a neighbor. Stop misrepresenting other posters.
  12. Can you identify a "good guy" with a credible chance of winning either of these wars? If not, support would have been worse than pointless.
  13. Then why did you post the obviously false claim: "I think that you will find that Right winger generally prefer the democratic process and do not support fascism "? Nothing about Ukraine and Russia there.
  14. Ironic, isn't it. During the Cold War it was the Right that used the logic of the "domino theory" to argue that the Russian Empire, then known as the USSR, must be prevented from dominating other countries. In fact, until Donald Trump the Republican Party of the US was on record advocating strong positions against Russian aggression. Now the Republican Party has become a RINO. BTW, identify the Left wingers who want a war or confrontation with Russia. Explain how their positions are different from Boris Johnson's, who you consider a conservative.
  15. Country's joining NATO, a defensive alliance, is not a threat to Russia. Country's joining NATO is a threat to Putin's plans to expand the Russian empire.
  16. The UK is one of many countries providing weapons to Ukraine. Haven't you been accusing those who want to supply weapons as being war mongers?
  17. Gee, why would Finland worry about a Russian invasion? History and current events, perhaps?
  18. Russia's invasion wasn't completely unexpected because the US and UK described his plans in detail before he implemented them. Putin has never explained why countries with an aggressive, bullying neighbor should not be allowed to join a defensive alliance to protect themselves from the bad neighbor. Now Putin has committed the ultimate act of a bad neighbor, making NATO membership more attractive than ever. Russia's clams that ethnic Russians in Ukraine need to be protected is in there with his claim that Ukraine's Jewish President is a Nazi.
  19. It has long been accepted that training is different than fighting.
  20. I am not aware of any country that is proposing to send its military into Ukraine to fight Russia.
  21. The support NATO countries are providing now is intervening. If NATO gets directly involved in combat in Ukraine or Russian territory, it would be an escalation that may lead to war. However currently no country is advocating that.
  22. We're not starting a war. We're supporting a democracy that was invaded by an autocracy. We should continue to support Ukraine, and call Putin's vague bluffs. If we reward nuclear threats we can expect more of them. In 1938 Prime Minister Chamberlain tried to maintain peace by appeasing Hitler and giving him the go-ahead to annex part of Czechoslovakia. That didn't end well. If we don't remember the 20th century failures of appeasement and make the same mistakes with this century's Hitlers, it won't end well this time either.
  23. I'm a retired USAF officer. I made inquiries after 9/11 to see if I could return, but received no answer. The same will probably happen if there is a war with Russia. But if called on to serve, I will.
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