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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. To everyone considering a condo, remember: North facing is the coolest part of the building. East facing catches the morning sun. South facing is in the sun all day. West facing gets direct sun during the hottest time of day. I consider the northeast corner the best location. You also need to consider what noise sources each side of the building faces.
  2. Tell that to the countries requiring Covid passports to enter public venues.
  3. For some businesses, especially businesses identified as superspreaders (the cruise ship industry), requiring customers and employees to be vaccinated could be good for business.
  4. Did you mean to ask "What took news organizations so long to call out the CDC"? Or perhaps "Why didn't any of the vaccine skeptic news organizations call out the CDC on this issue sooner"?
  5. Hillside 3 is older and doesn't have a swimming pool or restaurant, though there are many restaurants in walking distance. Studio apartments in 3 are smaller than in 4 and not as nice, but were considerably cheaper the last time I checked (many years ago). About ten years ago I was able to get a nice 72 square meter condo on the northeast corner of Hillside 3 for about the price of a 45 square meter studio in Hillside 4. You should look into what rooms are available and check out the local area for both condos.
  6. The US did not lock down to the degree Thailand did and mask mandates were never imposed nationally and rarely enforced when imposed locally.
  7. "Prayut added that he has no intention of protecting lawbreakers..." Isn't someone who stages a coup against a legitimate government and trashes the constitution the ultimate lawbreaker?
  8. True. ThaiVisa was flooded with posts from people who approved of the coup. "The General is a good man" and "Give Prayut a chance" were posted often. That's when I learned that many people's support for democracy is not deep.
  9. My reply put the decline in B and T cells in context; it is a natural part of how the body prepares for long-term immunity. It did not refute or contradict anything. Your response, in which my reply is reduced to one out of context sentence, is a diversion.
  10. "Rangsiman raised the issue directly with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, but the prime minister dismissed the issue and moved on to other matters, prompting the Move Forward MP to call the prime minister a “savage”." The PM doesn't want to discuss the matter. What a surprise. These events came to light shortly after the 2014 coup while Prayut was self-appointed PM and ruled by decree using section 44 of the interim constitution that was imposed on the nation. At the time the military claimed the army had nothing to do with the human smuggling and blamed it all on local politicians and the police. The RTP proved that the army, particularly LtGen Manas, was a major player in the trafficking. Prayut and Thailand's military want all this to be forgotten. Paween Pongsirin will never be safe in Thailand so long as the army is in charge.
  11. Regarding your concern about dclining B-cells and T-cells: "After vaccination, some B cells become short-lived antibody-producing cells, while others join "germinal centers" in lymph nodes - essentially, a training camp where they mature and perfect their skills....analyses of blood, lymph node tissue and bone marrow from volunteers who received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine showed germinal center reactions induced by the shots lasted at least six months, with antibodies becoming increasingly better at recognizing and attacking the spike protein of the original version of SARS-CoV-2, Ellebedy's team reported on Tuesday in Nature. https://news.yahoo.com/antibodies-induced-mrna-shots-improve-161321128.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Simply put, the body does an initial surge of defenses when it senses a novel infection. After the infection is eliminated the surge in antibodies, B-cells and T-cells is reduced, but the body retains the ability to surge again when a new infection is detected. Vaccinations aren't perfect. But they provide immediate and long term protection against illness and death with no observed long term consequences. Infection causes immediate adverse effects, death for many, and many long term consequences that are still being discovered. The choice between the two is easy.
  12. Until a perfect solution is found I will go with the current vaccines that greatly improve the situation.
  13. Read the first note of the page you posted. Page 8 of the report begins with: "Data (based primarily on the Alpha and Delta variants) suggest that in most clinical risk groups, immune response to vaccination is maintained and high levels of VE are seen with both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines."
  14. That was how deadly the flu was. For the last 100 years it has been significantly less deadly. The time frame applicable to this discussion is now, and now Covid is at least 10 times more deadly for the unvaccinated than the flu.
  15. "Taopiphop has expressed concern that the Cabinet may end up scrapping the bill, especially if the review period includes behind-the-scenes negotiations with big business." Big business will get involved in the review and will ensure that the current oligopoly will continue to dominate the alcohol market by producing low-quality overpriced swill.
  16. Wrong. "The publication reports approximately 600 deaths attributed to influenza during the 2020-2021 flu season in the United States, which typically peaks between December and February. Compared to previous years, where the numbers in the 2019-2020 season saw roughly 22,000 deaths, and the 2018-2019 season had more at 34,000 deaths, 600 is a 97 percent drop."https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/flu-deaths-dropped-97-percent-161139181.html 345,000 died of Covid in the US in 2020. More died in 2021. So Covid is at least 10 times deadlier than the flu.
  17. as I stated earlier, in a post supported by a CDC study: "When the Omicron variant emerged during December 2021, case IRRs decreased to 4.9 for fully vaccinated persons with booster doses and 2.8 for those without booster doses.." https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm An unvaccinated person is almost five times as likely to be infected with Covid during the Omicron wave than a person that is vaccinated and boosted, and almost three times as likely to be infected as someone who is vaccinated but not boosted.
  18. Geez, it's not that difficult. Yes, vaccinated people with breakthrough infections can infect others. But vaccinated people are far less likely to get infected, and so are less likely to spread the infection.
  19. "The science shows that the vaccines, while they may decrease deaths a very small amount..." That is so, SO untrue: "During October–November, age-standardized IRRs for deaths among unvaccinated persons were 53.2 compared with those in fully vaccinated persons with a booster dose and 12.7 compared with persons without a booster dose; these results represented crude VE against death of 98% and 92%, respectively. Protection improved among persons who received a booster dose compared with not receiving a booster, regardless of primary series vaccine product type. Booster doses provided the largest gains in protection among persons aged ≥65 years followed by persons aged 50–64 years when compared with those aged 18–49 years. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm "People who had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster were 93.4% less likely to die of the infection compared to the unvaccinated, according to a new U.K. study published on Friday. " https://fortune.com/2022/02/04/fully-vaccinated-93-percent-less-likely-covid-death-compared-unvaccinated/ I consider a reduction in death rates of over 90% to be more than "a very small amount". The CDC study also shows that Covid vaccinations are not as effective against Omicron, but still: "When the Omicron variant emerged during December 2021, case IRRs decreased to 4.9 for fully vaccinated persons with booster doses and 2.8 for those without booster doses.." An unvaccinated person is almost five times as likely to be infected with Covid during the Omicron wave than a person that is vaccinated and boosted, and almost three times as likely to be infected as someone who is vaccinated but not boosted. People who are not infected do not spread the disease, and vaccinated people are significantly less likely to get infected. Therefore, vaccinations most definitely help reduce the spread of Covid. The next time you accuse someone of posting false information, try providing some credible sources showing the information to be false. That's what I did for your false information.
  20. Google is not a country. Or are you suggesting I do the research to support your absurd claim? Ok, I did the research; there are no countries that are 100% vaccinated. Vaccinated people are less likely to get Covid. Those that don't get the virus can't propagate the virus.
  21. The risk of getting infected and passing the infection on to others is much lower among the vaccinated.
  22. It provides some perspective to your claim that the risk of death from Covid is minimal. Yes, a vaccine that would prevent panic and hysterical responses to false information about vaccinations would be great. If there was a vaccine to prevent gullible people from getting their information from social media I would recommend it.
  23. If this athlete participates in a team sport then he can catch Covid and infect his team mates and their families.
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