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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I agree. I consider it extremely unlikely that President Biden was involved in his son's grifting, but if he was then impeach him and press charges. The Democrats can find another candidate. I'm not sure the Republicans can.
  2. Why become a cop if you can't show off the Bling that comes with the job?
  3. "How can a President not have the power to see classified docs?" Trump is no longer President. Considering his reckless disregard for classified, and many other things, that is a very good thing.
  4. You mean the phony issue Trump tried to blackmail Zelenski into giving a veneer or credibility?
  5. You admit you don't follow the news yet you keep posting and confirming you don't follow the news. Wouldn't your time be better spent actually following the news?
  6. Churchill had the support of the British people. Prayuth and all he represents clearly does not have the support of the Thai people.
  7. "Comer says...", "Comer reveals...", "Comer hints...", "Comer wishes he had something...". When Comer comes up with evidence, let us know.
  8. From the second link in the OP: "An FD-1023 form is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting from confidential human sources. The form is used to document information as told to an FBI agent, but recording that information does not validate or weigh it against other information known by the FBI." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-allegedly-paid-5-million-by-burisma-executive The rest of the source states that an unnamed source said he believed Joe Biden had been paid, but offered no proof. Doesn't sound like anything a responsible prosecutor would take to trial.
  9. Don't need to see or hear the "evidence", do you? Just the suggestion that there may be something out there is enough for you and many others.
  10. Right, the KMT: "KMT Chairman Eric Chu celebrated their victory, but said they would also protect Taiwan's freedoms. "We will insist on defending the Republic of China and protecting democracy and freedom," he told reporters, using Taiwan's official name. "We will also work hard to keep regional peace." " https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-votes-local-elections-amid-tensions-with-china-2022-11-26/ When a Taiwan party that proposes reunification with China under CCP rule is elected, let me know.
  11. Anyone who pays the membership fee can get into Mar-a-Lago.
  12. So your argument is that Trump is easily provoked into doing stupid things. Shouldn't a person like that be denied any position of responsibility?
  13. It was Chris Wallace who asked: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down..." The stupid answer Trump provided--"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by!"-- is on him. https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/sep/30/context-donald-trumps-stand-back-and-stand-debate-/
  14. Very true, and very common for nightlife websites. There is a CM centered website covering all manner of social activities which never deletes out of date info. It's providing new entries, but the amount of dated and useless entries dominate. It lists Monkey Club as one of its top nightlife destinations. You have to ask someone who's lived in Chiang Mai a long time about that one.
  15. True. The tradition of slavery existed for most of human history. That doesn't make it right.
  16. "who are you to think that you know what they want?" The way the people of Taiwan vote gives a pretty good idea.
  17. Wow, you really are behind. I was talking about the 21st century. "When Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016, he pledged to shift his country’s foreign policy away from the United States—a long-standing treaty ally—in favor of China and Russia. On his first trip to Beijing that year, Duterte tried to butter up his hosts by proclaiming that it was “time to say goodbye to Washington.” .... Now, just as easily as he flipped one way, he’s flopping the other: His China-friendly policy is effectively over, and he’s doing his best to align the Philippines with the United States again." https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/02/duterte-china-philippines-united-states-defense-military-geopolitics/
  18. The entire world rushes to supply arms to Taiwan? Please give us a list of all these countries. Or maybe just the top ten.
  19. When the Philippine government learned what "friendship" with China was like it decided it liked the US better.
  20. There is nothing to prevent them from doing that, provided they stay in international waters. Unlike China and the South China Sea, the US doesn't claim to own the Gulf of Mexico.
  21. "Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., criticized liberal media outlets on Sunday for allegedly covering up the Biden family's shady business deals, particularly those involving President Biden and his son Hunter. " If that was covered up, then how is it that everyone know about it?
  22. Great work Trump, a nuclear armed Iran: "Whatever the criticisms of the nuclear bargain of 2015 known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which Barack Obama’s administration had concocted in partnership with the four other permanent members of the UN Security Council and the European Union (the P5+1), it did ensure that it would take Iran about a year to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear device. Now it could probably achieve it almost immediately." https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/05/30/iran-puts-its-nuclear-programme-beyond-the-reach-of-american-bombs
  23. "How can a President not have the power to see classified docs? How can a senator have more legal ability than a President to have classified documents at home? Why was Trump's classified document scandal dealt with by dozens of hysterical threads yet when it was known biden did the same an urgent message appeared stating it's absolutely normal for govt people to have classified docs at home no big deal? Is a vindictive 3rd world justice system used to attack political opponents really in the left's best interest after the euphoria wears off? " How can you not know the answers to these questions after they have been answered over and over again?
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