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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. Assumed Brexit?


    'Appropriate "Assume" slang , you make & ass out of you & me.

    Please refrain from combining EDL, BNP and the others names less ilks in the same sentence as Brexit, it'll just invite idiots, mongs and imbeciles from the likes of UAF, BLM and others.

    However a balanced unbiased debate is warmly welcomed.

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  2. well of course Brexit was led by Johnson, Farage,Gove (who he ed?) - stalwarts of truth and wisdom. I can forgive the Brexiteer foot soldiers for like the cannon fodder of the First World War they were lions led by donkeys - but will slaughtered along with everyone else when the final reckoning is in.

    It always amuses me that Brexiteer's are stereotyped as thick cannon fodder who were led astray by the political leavers, in fact since the surprising result the media has continued on this Blame Brexit Road.

    Ignorance, denial and lack of ambition to cut the EU apron strings to focus on the 85% of global trade potentially available without the meddling EU wanting to place restrictions.

    The above named Politicians were simply the frontline, yet the more intelligent astute Pro Brexit supporters such as MP Jacob Reece Mogg, owner of JCB to name just two that are hardly classed as 'cannon fodder'.......time to move on, in a positive forward thinking manner but with wary caution as it's clear after today's lively EU debate which Farage compared to Brussel's to the Mafia was pure class..

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  3. I've still yet to research a credible SNP answer to their fiscal acceptance of the UK upon possibly successful independence.


    Apologise if previously posted & I've missed it, however SG's Union debt + EU membership fees= electorate pays eventually.


    So when is the SNP going to be totally transparent with its voter base?



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  4. The outgoing guard of Cameron & Osbourne didn't formulate a Brexit plan as they were arrogant enough to think it would be business as usual come 24th June.


    Thankfully, they've now gone and the new guard had no choice but to start from scratch, in a interview with Mr Gove he clearly states they rarely speak these days as before they were close friends.


    Sour grapes from Cameron, not that him & Osbourne will worry too much post Brexit vote.



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    Security and defence certainly had them in quite a tizz. Their retorts that their security is not up for negotiation was comical. Like they get any say in the matter if they decide to fall out with us! No doubt they would go running to their pet court to get it to 'order' us to cooperate, which would also be comical.

    Judging by the current climate the EU, (Antonio & Guy's press conference for example) was the clearest tangible sign to date they're deeply miffed, well quite frankly tough....no sympathy.

    The security co-operation inclusion is TM's polite gentle reminder along with ECJ exclusion has put some noses out of joint, as for the €50/60 ban divorce settlement, the cynic in me thinks they employ monopoly accounts but now the EU are emphasising it's the format not the total sum that should be focused on.

    The EU self elite club is seen for what it really is, an unfit for purpose dictating golf club committee that despises being challenged and bullying politics is their mindset.

    Divorce diplomacy: It's better to try and fail than not try at all.

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  6. UK has some leverage but not much.  Significant factors are defence, the City of London, and trade surplus for EU.
    It is laughable to think UK will get what it wants. This is a damage limitation exercise. In fact, no deal really could be the best deal.

    I agree it's a damage limitation process, however, without stating the obvious the EU's priority and has always been since the result is ensuring the UK simply doesn't benefit from leaving compared to being member, due to the possible domino affect, that worries the EU more than anything else, before the constant warnings towards the UK is the EU acting like a spoilt brat and now their tone has moderated, the EU primary role is look after its remaining members interests, I'll await how & what TM obtains in due course.

    Lastly, saying the City of London, Defence and the trade issue is 'some leverage' is beyond laughable, almost mockery. I suppose being the 2nd highest economic contributor is also 'some leverage'?

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    Unfortunately the manner in which we go is almost completely at the behest of the EU. 


    I doubt that they want to create trouble for the UK, as that would only lead to creating a very able competitor on their doorstep. 


    There can be no official deal: that much will be obvious to anyone with the possible exception of arch Brexiteers!  Yet, EU will be mindful that it is highly dependent on financial trade through the City of London.


    Indeed, this something that needs to be addressed quickly for everyone's sake.  It will serve as a bell-weather for the overall relationship. I suspect equivalence will play its part: this is where UK effectively cedes power to EU for specific trading purposes.  UK gets to keep its so called sovereignty, and nothing much changes.  EU is not seen to be caving in.  No official deal is struck. 











    Unfortunately, I will disagree at behest of the EU, if you look at the economic figures & the fact that post Brexit we can can trade globally & set tariffs ourselves not set by the EU speak for themselves.


    The CoL is a global financial hub & it's not just the UK that's dependant on its functions & my argument is supported by the overseas investment elements of the FTSE 100 for example.


    Lastly, the UK is seeking a fair but competitive deal, the pound is investment attractive, thus global companies are increasing their capital investment which shows business confidence and if the EU wish to attempt to punish we can quite simply make our corporate tax much lower, not a threat but a gentle reminder & promise & warning signal to Mr Barnier, Mr Junker, Tusk and Merkel.




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    I think the more reasonable question would be why would the EU not accept Scotland. Other than the old, and now debunked, story about Spain, there has been nothing in the way of negative talk from the EU on the prospects of Scotland joining.
    Other than that, as has been stated by Brussels, they cannot begin formal negotiations with Scotland while it remains part of the UK, so the tangible evidence you request can only be demonstrated through confirmation of how Scotland would meet the entry criteria as an independent country.

    Agreed, It is a reasonable question however I'll just observe/monitor that debate contribution from afar.

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  9. Few days after Brexit and war between UK and EU is already mentioned.

    I guess it's time for Germany and other EU members to start producing nukes.
    Why to be sissy about the problems. Let's go all in... 

    Some of the EU (its member states) are simply attempting to manipulate & exploit the Brexit negotiations for their own agenda, hardly surprising.

    The EU had 9 months to prepare a draft response to the UK invoking A50 & their losing the UK and it's well documented the EU isn't harmonious as they wish everyone to believe.

    The Nordic Community
    The Eastern Bloc
    The Southern sympathisers

    Not forgetting Greece and Italy already fiscally struggling, the EU are in the envious position to ask the remaining members to increase their contributions to make up for its outgoing 2nd highest net contributor the UK leaving.

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    It seems that you are open to double standards in your assessment of politics. From start to finish, Brexit had nothing tangible from either side to back up their cases; we went through with it and now we are having it enacted - and still those leading us towards its conclusion have no idea of the end game - yet that is somehow good? The SNP has made crystal clear their perceived end game for Scotland, yet that is somehow bad?


    That you don't have confidence in the SNP is irrelevant. The white paper exists - Brexit was based on nothing concrete and remains nothing but squabble and bitterness.




    Double standards? That's your opinion so be it and it's respected.


    Once you provide concrete tangible evidence the EU will accept Scotland once it leaves the UK upon Brexit completion not just positive words then your argument may have some credibility.







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  11. I think words do fail you. I was asking the OP to be more specific about his statement that the SNP had 'made a mess of running Scotland'. Your response, like his, offers nothing in the way of backing up that suggestion.
    As for Spain, well I have been trying to educate people for a long time but it is like talking to a brick wall. Maybe today's Guardian will help you understand that, there also, you are very wrong?
    Spain drops plan to impose veto if Scotland tries to join EU
    "Spain has said it would not veto an attempt by an independent Scotland to join the EU, in the clearest sign yet that Brexit has softened Madrid’s longstanding opposition.
    Alfonso Dastis, the Spanish foreign minister, made it clear that the government would not block an independent Scotland’s EU hopes, although he stressed that Madrid would not welcome the disintegration of the UK. "

    Yes, I was awaiting with amusement for the Guardian article to surface, so Spain changes its mind/softens its approach towards Scotland's EU plan, the cynic in me will pause & make an conclusive summary as Gibraltar is still being used.

    UK disintegration not welcome, balanced viewpoint.

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  12. Can you be more specific?

    Continuous positive feedback?

    So no concrete assurances, just warm words.

    The SNP analysis, and their basis of putting forward their EU plan is on positive feedback. Scotland requires all EU member states to agree to Sturgeon's proposal, Spain has already stated it will veto the SG application.

    Words fail me.

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  13. I'm suggesting I've more confidence in the current UK Government seeking an 'overall' fair pragmatic deal for the whole UK than I have of the SNP own domestic agenda.

    I'd certainly hope the previous 2014 white paper would be reprised, thus giving the electorate the raw mean facts, until then the UK Government are quite right & reasonable to delay Sturgeon her referendum call.

    Brexit 'is' not should occurring, A50 has been invoked so the official channels of negotiations are ongoing, thus the EU response has been well documented and publicised.

    The focus should be UK Brexit & other governmental issues, and achieving the best outcome overall for all parts of the Union for generations to come.

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  14. Yes, only the SNP in Holyrood engages in political point scoring. Every other party in the country refers to Debrett's for each and every interaction with the opposition.

    I certainly do not miss the point of individuals wishing independence, nobody can summarise Brexit as nothing as it's still too early with no facts to support their argument, however a factual credible & strategic plan for the Scottish electorate to analysis and form a conclusion doesn't fill many with confidence the SNP know what they're doing.

    Avoiding thread derailment, see how Spain is using Gib as a bargaining tool which will fall on deaf ears despite over 300 years of trying. The voice of 'many' of Scotland isn't the same as the SNP's propaganda argument that the majority are seeking independence which is factually incorrect, yet another flawed argument the SNP need reminding on.

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  15. I'd be interested in Sturgeon's option if Scotland, like Wales & NI get a shared but fair deal post Brexit....

    Any government, irrespective of country of origin is duty bound to ensure all facts are obtained, analysed prior to any kind of referendum, all options should be available to the electorate not just the SNP's personal agenda.

    I watched Sturgeon belittle Scottish Labour in Holyrood only a few days ago, Sturgeons arrogance may we'll be her down fall if Brexit secures better than she could think of possibly delivering.

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  16. The London Evening Standard is probably the worst 'remain' paper around, it's still blaming everyday problems and issues on Brexit and with newly appointed George Osbourne editor don't expect improvement.


    Neutral refreshing journalism is non-existent when regarding Brexit at the moment, what part of unknown territory do journalists and editor's fail to grasp its pathetic.



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  17. It's a good job that those brave Brexiteers have a plan that will see the UK (?) climb the heights of global commerce. What exactly is that apart from crass platitudes ? Meanwhile business will continue to vote with their feet.

    Subsidiaries (as per article) are hardly businesses voting with their feet, their simply European contingency planning focusing on European client base.

    Very much like the oldest insurance trader 'Lloyds of London' choosing Brussels as a subsidiary location, the CEO herself stated, there's nothing to worry about as Brexit only applies to 5% of their business, interview easily located via BBC.

    Sources like: Guardian, Bloomberg etc must be treated with caution, much like anything else anti-Brexit.

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  18. So it starts, and the EU response is hardly predictable.

    The 'Security Co-Operation' inclusion appears to have ruffled a few feathers with the EU top table, and Antonio and Guy's press conference clearly showed their discontent on the issue.

    No10's gentle reminder and a tactical, wise and strategic move.

    FAO: EU, this your wake up call...

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  19. I am a European first and a Brit second. I value my European identity, so there is nothing selfish about my post. I left the UK 50 years ago. I don't have a pension and for your information. I was mainly referring to the many Brits here who are suffering from a devalued pound. We live in Thailand. Thailand is our home and not the UK. so why would why should we care about what happens there. All this talk about Patriotism is a bit out  dated. We live in a global world.. My objection was to the rather childish posts about bar fines and the crude and childish insults  against those 48% who chose to remain. I was not one of them . I welcome the UK departure from the EU. I think it will be much better without them. My only regret  is that I was stupid enough to hold some of my  investments in the UK. I never expected that Brits would be stupid enough to leave the EU.  As for the 10% decrease in my savings you mentioned. I can assure you that I have more than enough to live the lavish  lifestyle I am used to.

    Not aiming at lowering the debate tone, however an element of hypocrisy in your post?

    Crude and childish insults yet accuse Brits of being stupid enough to leave.

    Agreed, we live in a global world, and the UK is focusing on a global ambition rather than being tied to EU restrictions.

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  20. What a ridiculous headline - of course the campaign will end, in about 2 years when we make the correct decision.
    And again the Yoon refrain is that the SNP is not running the country properly, but you offer nothing objective to back that up - simply  more very thin, watery mud being hurled.

    So only focusing on the headline, the SNP fairy tale denial & ignorance is obviously clouding many that know the SE promises are worse than mud.

    Quicksand, SNP......simply no planning.

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  21. Potentially good news for the vast majority of Scots who want to remain in the EU:
    Scotland could remain in EU after Brexit says report, as May prepares to trigger Article 50
    "The European Parliament committee-commissioned report pointed out that Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man had separate arrangements with the EU. The territories, which are British dependencies, are not in the EU, but have access to the Customs Union.
    However, the research commissioned by the committee suggested this meant there was scope for Scotland and Northern Ireland to remain in the EU ahead of an independence referendum in the two countries."

    May I ask where you acquire this 'vast majority of Scots'?

    Or is taken from the various polls?

    Any final deal has to be fully approved by both parties, and as the deal will affect the the whole UK I'll await until I see facts and after just seeing:

    BBC Question Time: Britain after Brexit.

    Suzanne Evans kindly reminded Mr Salmon the SNP do not speak for the whole of Scotland, something wee Alec consistently ignores whilst he's doing his 'speakers corner' part.

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  22. They do that everytime after an attack abroad...but when i am on a BKK airport i even don't see any armed security among the crowd or outside.

    BKK airport Police will determine (intelligence led) how their resources are best used.

    Apart from that I suspect it'll be mainly QRF. I travel regularly & don't see armed security or Police outside many airports unless it's the US.

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