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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. I believe that most if not all of the terrorist incidents in the UK come from Native UK citizens or those from the Commonwealth. Maybe the EU will be safer if the UK leaves.

    That's a rather bizarre analysis, EU safer without the UK?

    Over the past 18/24 months it's the EU heartland's that have become the prime focus of Terrorism, just one example was British intelligence assisting French authorities.

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  2. If anything is typical of the arrogance of the Brexiters, this post exemplifies it.  The EU isn't proposing that future relations with the UK will be different than they would be for any other country that isn't a member of the EU. The UK chose to withdraw. No one forced it to.

    The UK voted to leave due to a combination of the former PM Cameron (remainer) failing to obtain an amicable workable deal and an 'incompetent unfit for purpose' EU refusing to self reform.

    Arrogance is equally the face of the EU, the consistency of threats, warnings and political bickering is something rather distasteful let alone unprofessional to the external viewing point.

    The EU is a political bully, who detests being challenged, its rather disappointing but for example the EU takes 7 years to seal an overseas deal (Canada) despite internal EU pressures requiring it to be finally approved, call that progress or dragging its feet.

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  3. EU is going to keep its course, because it's EU's duty to do the best possible deal for Europeans.
    Just like UK politicians duty is to make best possible deal for the people of UK. 
    Which side do you think is better off in these negotiations?

    Which side? Simple maths...

    The UK has only itself to prioritise so 1.

    The EU has to please & satisfy all remaining members so 27.

    Unless you've a crystal ball or can predict the future nobody knows who'll be better off, but threaten & deter certainly appears the chosen route for the EU top table....

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  4. Merkel can spout all she wants.

    Recent research about the EU's Brexit conditions are just another example of Brussel's European Parliament attitude towards these pre-negotiations.

    Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, if the EU keeps up this nonsense political hardball attitude the rest of the world will see what a dictatorship the EU really is.

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  5. I don't care about UK nor the currency it uses.

    The whole UK is less important than Turkey. Get used to that.

    The EU wants the UK to remain a member, Turkey however is not welcome but used as a Politcal pawn by the EU for reasons widely been documented by the world media.

    I'm more than happy to be less important than Turkey, I certainly don't class myself anymore important than the Euro adopted countries however I also care less for the obnoxious arrogance of the EU, so relieved the UK is leaving.

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  6. Oh, I say! That's a bit strong! You mean like Thatcher [emoji846]
    Seriously, with Corbyn still in place, we desperately need strong leadership from somewhere. Do you rate Vince Cable?

    I like Vince Cable, but in fairness the LD's could do worse than the London MP Mr Hughes as leader, who I believe is trying to win his seat back. At the moment the LD's are seen as madder than the loony Party under Farron.

    A bit strong is wishing Blair dead" (sorry MoDs).

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  7. I did too but it wasn't worth zip:sad:. Blair doesn't care about the Labour Party, he just wants to try to add yet another roadblock out of the EU. A UK exit out of the EU would further add to his political embarrassment.

    Any effort that sends Blair back to the hole he belong's to is a positive for the UK.
    Blair is past political vermin & a national embarrassment.

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    The problem is the trickle down effect does not seem to be working and one of the major contributors to public sentiment in the UK at present seems to be being driven by that increase in inequality. The key beneficiaries of this would be corporations and their shareholders rather than 'the man in the street'.


    If the UK can attract substantially more business to the UK using low corporation tax rates despite our dislocation and difficulties of trading with the EU, more so by their restrictions placed on us by being a low cost tax haven next door, then all well and good but the odds are very much against it and it is more likely that it would be a ploy to try and retain business we already have.


    If that were a case then the cut in corp tax would come be paid for straight out of govt revenue - tax currently generates about 45 billion a year or 8 % of govt revenue - so the cut has the potential to cost us more than twice our EU nett contribution and wouldn't look very good on the side of a bus.


    The UK since the Brexit result has already attracted major investment, along with increased investment by companies already settled for a while, these businesses don't significantly invest without feasible studies carried out otherwise shareholders wouldn't approve it in the first place.


    The trickle down affect doesn't happen overnight, I'm no capitalist however I'm a staunch realist in what the 'man in the street' expects and is prepared to accept. Inequality will remain until more responsibility is taken instead of many expecting something for nothing.


    As the UK debt is still scarily far too high and I strongly suspect the Government will focus on reducing this, thus revise carefully how the revenues are better controlled, I suspect until that £1.7tn has been reduced significantly then the lower tax 'may' (if implemented) only be filtered in at a staggered pace, I'm no bean counter however Government borrowing governance (austerity) must stay on course.


    Personally, as the debt is so high it's a plausible proposal that shouldn't be ignored when we're close to surplus.



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  9. No, I said I agreed that Blair was wrong on Iraq.
    That does not make home wrong on everything
    Fancy a list of strategic military cockups? How long have you got?

    Cameron's military cock up was interfering with Libya without a coherent post conflict action plan, many would suggest another poodle to US.

    Thankfully, despite the tragic ME events Syria is not (for now on U.K. radar).

    It's early days for TM.

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  10. Ha! Liked by the three Brexiteers!
    Actually, you missed the main risk.  Hard right Cons don't want a deal; they want to crash out.
    Slash corporation tax to 13%. Drive down Sterling and Reep the FTSE gains
    Meanwhile, the average UK family gets crushed with reduced services poor infrastructure a more fractured society and even greater inequality.
    Pass the Bollinger!

    If the EU plays hard ball then why shouldn't corporation tax be more competitive?*

    Reduced services will continue until improved efficiency, and less monies going to EU coffees for one, other factors shouldn't be eliminated either.

    I understand there's an element of hard line Cons but doubt TM will allow them to flex their agenda, sterling will re-adjust just like it did shortly after the result.

    *the corporate tax attraction shouldn't be seen as a negative issue & seen more as wealth creators, thus filtering down.

    FTSE 100 or 250? As 250 is more UK internally focused & gives more tangible evidence than the other which I'm sure you knew that...

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  11. I don't think you understand the risk yet....  

    Incidentally, if you look at all the data, we're not so far away from the others.





    I specialise in risk, I also fully understand that 'preparation and planning prevents pi$$ poor performance'.


    Without revisiting this like an old stuck record....The 'possible' greater risk was to remain in a ignorant defiant and EU that blatantly refuses to reform, we've had 40yrs of a unbalanced marriage that on many situations Westminster was over-ruled by Brussel's. Cameron found out the hard way that Brussel's are not interested in reform when it had the opportunity to prove it as Brussel's knew Cameron was also an EU supporter, however May calling an GE was unwise but a reluctant move.


    Result: Leave, the UK is quite capable & wishes to be a European neighbour but not have the EU political affiliation.





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  12. Us = Europeans.
    Maybe it was bad marriage for UK, maybe not. I don't really care. This process has shown to the rest of us, how utterly dirty and inefficient UK politics really is.
    I'm personally increasingly happy that UK is leaving EU. Let's get this over with so that both sides can start doing new things instead of talking BS.

    Whilst I agree that UK politics has flaws, the EU political inefficiency element also has to be highlighted & since Brexit result the European Parliament are equally if not more dirty, Guy & Antonio's press conference is just one example of many.

    The only difference between the UK & other nations (that appear unofficially unhappy) is the UK had the spine & minerals to do something about it.

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  13. The only person who thinks Blair is a good politician is Blair. He cared so much for the county he gave Brown the premiership, so he could go make millions on the talk circuit. Any political situation he has been involved with since has been a total failure. 


    Maybe he should be given a 2nd opportunity at his Middle East Peace Envoy post.


    Damascus is missing you Mr Blair.


    On another note, I see JC wants to Abolish food banks, ban Zero hour contracts and set a minimum £10 hr.


    Food banks for people unable to manage their finances properly.

    Companies will relocate where they can operate zero hour, everyone loses.

    How many companies can afford to pay £10 without job cuts?




    Who advises the Labour Party these days?



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  14. You loose; first estimations, Macron 23.7 %   , Le Pen  21.9 %  
    Second round ( my estimation )   Macron 70 % , Le Pen 30 %  . Do you think French are so stupid to vote Le Pen ?  For twenty years French don't want far right, only foreigners think far right will win in France 
    as a French guy , I am even disappointed that Le Pen will be in the second round, but at last, she will be defeated   :smile:

    Not all foreigners believe Le Pen would will get any further, coming 2nd out of 11 candidates shows plenty 'did' vote for alternative option & Le Pen herself has attempted to drag the party away from the 'extreme right image'.

    Personally, it's Macron's to lose & the EU will breath a sigh of relief.....for now.

    Congratulations to both Macron & Le Pen.

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  15. Which party would he join, seeing most of the country hates him, where do you think he would fit in. Is there a party called Ulie or maybe Ufib?

    He wouldn't join a party he'd start one.

    Given half the chance, front woman Gina Millar as you have to media savvy at least to stand up to scrutiny and be very aware & knowledgeable, SME are vital criteria in today's climate of ruthless politics.

    I've (briefly) researched how much Blair wants to return yet knows his best place is behind the scene's in consultation role.

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  16. I'm not keen on Blair either, but he's spot on about Brexit and the disaster awaiting the UK if it's not either reversed or watered down.

    I'd like to see evidence of the Brexit disaster waiting to happen to the UK prior to making a conclusion.

    Also, I've just seen the R4 interview where Blair actually accepts the EU result, and states he's so passionate about Brexit he's tempted to return to politics, saying that May's Brexit is 'unreasonable'.

    Simple Hypocrisy, so passionate that he didn't offer the electorate the vote [emoji849]

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  17. Insane UKIP
    They make the Con Party look centrist! Who would vote for UKIP? Nobody on TV I'll bet [emoji6]

    I've seen this on another forum & insane is rather appropriate and subtle, all very good in making radical suggestions when you know full well you've no chance of implementing them.

    The level of idiocy beggars belief, UKIP and Farage are quite correct in mainly focusing on both marginal weaker seats but more importantly ensuring we get a decent Brexit deal for all.

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