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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. People in Europe doesn't tolerate that kind of behavior from tourists so why should they tolerate it from Trump. The man seems to understand very little about other cultures.

    Trump managed to understand cultures well enough for a businessman turned world leader, as his recent visit to KSA & Israel proved.

    As for Merkel, her own interests is the survival of the EU at whatever cost, Trump is simply showing he's no pushover and the EU self elite frown upon anyone who challenges or disagrees with them.

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  2. Priorities must be based around an adequate risk profile of any potential terrorist who has come to the attention of the security services. In this case the police have done a fantastic job after the event in my opinion but I have serious doubts about what the security services have done to monitor him previously given the reports coming out that plenty of warnings were giveen by his mosque, others in his community and even the FBI apparently.

    The security services have opened up an internal investigation of the Manchester attack, I'll await any further ridicule until complete facts are known however it could be possible that further legislation or an uplight in resources will definitely be implemented.

    It'll also be interesting to see if the 5 eye's agreement will be reviewed or definitely improved, along with other overseas agency involvement.

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  3. When will some members finally take notice of the numerous posts that talk to fact i.e. NATO members agreed to allocate 2% of their GDP by 2024 to fund NATO.
    With reference to the no action etc by NATO, say that to the dead & injured from NATO European member countries from prior and ongoing overseas deployments. 

    Speaking as a previously injured & recovered member of armed services on overseas deployment my view on NATO remains, the relevant countries failing to adhere to their economic obligations are and quite rightly should be named and shamed.

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  4. All countries agreed to spend 2% of gpd, most don't. I can't be bothered to cross reference every county's gdp. But for sure it will add up to millions.

    Here's a breakdown of each country's contribution, based on 2016 figures provided by NATO:

    United States, 3.61%.

    Greece, 2.38%.

    Britain, 2.21%.

    Estonia, 2.16%.

    Poland, 2%.

    France, 1.78%.

    Turkey, 1.56%.

    Norway, 1.54%.

    Lithuania, 1.49%.

    Romania, 1.48%.

    Latvia, 1.45%.

    Portugal, 1.38%.

    Bulgaria, 1.35%.

    Croatia, 1.23%.

    Albania, 1.21%.

    Germany, 1.19%.

    Denmark, 1.17%.

    Netherlands, 1.17%.

    Slovakia, 1.16%.

    Italy, 1.11%.

    Czech Republic, 1.04%.

    Hungary, 1.01%.

    Canada, 0.99%.

    Slovenia, 0.94%.

    Spain, 0.91%.

    Belgium, 0.85%.

    Luxembourg, 0.44%.

    Fair play to Trump for highlighting the fact that 23 out of 29 (Montengro joint shortly) NATO members are not paying their way in relation to 2% of GDP.

    If an uncomfortable summit was had then perhaps more actions than words is required.

    N no
    A action
    T talk
    O only

    Most organisations have flaws, NATO is no different.

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  5. NO!! Not well done, there are too many potential bombers known to the police and until they have the balls to go after ALL know suspects it will never be 'well done' IMO

    Please explain how you focus and priorities 'potential bombers' from a Police point of view, resources and capability. Bearing in mind they do work in conjunction with our intelligence services based on credible tangible Intel.

    MI5 only recently released figures, 500 ongoing active cases with up to 4500 person's of interest. It's a logistical nightmare and also impossible to allocate manpower to ALL.

    So personally, a bloody well done to the Police.

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  6. @sotsira

    Thanks for posting that interview, interesting analysis.

    I'm a huge fan of Nigel however even he knows in pragmatic terms the issue of tackling extremism is ongoing, yes much much more work still needed, especially within the relevant communities however the issue isn't being ignored.

    The PC environment within the UK is beyond doubt very disappointing to put it mildly, however it's the political establishment need overall needs to get a grip.

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  7. These terrorist attacks are all too frequent already, just like the Westminster attacker,
    the latest one was also known to the Police, so what does that tell us? They can't prevent them 
    from occurring.
    It's about time the government starts to think about changing laws and giving more power to the
    security services so that the source of this problem is dealt the blow that it needs so it can be 
    Holding vigils and stating solidarity amongst the public with statements such as "we will not 
    be cowed" is not the solution.
    Drastic measures need to be enforced on these terrorist organisations otherwise many more innocent 
    people will perish. 

    The security services already have the resources and legislation required, also it requires a minimum of 30 pax (total) to monitor just one suspect, and these suspects are prioritised and reviewed regularly.

    You can't stop society, members of the public holding post attack vigil's, it's called freedom of expression, supporting and allowing people to grief, no different to post Westminster attack.

    Drastic measures? That's why Op Temperer (I've scrutinised it page by page) has been invoked and implemented and is working as planned, remember Temperer has full support from the police and all authorities, we do not need or want martial law.

    Tensions and anger is natural in the current climate, however calm heads prevail and allow those to focus on keeping us safe to get on with their job.

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  8. Unfortunately today's society irrespective of your nationality or country of residence is not immune to this cancerous virus of radicalised terrorism.


    Every act of terror is about and focused on hatred, this scum are very much in the minority and it requires a combined effort for ALL to aid the authorities in tackling the issue from all fronts.


    The current Op being invoked & implemented by TM is and was inevitable at some point, deployment of troops in London is expected however the Manchester CC is very reluctant to follow suit & the Police uplift and support element from other forces has obviously been a significant factor in not approving troop deployment in the city, the operation tempo is relentless & constructive and expect regular daily updates.


    RIP to all those involved and effected including a serving GMP female officer.



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  9. You need to read the rest of my posts for the detail which shows, incontrovertibly, the vast majority of the damage was caused by tory policy.
    Also, It was thatcher who moved the uk economy away from manufacturing to become more dependant on the casino that is global finance....Labour were just left to clean up the mess of previous Tory policy.

    I think your analysis is slightly flawed as we've come along way from blaming Thatcher.

    Labour's clean up after the Tories? Oh dear...

    You are aware St Tony of Labour adopted some of Thatcher's policies? (Research freely available).

    I see the same old mantra, Conservative's making the hard decisions that Labour are to cowardly to implement for fear of losing its voter base.

    Labour tax & spend while Bad Conservative's come in and tidy up the economic whilst getting a bad name doing it.

    Who was it that stated, Socialism is only as good until other people's money runs out? Along with a humour driven note from the last Labour treasury in charge.... sorry no money left.

    Lastly, I do agree that we need a strong opposition in the HoP and Labour are clearly miles away from that honourable title.

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  10. There is nothing wrong with Corbyn, it's just that the Uk has taken a large, wrong step, to the right in recent years, it's actually incredible to me when I hear working class Brits supporting the Tories, the poor are feeling the pinch and looking to lash out somehow but are too stupid to realise it was successive Tory governments over the last 40 years or so which have damaged the uk economy beyond repair......you only have to compare with Germany's achievements over the same period to see this is true.
    The fact Corbyn is unflinching in the face of all criticism just means hes principled and doesn't sell out easy ....what exactly should Corybn do to make people happy ? ...become a plastic tory so he can become more electable?

    In amongst that '40 years' of consecutive Tory Government was 13 years of Labour Blair, Brown and financial crash.

    Corbyn unflinching?

    Correct, he was in hiding from the media as soon as the draft manifesto leak hit the media desk's, that'll teach the PLP to give the Union cartel's first look of their rewind to 70's image of the UK.

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    Without wishing to appear that I am a fan of Corbyn, the problem in your rebuttal (and clearly this is not a UK problem alone) is that the wealth creators, almost en mass, create wealth for themselves only. Our government has given away billions of pounds of yours and my money to these so called wealth creators through their reaganomic QE and tried to pretend that trickle down economics hasn't been exposed as a con.
    Sadly too many episodes of Benefits Street distracted the masses from recognising the true villains in our country, allowing our government to syphon off more and more of the wealth of the working classes while the working classes themselves were getting upset at one of their own getting a mobility scooter or additional child support. And the result? The rich got richer and the poor stangated or worse. So I contest that the last thing the UK needs is more of these so-called wealth creators, unless we fundamentally purge the corruption and the corrupt in the process.

    On the wealth creator issue, we would need to define and breakdown those between personal & business interests, along with the tax revenue and HR factor's too. (Not for this thread obviously).

    Brown & Blair's deregulation of the financial city allowed the wealthy to exploit to the full, yet those with business interests were still remaining in the UK riding out the stormy period of 2008, not forgetting Brian sacked his adviser who warned him of an impending financial crash so no excuses from the Labour faithful.

    The benefits system has imploded & is no longer an emergency safety net but an alternative lifestyle thanks to Blair & Co too, QE got HoP approval due to the 'banking industry' getting beyond control and corporate governance a simple afterthought.

    Benefits street is another fine example of the media/tv companies seeking a niche to highlight where 'all' previous governments have failed its electorate, the rich will always go and remain where their assets are either well looked after or swift return then relocate.

    Genuine welfare has its merits and should be supported within a reasonable timeframe, however make the welfare/benefits system so financially unattractive the only option is employment in some form.

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  12. As you are an ex army officer, do you think Jeremy Corbyns stance on Trident is slightly flawed, he states he would keep Trident but never press the button, not the greatest deterents of all time. And I'm sure that the EU negotiation team would love to see the likes of J Corbyn, John McDonald, Diane Abbott and Emily Thornbury sat across the table, it doesn't fill one with a lot of confidence now does it?

    Slightly flawed is an understatement, the man is clearly delusional and having browsed through the 'Times'' analysis on the manifesto the thought of JC possibly becoming UK prime minister is extremely worrying & scary.

    All this anti-rich tosh when the UK needs wealth creators and investment to remain not relocate more corporate friendly.

    Labours policies certainly won't help reduce the £1.7 tn debt down any quicker than now.

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    Well what do you expect the main thrust to be? 


    You must have thought about it.


    Ok, a short summary as the Brexit is very complex. (IMO)


    It mainly boils down to the EU & UK 'willing to compromise' in certain area's, a hard Brexit is TM ace card (ideally avoided though)* & if you look at the detail of the A50 script given to the EU a bilateral security & intelligence just to name other factor's.


    It's well recognised the EU/UK want reciprocal deal on citizen's rights which will be priority, as for ECJ, EAW, CPP, and numerous other issues the list is endless & mind boggling. The EU won't want to compromise on their vital pillar's however I suspect an 'association member' with single market fee access will apply so as to get around their pillar's policy.


    The EU want to remain political mafia bosses & its priority is deter the domino affect.


    *UK overseas investment & companies affected.



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  14. Just to clear things up: Is it safe to assume that everyone on this forum perceives that UK cannot expect to leave the EU and retain the trading arrangement within the EU that it currently has?

    Poor analysis to assume anything to be fair, a trade agreement I suspect will prevail eventually, without stating the obvious the focus will be the term's & conditions aspect.

    As for the €100 bn magic figure the 'media' keeps banging on about from unofficial Eurocrats for an exit bill......legally flawed.


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  15. Well, I guess in a personal sense it could be true what you said. But a big majority of english speakers are Americans and it's hardly the Queen's English they speak.  I'm sure you know of Bernard Shaw's observation about America and the UK: 2 nations divided by a common language.

    I agree 'properly spoken' queens English is in it's rarity, the US is no different however as long as individuals are legible.

    From experience most Thai's I've come across speak quite well indeed, only in the rural regions have I encountered varied standards.

    Anyway back on topic.

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  16. Bully-boy tactics from the EU's current leadership will not help their cause, one should think that it was clear by now, Britons don't like being threatened by jumped-up European dictators !
    Although whether Whitehall-burocrats are any better than Brussels ones, well that remains to be seen, and I'm not optimistic. :whistling:

    Whitehall have one key mission, get the best for the UK in whatever way possible.

    EU officials have 27 other members to satisfy & please, I'm far less optimistic.

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  17. This rather interesting Guardian article gives a reasonable and balanced argument for how the EU's tactics and more importantly how the pound is buffering the current Brexit-EU strife.


    The EU will, I suspect continue on its current course unless the pending negotiations climate improves.

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