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Posts posted by citybiker

    That makes for a good soundbite, but it doesn't make any sense at all.
    With the UK in the EU now, a certain amount of responsibility has been handed from Westminster to Holyrood. If it is acceptable for Westminster to dictate those powers at present, why would they be handed over in the future to Brussels? It is quite the opposite, an independent Scotland will assume the powers currently reserved by Westminster.

    Talking of sound bites that don't make sense, hows the SNP fiscal policy looking with the Scotlands share of the national debt?

    That's even before the SG have to financially contribute to the EU to be a member, also what's the SNP's replacement for the Barnet formula (roughly £1800 per head).

    I see on BBC Question Time the SNP rep was also unable to answer the currency question saying it's in the works, so the electorate left in the dark.

    Independence yet wanting to hang into the pound, how's does that work when your an independent country?

    From what I've witnessed to date, it's the SNP dictating to the electorate yet they've not explained how they're going to financially support their plans without raising taxes.

    Apart from the latest SG tax rise on expensive homes above band D of course, so bash the rich with tax to pay as they can afford it.

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  2. Broadly speaking, I don't think anyone can say Scotland hasn't been treated fairly, and equally they have earned it.


    But obviously they yearn for more, possibly more than just mere independence.  Certainly there's no way Scotland has a say on big matters: Brexit proves that.  At root, we have a socialist government sitting with a rapaciously Tory one.


    Brexit does in fact illustrate that the hard right, a minority, seems to hold sway in just about anything.  It's a ridiculous situation.




    These spiritous claims about hard Brexit is simply over hyped media hysteria combined with some anti Brexit campaigners. I don't recall at any stage TM announcing any hard Brexit (excuse if wrong) but simply a red, white and blue Brexit & a Brexit fit the UK.


    Nothing wrong with an individual country wanting ambition, it should be encouraged however political point scoring and simply attempting to interfere or deliberately damage the Union, especially as a current member is quite frankly ridiculous.


    If Sturgeon is still being advised, pressured and pushed by Salmon then she only has herself to blame, due to her recent announcement the forthcoming 4th May local elections will be very interesting.


    I'm aware your stating hard Brexit directly.



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  3. The UK Government debt is now touted as 1.7 trillion pounds. I think Scotland's cut is around 10% of that.  It remains UK debt.  Scotland could walk away of course, but it would be an absolute pariah on the world's market, and I can't imagine UK doing anything other than exacting extreme revenge.

    Correct, its a scary £1.7 trillion & counting.

    So have the SNP worked out Scotland's independence leave percentage bear in mind their proposed referendum is likely to be around 2020/21 at the earliest.

    So 10% of an increased figure upon leaving to be applied to their already restructured fiscal deficit.

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  4. The UK is, globally, utterly unremarkable in just about every way its present state. Our countries may have done some incredible things in the past, and there is no denying the significant impact that the UK has had around the world over the years, but that is all history; now we are now nothing more than a medoiocre country with a multitude of unnecessarily bad social problems.
    Scots know this very well. Your suggestion that we think we are important in the global scheme of things shows a complete lack of self-awareness on your part. In fact, it shows your failure to either recognise or accept just how NOT special we as a country are. We don't need to stand Ozymandias-like and demand people pay us respect - it is not something we need to feel good about ourselves.
    And that is the crux of this issue. Some English people seem to think that Scottish independence is a betrayal of their country, or that it is arrogance because we want to stand on our own two feet. And you suggest that we are delusional? You seem think that you are so important to the picture that a country of almost 6 million people cannot survive without you? Get real and get some perspective!

    Medoiocre Country?

    Excuse me, that's is complete and utter tosh.

    Nobody is saying 6 million are unable to survive however the nationalists Politicians are deluded & betraying the UK as a whole.

    Devolution has given the SG an opportunity, it's about time the SNP got things into perspective and got real and use it domestically to improve things and compete globally, you even said yourself their not sitting around doing nothing, and yet again more generalising English bashing & the equal nationalist's arrogance is showing its true unpleasant colours.

    Over the years I've witnessed self agenda, betrayal & continued broken promises and the only people that need to get real are the ones determined to break up the UK no matter what.

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  5. but many people on this forum and in Scotland still hark back to those times

    Sadly, The SNP's mindset hasn't left 1707.

    I understand & respect their ambition however sadly the SNP are financially incompetent & not got for purpose.

    Also, as it's been previously agreed upon, Scotland's finances requires radical restructuring, which is according to some ongoing instead of blatantly attempting to destruct the Union with their own self agenda.

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