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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. A fair point so I have deleted it.

    It is worrisome however that their main political aims have become mainstream.

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    IMO A lot depend’s on ‘how’ it’s interpreted by the electorate, however MSM left or right stirring certainly doesn’t help the situation.

    I strongly believe an overhaul of the current political landscape has been long overdue too many were complacent, comfortable & in respects taking the electorate for granted.

    The EU & Europhiles we’re heavily reliant on ‘fear of change’ and the safe route of voting, as that’s the usual British way.

    The euroskeptic’s & maybe undecided saw what the EU offered David Cameron, believed CMD efforts and the EU’s was lame and pathetic and the annoyance, frustration of further EU dominance and taking the U.K. for mugs was too much.

    Brussels had the opportunity, blatant arrogance along with other numerous factors, now the EU are doing whatever it can (playing dirty too) to make & show others how dirty politics is carried out.

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  2. More accurately, it would give voters the chance to vote against the likely 'leave in name only' terms agreed by politicians.
    Presumably remainers will agree that the referendum would have to be limited to 'agree with final deal/leave under WTO terms immediately'?
    Ever since uk politicians accepted the eu's 'order of discussions list' - it's been obvious that they are looking for a way to remain, without completely destroying their electoral chances... Which is partly why I've been saying for a while that another referendum on the final deal is necessary.
    Back on topic, who on earth cares about celebrities' opinions???  It's depressing when 'news' articles think their opinion is newsworthy :sad:.

    Perhaps these Z class celebs, actors and comedians think they’ve extra clout if they shout, froth and stamp their feet hard enough.

    Prima Donna’s should stick to the stage and studio.

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  3. 3 hours ago, juice777 said:


    Typical racist xenophobic stereotyping without evidence just because they disagree with an opposite viewpoint.


    3 hours ago, juice777 said:




    Firstly being a Patriot is not xenophobic who said it was.Re to on the rest of your post I see you have managed to not answer that yesterday it was All EU immigrants who are calming benefits and are criminals and today it's only certain ones.You even defended your words yesterday.


    I will ask you outright is all if them or just some and if it's just some, why did you say such xenophobic racist nonsense yesterday.


    I suspect because you are typical racist xenophobic who I have met 1000s of times and that has nothing to do with being a Patriot the 2 are not that same.


    And how can Brexit stand up 2 scrutiny when it's people like You voted for it for the same reasons.





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  4. Ad hominem attacks add little to the debate, just saying. Getting back into the adult world, Brexit has added volatility, and the pound could just as easily go way up into the sky as go down into the dumps. Nobody thinks about this. 

    Agreed reference Ad Hom's & just weakens the strength of the debate. Brexit has created temporary uncertainty by those unprepared but an opportunity to a country which can adapt & thrive.


    It's about time the remainers step back from doing the EU's job for them with counter Brexit narrative, Brussels blew its chance to reform & ignored it, change shouldn't be feared but Embraced.




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  5. Because the FTSE100 comprises international companies and companies that earn their incomes overseas - the pound drops so their non-sterling earnings rise.


    A fact widely discussed at the time.

    Agreed, the FTSE 100 is a not a true reading of GDP, however the 250 is.


    IiRc currency flucuation averaging £1-$1.42 & the £1-€1.15, interesting the remainers are also rather muted in reference to lowest UK employment in 40+ yrs.


    Ongoing Overseas investment, even French PSA (Vauxhall/Opel) decide to invest in a new model in Luton, although Jaguar land rover not extending/renewing 1000 temporary contracts.


    Lastly, I'm not staunch Tory supporter however thank heavens that protest politician Jeremy Corbyn isn't in Office, the UK would be FUBAR'D.


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    I wonder if any  Thai official has thought about putting microphones in Ambulances to announce to impeding traffic about the need for access.
    Doubters and negative posters?      Why not?

    Not a doubter or negative however IRC a siren DB is louder than a microphone.

    Also what if the driver in front is hard of hearing or maybe listening to music?

    Ignorance is no excuse...I agree minimum 10,000 BHT fine or police discretion with Video evidence, flashing lights and sirens and still refuse to allow access.

    Emergency vehicles have priority end of!

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  7. I don't think so.
    It is perfectly apparent that you can produce it anywhere.
    Be on the look out for whistle blowers who are found  dead in ditches.
    Back to the utterly appalling Brit gov't and their confederacy of dunces.

    Apparent that a ‘nerve agent’ can be produced anywhere....

    I think your getting confused with home made cannabis farms.

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  8. The Mayor should do the honorable (British) thing and step down.
    No-one likes the groveling little sh1t anyways IMO.

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    Not a chance he’ll step down, London is 2/3rds Labour supportive.

    I like the grovelling little sh1t summary of him though, I prefer ‘see you next Tuesday’ myself.

    Problem: CPS & Government political will to strengthen the custodial part is feeble, trouble is Prisons are full, which is why the U.K. is financially assisting ‘some’ overseas countries to deport foreign criminals.

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  9. Absolute rubbish! This is all about gang warfare over drug dealing rights.  The perpetrators are predominantly black British youths.  Born raised and educated in the UK.  These crimes are specifically in one area concerning drug gangs and nothing whatsoever to do with immigrants.
    However I know I am p*ssing in the wind trying to get through to racist posters here.  I just want the other posters on TV to realise that these racist idiots are in the minority in Britain and not in any way representative of what normal Brits believe at all. 

    Nail hit on head, abiet mostly.

    Gangland warfare (post code wars) between London boroughs is rife, primarily between African-Caribbean communities and the facts and stats are there to support this argument. It’s all about turf, drugs, prostitution and people trafficking (immigrant related too) due to the demand for black market labour (no taxes paid).

    However, the bigger picture is also tribal/clan related too, Eastern European versus Asian versus the Black community. I don’t think, apart from the more affluent areas no London borough is immune.

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  10. not my job to provide alternate theories.  would just get my post deleted
    as spreading conspiracy theories.
    it's up to the brits to prove it, if they can.  obviously they cannot.
    if there were evidence, we'd have seen something by now....

    IIRC the investigation (domestic HMG & independent) is ongoing so ‘obviously’ awaiting the fully conclusion will yet to be released.

    Unless your directly privy to Police forensic analysis.

    Also, seeing as it’s in the CBRN category, or NBC to the old school, do you have any specialist subject matter knowledge to aid a swifter result for the British?

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  11. With NATO becoming the latest to expel Russian bods its becoming increasing apparent that this blatant 'poisoning attack' has backfired on those who sanctioned and approved it.

    I still support the 'provide evidence' argument whist the investigation continues, however Russia continue to plead deniability complete with accusing others of being obnoxious.

    Rather than be feared and respected, Putin is clearly showing his arrogance card and ignorance of international law.

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  12. I feel the next next action will be to put something into the spokes of the world cup...
    Remember Russia bribed FIFA and there may be justice at last, I just can not see English fans surviving in Russia, fans of other nationalities maybe at risk too, and to compound things many countries probably will not have a functioning consular service in Russia to assist fans attending the world cup.
    Yes the safety of fans from any of the countries which have expelled Russian's may well be the focus now.

    Unfortunately, if it all goes wrong then the Russian world cup may end up being a blood bath, as the Ultra's will have an axe to grind.

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  13. Get ready for WWIII, glad it's far from my bed where it gonna be radio active

    With the amount of ongoing Eastern Bloc tension since Ukraine & Crimea and not forgetting Syria it would have occurred by now.

    Estonia has been on 24/7 ready state of war preparation for ages, hence the multi-nation NATO presence there.

    Russia & NK have been seen for a while to be the ‘prime’ instigators....at least NK has seen sense since the 2018 WO & have agreed talks.

    Putin will focus on the European oil network first, then call in favours from the Middle East.

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    • Confused 1
    If they hadn't falsified the figures they wouldn't have been part of the Euro.

    Cooking the books to gain EU membership? Never...

    Did the EU already know or conduct an independent audit as part of membership criteria, Plausible deniability or simple ignorance?

    Greece national debt currently running about 180% GDP and the EU continue to walk on egg shells?

    Most countries default or go bankrupt at 140% of GDP, so why has the Eu allowed this to continue?

    Simply, as it'll affect the Euro as a whole and EU fiscal governance as a simple after thought.

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  15. There's a theory that Putin was testing Britain's post Brexit status and resolve, and was assuming a weakened and isolated Britain would find it difficult to make an adequate response. If we discount as unlikely some black op aimed at discrediting Russia, it's the only theory I've heard that would explain such a brazen attack.

    I’m unsure if that’s a conspiracy theory ‘however’ I’ve read on the MSM that Putin does regard PMTM as weak.

    If although the theory turns out to be credible and valid I’d like to see PMTM really turn the cork screws on a collaboration of sanctions & use all available resources, bearing in mind the EU have shown diplomatic solidarity on this serious issue.

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  16. I've Been thinking about the world cup I don't think anyone will pull out or will there be an attempt. 
    1. The conservatives run the risk of losing votes.
    2.Can we even make our team pull out it's not the Olympics football is a private business? can't remember all the details because I was young but I remember the English Cricket team breaking the South African ban?
    3.If there is a big Debate between the Government and The FA this would only Help Putin in his propaganda campaign.
    4.we ant going to Damage the world cup just on our own.So they ant going to risk the Above and I cant see other football fans in other countries agreeing to it.Is a Spanish football fan going to care enough about this to agree with his team pulling out if the World cup?it will be even harder to swing it in other countries.
    So I can't see it Happing
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    Fair and valid, and bearing in mind the World Cup like many other global tournaments are sponsored/business based.

    Boycotting is good to talk on social media, however in reality many of these events wouldn’t go ahead without corporate involvement.

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  17. Now that our Home Secerty Boris The Clown as compared The World cup and Putin to Hitler and the Olympic's I don't see how we can't pull out of the World Cup.Let's not forget that if by some absolute miracle we win it our Captain will have to accept the cup from Putin and that goes for all Nato countries imagine that.


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    Boris off the cuff remarks should be treated in the context it deserves.


    I think football is the least of England’s worries when visiting Russia, and miracles may help.


    As this situation is evolving we’ll wait & see Moscow’s response to this small (less than 20 Countries) diplomatic issue, when Asia & South America & Africa follow them I’ll pay attention.



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  18.   KGB tossers. 
    These days, I think it's FSB ;-)

    As for those advocating boycotting world cup, i understnd this reaction however to be fair that would penalise fans as they've already planned this trip in advance, I dislike Wendy ball however a partial international response in diplomatic terms has caught Russia off guard.

    Fair play to Trump, Seattle has a submarine base and Airplane manufacturer, expelling 60 undisclosed intelligence operatives (spies) sends a clear message.

    Lastly, I don't expect this world cup will go smooth either, Russian ultras will make visiting the event a nightmare, for both visiting fans and authorities alike.

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