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Posts posted by citybiker

    Can we have links to these "credible economists" ?
    Please no links to daily express articles etc..

    The BBC is just one of a few source’s that’s interviewed economists, research is at your fingertips as I’m enjoying the closing ceremony.

    As apposed to The Mirror, Bloomberg & the Guardian?

    You could always trawl through previous Brexit threads for links, mind you it’s all ongoing so the situation is fluid.

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    Nah, It's Project Economic Reality responding to Project Misty Eyed Nationalistic Delusion. 

    Utter tosh.

    It’s unknown territory and it’s causing many of the economists to scratch they’re head’s as Post result has gone against all known models.

    Even more, a few of the credible economists admit many of the reports are flawed & are being bought to question.

    The only thing misty eyed, is remainers & Brexit haters to continue they’re frothing rants....

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  3. First bike (in the UK) was an Italian Harley 125cc.

    Then a couple of Suzukis.

    Then a Honda 650cc and then a Honda GL1000.

    Wife sold that bike when I was at work one day (because I'd never had a serious accident in all my riding years and she reckoned I was due for one...).

    Stopped riding bikes when I moved to Thailand in 2002.

    Started riding again when I moved to Myanmar in 2016.

    Now ride (and occasionally fall off from) a Honda XR125L. This little bike is just perfect for the rough country and hill roads in Myanmar.

    So I'm happy being the 'sexy' type of rider portrayed in the OP's image. But as yet, no erotic pole dancers located in Myanmar....

    I still own a Honda XR125L

    totally agree great little thing and it’s lightweight too.

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    I don't see how Germany will lose anything, even a hard 'no deal' Brexit will just mean the UK either paying more for German cars or grey imports.
    As I said before, the UK has zero leverage in the Brexit negotiations, hence the complete lack of progress on a trade deal as the cliff edge nears.

    Zero leverage? That’s questionable to put it mildly, the EU are livid the U.K. is leaving as most europhiles thought it would be business as usual, oh dear....looks like MS fees are about to increase and certain projects reduced or removed completely*

    *All available through open source

    Lack of progress? Are you privy to the negotiations to know what your talking about reference progress?

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  5. The more you research the more it gets unpleasant.

    Maybe the CEO should learn from another well known charity

    Medicins Sans Frontieres, Doctors Without Borders.

    They manage to discipline its staff due to inappropriate behaviour.

    Ignorance is no excuse for poor man management, getting caught is simply part of the process, rectifying the issue’s is where these CEO’s and others at the top should be focusing on.

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  6. UK, Sweden, now France, possibly Italy,  probably Greece, Spain is stuffed, Germany is running the show and is taking all the EU money, some nordic countries are compliant so they seem to do well with a combination of socialism and free enterprise. So let me get this right you worked in the States had a great time earn plenty of money but you can't raise children there. So where are you raising kids or where did you raise kids, Thailand, UK? Just wondering how that is going compared to the high earning low-cost USA?

    Would you care to explain, complete with tangible evidence why the U.K. & Sweden are stuffed?

    France has high unemployment.
    Greece is under EU whiplash/orders.
    Spain is currently struggling but basically treading water.

    I agree Germany is running the show as it’s called a monopoly and quite a few MS are unhappy about it, it’s also the Germans best interests to ensure the Euro doesn’t collapse.

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  7. the point I was making was about the constant accusations of leave telling lies, one of the favorites is the extra money the NHS will get, well since we haven't left the EU yet then it can hardly be called a lie. lol
    However I do seem to remember the remain campaign claiming doom and gloom it the leave vote won, those really were lies

    To be fair ‘any intelligent’ person looked beyond the PR element, both campaigns had questionable parts however the core of the matter was how the electorate ‘interpreted’ these issues.

    Reference the NHS, continually chucking money at it won’t solve its issues.

    The U.K. is leaving the EU, so the focus should be a clean, pragmatic and damage limitation process, I’m glad the like’s of JRM and his committee are continuing the pressure on Government.

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  8. It’s called democracy, something that isn’t properly understood and which even the EU admit it suffers a ‘deficiency’ of. Leaders of all UK political parties over decades held back waiting for a favourable result and misjudged the mood of the public, badly. Yet it was close and if they had managed to wait even another five years, the result may have been much different. When the EU financial and social collapse does come, hopefully the UK will already be far removed from the effects.   




    Close? I’m afraid 1 million isn’t close & the referendum was 5 yrs overdue.


    Misjudged? Cameron was simply arrogant as he was convinced remain would win, using £9 million taxpayers funds as part of his campaign was also wrong, after all its not ‘his’ money.


    I don’t believe they’ll be a EU financial collapse, Germany for one will ensure the EU & the Euro WILL survive, let’s not forget its internal EU fiscal reform that Brussels have fought against, well the EU’s 2nd biggest net contributor is leaving so it has little choice but to revise its forthcoming fiscal plans.





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  9. @smedly your correct the U.K. is still in the EU (for now) however incorrect that it’s a debate not an argument reference the points.


    Disappointing that people are focusing more on JRM personal views than the political element, and agree that Brussels are scared of JRB because he clearly speaks his mind, I do admire the guy however even Jacob knows he’ll never be PM because of his ‘personal views’.


    Unless pressure is firmly applied with a staunch backbone then JRM is quite right to point out the U.K. is heading for Brino....Brexit in name only.


    Which is NOT what the majority voted for, 2018 is yet another challenge to deal and overcome, we’ll just see how it pans out.



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  10. Prime focus points (trade)

    SM & CU access will require mutual agreement, despite the hot air frothing from Guy & his other Brexit haters.

    There’s bound to be flexibility in some form, the EU’s 4 pillars are an issue, depends if the EU want access to the CoL bad enough will depend on their movements regarding that.

    A bespoke arrangement is achievable, given the proper mindset and damage limitation (and maybe heads knocking together) a deal is possible.

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  11. You may be right but only time will tell.  I also think many leave voters saw that this was going to be difficult and very complex.  What annoys me most are the people who just keep saying that we should just walk away.  Only the very naïve would think that would be an option.  You cannot afford knee jerk politicians like Johnson getting involved, way too complicated for him. I am afraid JRM is everything I hate about politicians, a self interested dinosaur in my opinion. 

    I’m no big fan of Boris and agree his knee jerking comments are unhelpful, he’s an intelligent man but sometimes words fail me with him, likewise I’m also aware how disliked JRM is too.

    Walking away would be an extreme last resort IMO & I don’t think either sides will go down that road, besides business lobbies from both sides will ensure both the EU & UK will form some kind of bespoke deal, even though I don’t trust Macron he says a bespoke deal can be achieved.

    Another problem is PMTM successor once Brexit negotiations are complete is another scary thought, however the primary focus is ensuring Brexit is dealt with so the future generation can benefit and some form of pragmatic working relationship between the U.K./EU can continue, I suspect & hope an original blueprint may surface but we’ll just wait and see.

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  12. I think you will find we have got a grip and are united in the fact that Brexit is a terrible mistake.  Maybe time for the Brexiteers to accept that you are not going to get the Brexit you voted for.
    And we will keep going backwards and forwards over this for the foreseeable future.  I want to be wrong over Brexit, I really do.  I also think that a completely watered down Brexit would be a disaster too.  To end up with no meaningful change and no seat at the table would be a double whammy of failures.
    So surely the correct thing to do would be for the negotiators to agree the deal for Brexit and then put it to the house or better still, the people.  Then either go with it or scrap Brexit completely.  That is not a second referendum, just a chance for all of the people to vote on the FACTS!

    In parts we’ll agree to disagree, i don’t believe it’s a mistake & a watered down Brexit is as much a possibility as a hard Brexit is, both a media driven including political point scoring from mainly the EU to deter others, and until the negotiations are complete I’ll await anything further.

    Remainer’s, including Hammond etc are still angry, annoyed and frustrated as the Brexit process isn’t a walk in the park, which leaving was never going to be easy.

    Leavers, depending on individual’s POV about why they voted to leave, however leavers must understand, and most I know do, are aware of the complexity of leaving a 40+yr arrangement, patience is key along with a level head, I do wish JRM would join DD on the Brexit team in Brussels however that’s not going to happen so DD will battle with Barnier.

    Lastly and overall, neither side are going to be completely happy and content either way, Brexit won’t be scrapped either that’s for sure.

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  13. I rest my case, The intelligent brexiteer is completely aware of the facts, what a load of nonsense the remainers continue to scare monger due to losing.




    I thought DD speech was fair but that’s it.


    PMTM will rid Hammond at her earliest opportunity, during the Brexit talks isn’t the time, however TM knows she’s on borrowed time as nobody else wants the job.


    JRM (despite hysteria over his personal comments) would be the ideal replacement seeing as DD has ruled himself out.


    Time for the anti Brexit mafia to get a grip, and be united.




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  14. Totally agree with that and I don't think anyone would want her job as it is today, which is why nobody is sticking their head above the parapet.  I don't think that this re-shuffle tells us anything other that not having a majority means that May is in a weak position.

    To be fair the snap GE was Mays bloody nose & the current government maybe weak as a result but the alternative of the basket case Labour doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Especially during the challenging turbulent times of the Brexit talks.

    Once Brexit negotiations are complete the leadership contenders will raise they’re heads as most are too cowardly to consider it at the moment.

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  15. Teresa May is mostly what's wrong with the team, maybe she should remove herself.

    TM was properly elected by her party & I see no suggestion of whom to replace PMTM.

    Personally, #1 JRM or another pragmatic Euroskeptic.

    Certainly not Amber Rudd, who only managed to hold onto her job in the last GE.

    Anyway, come October the troublemakers who want to reverse the democratic vote will aim for the meaningful vote.

    Lastly, it’s time to move forward, and the standard reshuffle is always going to be unpopular however being a commander you have to make unpopular decisions.

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  16. I think the OP will find that we Brits dislike loud, abrasive characters of all nationalities.

    Well said,

    Another reason why I avoided England’s back yard Spain for years.

    Most people like to visit the novelty bright lights, noise, hustle & bustle of popular tourist locations however not all want to live it 365 days of the year.

    Personally, give me the countryside any day...

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