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Everything posted by Phulublub

  1. More MAGA double speak: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-bible-chine-made-b2626338.html
  2. Disagree. I can think of several ways of gaming the system, with various levels of legality. Here, we should (IMV) concern ourselves only with the law, not how or how well or how widely it is enforced, nor the possibilties of being caught. If one travels regularly, one could easily (and legally) bring in a large quantity of cash each trip and exchange here (using a local Thai friend if necessary) to leave absolutely no paper trail of remitted funds on which you might be taxed. The remittance is legal, the exchange mechanism dubious, the non reporting (if assessable income) illegal... individuals will, as ever, choose their own path. PH
  3. I agree, in yur scenario it is not a gift. But it is money given to you in to Thailand and, as such, is income. Agree again. in both cases, it is the transfer of funds from outside the Country to inside that is the applicable event and which may or may not give rise to assessable income. PH
  4. Not really a good example imv. You have purchased soemthing outside Thailand, using a non-Thai bank CC. No Thai tax implications and how the amount is paid is utterly irrelevant. If your parents bring £5000 (electronically or in currency) to Thailand for you it is either income (and assessable as such as it is outside any of the exemptions) or - because they are your parents - a gift from antecednats and therefor subject to 5% Gift Tax after you have exceeded the 200m THB (I think) annual allowance for sich gifts. That the money may be to reimburse for the tickets you bought is also not relevant. PH PH
  5. Since the tat he is hawking is for a cmpaign that majors on Making AMERICA great, and bringing jobs back to America, and other similar themes, I think it is extremely relevant. If Trump truly beleived what he spouts, then surely he would be making sure all his merchandies is USA made? Please explain to me why not if you disagree. PH
  6. Talking of reputations...can you guess where the majority of the Trump merchandise advertised and hawked by DJT is made? MAGA, Made in Chna!! PH
  7. The remittance (for that is what it is) may or may not be assessable in EXACTLY the same way as a cash transfer from bank ccount to bank account. Why do you (appear to) find this such a difficult concept? PH
  8. Clearly they would only deduct tax from interest, not the capital (from whatever source)...the thread of posts was more about that, but I could have been clearer in my post. PH
  9. They took tax from my pension already and I have not been here 180 days this year Isn't the default that banks will deduct tax at source from ALL accounts and it is up to the individual to reclaim if nothing is due? PH
  10. Indeed,,,but do you think 80 million will vote for him? PH
  11. If most of their income goes on renting a condo here, they are going to have huge difficulties renting a flat in the UK!! PH
  12. Made in Poland by a French Company, don;t forget PH
  13. Like Fox News, perhaps? PH
  14. All you so- clever Farang might pause to consider the lady likely had very limited education, and certainly limited geography, geology or fluid dynamics. Bangkok is both south and down from Chiang Rai, so a perfectly (if flawed) assumption for such a person to equate the opposites - north and up - as being equivalent. As Dazinoz ably demonstrated by lack of knowedge about what a tidal flow is, we may not be quite as clever as we thnk we are. PH
  15. No it isn't. The Chao Praya (for example), when flood tides force water to flow "backwards" is tidal. Tonje Sap flows into the Mekong, or the Mekong flows into Tonje Sap...freshwater all and northing to do with tides, or the sea. PH
  16. More deeply insightful and well thought out points gthat add to our knowledge. Keep it up. PH
  17. Either "she said nothing about what she would do...£ OR ..."Her only solid plan was..." Well done in contradictig yourself. She also summarised a few other plans. At least she has some plans, rather than just "concepts of plans" PH
  18. Whether the grey/black economy and small street vendors etc pay tax or not is not relevent to this change in the regulations. For them, nothing is changing. Similarly, foreigners (or Thais) with investment, rental, stock market etc income from within Thailand will already be paying tax or breaking existing law. This change is ONLY germaine to those remitting funds from outside Thailand who are tax resident here. PH
  19. What evidence dso you have for that? All Thais who are in proper employment will be taxed at source by their employers! Many of those in rural Thailand will not earn enough in cash to have any liabilty And your evidence for this is? Many expats will be in receipt of non-assessable income through DTAs. Even many of those who are not will be able to offset tax paid in home country which, together with Thai exemptions and allowances will also reduce their liability to zero. PH
  20. Which is the relevent item. Domicile is not (at all?) relevent to tax status or, here, ability to add to ISAs. PH
  21. Fox are now leaning left... But now, it seems, so are Rasmussen. Last month Trump applauded them as being the only True, independent and accurate pollsters. But today....oh dear Donnie boy even Rasmussen has Harris ahead. Probably caused by fake electors, or bamboo paper, or windmills, or Chavez, or bacon, or ...or...or... PH
  22. You do realise that legend is merely two words joined together...and from what flows out of the OP's keyboard, possible that the end of the leg we are talking about here.... PH
  23. In the case of a credit card purchase, you have taken a loan in <home currency>. The money you have been loaned is then (in a completely distinct transaction) remitted to Thailand to make your purchase. Later (and, again quite separately) you repay the loan in <home currency>. PH
  24. Oh deatr...Latest Fox News polls show Harris ahead in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada. What this means, of course, is no that she is REALLY ahead, more that Fox is now leaning left and distorting the truth. PH
  25. First up, why the totally irrelevent Thai bashing? How good are the majority of UK at saving (hint: many live on their credit cards) . How many in the US literally live paycheck to paycheck? (as an aside, the new rules are aimed at those Thais who DO save, offshore, and have previously removed any tax liability by remitting in future years; that expats are in the same boat in a side effect - but for many of us, most of the time, there will actually be little or no actual tax to pay). Secondly, savings are savings. There are savings accounts here too. The issue is whether they are classed as Assessable when remited to Thailand under the new rules. You pay tax on returns from your savings in the UK (unless in an ISA), don't you? All that matters is whether they were held at 31 Dec 23, or the classification of the income from which they are saved. The only change the new rules have brought in is that deferring the remittance to a following tax year does not turn remited funds (in whatever form) from assessable to non-assessable. Whether you, I or anyone else calls them savings, or not, is not relevant to their status. PH
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