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Everything posted by Phulublub

  1. State pensons have ALWAYS been paid for by those working. PH
  2. The same way they can track any and all electronic transfers into and out of the Country. PH
  3. It isn't a new tax. It is a change to existign tax. Don't know about you, but I would never read anything about Thais paying it as I cannot read Thai. PH
  4. It is. So much hot air, so much "they are after us" nonsense, so much "they need us so much" baloney. The vast majority of long term expats will have little or no tax liability as their assessable income will largely or wholly be either exempt or already taxed. I look forward to the complainers and moaners leaving for what they see as better options and not bothering these Thai forums any further. PH
  5. Ah...perhaps this is the underlying reason for the "new" article that tells us not a single thing we did not already know. PH
  6. Or you have a 5 year visa that is not stamped "USED" on entry. You arrive and can stay for 180 days but must then leave, but can re-enter multiple times during the 5 year validity, each stay for a maximum of 180 days. ONE of those entries can be extended by another 180 days during the Visa validity. Similar to an METV, but costing a lot more an valid for a lot longer. PH
  7. If you are non-O and the regs do not change for us, then you should tailor your Insurance to what you need, rather than some arbitrary figure unrelated to those needs. PH
  8. Need to see the final details. Because if everything is like this, everyone over 50 will change from retirement to digital nomad as less hassle is involved. So final details are important. Reporting every 90 days during a 12 month permission to stay is different to having a 180 day permission to stay. PH
  9. Just tried again and now working
  10. Getting same problem - I have emailled support
  11. PCEC usually on th eball with immigration matters for Jomtien...they have updated their TM30 info here: https://pcec.club/LATEST-IMMIGRATION-INFORMATION
  12. In February when I renewed my extension, Jomtien had new notices up saying that a TM30 dated after the last entry to the Kingdom was required to conduct business with them. This is not a new requirement, but has only recently been reintroduced. Registering yourself on the online TM30 website is relatively straightforward and then updating whenever you come back into the Country is simple. The Agent is taking the proverbial asking for THB1000 for a two minute job - but then if you pay an agent and use bogus information, you are stuck. PH
  13. So, to obtain the small annual increases in pension, you intend to break the rules and pretend to be living in the UK. When you do return for visits, will fly to the EU, then use overland transport to enter the UK, then repeat that on the way back. Seems a lot of effort, time and expense to me; you are still breaking the law and thus subject to penalties and fines. PH
  14. If you have the means to bypass passport control, then you should not be at all concerend about the lack of additional few ££ from annual state pension increases! PH
  15. What - and make yourself an illegal immigrant???!!! PH
  16. I thought I was a lone voice in the wilderness and all I could hear was an echo...seems it was you 😀😀😀 PH
  17. Yes. Did it earlier this year when up country and realised mine would run out before I got home. PH
  18. Some of us have the ability to see further than the next five minutes. Some are also able to discuss serious topics in a grown up manner. PH
  19. I really, really, really wish it didn't. But as the leader of the most powerful democracy on the planet, POTUS can be a major force for good or ill for everyone. PH
  20. Some customers may find it more convenient! In addition, handling cash (as well as potential for theft) costs businesses money. No cash - increase profit margin, some of which may well be passed on the customers. Win-win, unless you hold bank shares. PH
  21. Many parts of the UK - especially big city centres and sporting events - will not take cash. Suggest you need to move with the times PH
  22. Are you aware of Article 5 of the NATO agrrement - the one that mandates all to come to the aid of one who is attaked? Are you aware that this has been invoked exactly once....ONCE...since NATO began? That once was in response to the USA being attacked. WE came to YOUR aid. You are welcome. PH
  23. Maybe contact the Companies who are hosting the event and ask them. Do something positive rather than carp and criticize. PH
  24. There are many who appear to think Pattaya is representative of Thailand as a whole. Up in Isaan, they are generally very respectful - of both locals and incomers - who do not wish to take part. PH
  25. Care to give us a factual link to show anywhere this has happened, or could happen? PH
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