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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. The similarity is migrating for a better life. The motivation is the same, and always has been, it’s what built America, By that logic Chomper you're suggesting that stealing a car is the same as buying a car. Same motivation, both want a car.
  2. I agree. I do hope they inflicted some pain on him covertly though. Because if the justice system in the Netherlands is anything like the UK, he'll have a cushy life in prison for a few years being looked after by his Muslim brothers, then be out on the streets again. Attacks like this deserve a whole life term in solitary.
  3. And this is you proving you know very little about Thailand, past or present. 90% of prostitution in Thailand caters to Thai men. The western scene is just a tiny offshoot and has only been around a relatively small amount of time. But you keep self-flagellating if it makes you feel better.
  4. Are you serious? SE Asians have their own prejudices, always have had. You make it sound like Thais don't have their own minds, and can't think for themselves. I don't think they'd appreciate you making these assumptions.
  5. Germany have closed their borders to combat the rise of Islamist attacks. An historic move which blows the Schengen agreement apart. Didn't make any headlines in the UK though, because they like to keep these things quiet. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-put-temporary-controls-all-land-borders-source-says-2024-09-09/
  6. But if your position is that Britain should have accepted Hitler's terms, that would have allowed the Nazis to continue with their destruction of the Jews and other minorities. Whether Churchill knew about it or not. You're happy holding that position?
  7. And what does the grid need for most of that power? Fossil fuels. Biggest scam since Madoff
  8. But he has a point which you seem unable to respond to. The Labour guy who wanted people to slit throats (and said it out in the street) is hardly talked about in the press, and as far as I'm aware isn't going to be locked up. This lady is splashed all over the news for posting something no worse online. Do you not think it's worth observing how the two cases are dealt with, so you can disprove the 2 tier allegations?
  9. Just my opinion. If you're someone who has irrational temper tantrums like that Swiss guy you're likely to end up hurt, or worse. Life is cheap in Thailand (compared to the west).
  10. Maybe the Swiss bashing is because of the way he was screaming and swearing at the two females who were just sitting there. Contact or not, that guy sounds like a demented intolerant a hole, and he shouldn't be living in Thailand with that temper.
  11. No doubt another UK council being taken over by the religion of peace...
  12. There may be a minimal negative effect - possibly. Possibly not. Looking at other major EU economies I'd say Brexit has had no economic effect on the UK. Think about who may have vested interests in carrying out studies to show a negative effect of Brexit. There are loads of groups who are anti-Brexit and they can spin the numbers to back up their claims. If the economic effect of Brexit is tiny/zero, no pro-Brexit groups are going to waste their time and resources on studies. So these studies are one sided. Anti-Brexit groups trying to make themselves feel better. Furthermore it's impossible to judge economic impacts at this point in time - because too many other factors are at play. Covid hangover and wars for a start.
  13. As you've stated most European governments don't know how to destroy the people smuggling gangs. Even with the overarching EU in place (which you'd think would enable member states to seek a solution together), the gangs continue unabated. So if the gangs can't be stopped the focus needs to be on deterrents. The UK is way too fair toward illegal migrants, giving them housing, cash etc, plus once in the country it's almost impossible to deport them (as was shown by that Kurdish guy with multiple convictions who went on to push someone onto the tracks in the London Underground). The UK is a magnet for those reasons. We need to stop being so fair minded, and stop lining the pockets of immigration lawyers.
  14. I assume you're either broke, or a tight wad? 😁
  15. So you've never met any sex workers, yet you're a world leading expert on them? Give it a rest 🤦‍♂️
  16. I think you should go to some of the bars around Chaweng, Patong, Pattaya etc. Approach some of the girls who are dancing, drinking and having fun flirting with potential customers. Pull them aside and show them your links. They'll love your links. Tell them they're not actually having fun and they don't want to get loads of money for a few hours work to buy the latest phone, nice clothes, save for a house and support their families. Because you know you're right. You have the links to prove it. Sorry, but you're clueless about the Thai mindset and attitude toward sex / money. So many women working 'respectable' jobs in shops, hotels, banks etc have close friends selling sex, and they don't bat an eyelid. This world is not one size fits all. Well, maybe in your world...
  17. This explains why you're writing so much nonsense. You couldn't be more wrong. Maybe go out and meet some women rather than reading about them in science books.
  18. We're veering off topic, but my god....are there really people who still haven't noticed the incredibly high number of Islamist terror attacks against civilians in the West over the past 25 years? We're doomed if people like you and Chomper continue to bury their heads in the sand.
  19. A 32 year old Romanian of no fixed address (who can only speak via an interpreter) was the attacker. You don't think that will concern those who are worried about mass immigration? (or the 'far-right' as you like to call them). The Muslim guy was a hero, absolutely.
  20. "What I have said is I support the police, the courts and the CPS arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning rioters and thugs." So are you not keen to know why those Muslim rioters and thugs were not cracked down on? Or will you just turn a blind eye to that because they're Muslims? Sounds familiar (Rotherham, Rochdale etc.)
  21. So you're quite happy for a huge gang of Muslims carrying Palestine flags to retaliate by laying siege to a local pub, smashing it up, beating up a punter and frightening the life out of the families with young kids inside? You don't think that crowd should be cracked down on as part of Starmer's master plan? Are they not white enough?
  22. Any thoughts on why Starmer isn't cracking down on those 'protesters' in the video in the same way he's cracking down on the anti-immigration protesters? Is it because they're Muslims and carrying Palestine flags? What possible reason can you give for that mob attacking a pub full of families not feeling the full force of the law (as Starmer likes to put it)? You can go on saying whataboutary all you like, but if you can't explain or deny the apparent two-tier treatment, you must support it.
  23. But will he be rushed through the court system and jailed like the so called right wing protesters are being? Not under two-tier Keir
  24. If she's competing in the women's category, how can she claim she's not a woman? You can't have it both ways love.
  25. Exactly this. Allowing thousands of undocumented fighting age men from Africa and the ME to stay in the country was never going to sit well with the people. My Irish mate and I predicted a long time ago there will be riots in Ireland and the UK if the governments continued to bury their heads in the sand. Most ordinary people have just had enough, and many are joining the protests. The worse thing Starmer could do now is pretend these UK protesters are all far right thugs, and ignore the underlying message. Oh wait, that's exactly what he's doing...
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