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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. Exactly my thoughts and understanding of events. BBC radio just reported that 20 passengers are in intensive care. Not heard this anywhere else though, so hopefully it's not the case. Although I guess some would be in ICU as a precaution and not necessarily in grave danger. That said, a lot of people were slammed head first into the ceiling or overhead instruments. Awful.
  2. Any relatively wealthy country (e.g. Taiwan) will have women from the nearest poorest countries working in these bars. The big hubs in Asia have Thai and PI ladies. In Europe the working girls are mostly from Eastern Europe, e.g. Bulgaria, Latvia. It's just the way it is. The girls need the money, the men want s3x. I don't think the girls are concerned about how it embarrasses Dave from Dartford.
  3. When somebody dies you can't immediately access their funds and/or assets. It can take months or years for all the probate stuff to be sorted out. GFM is a perfectly sensible way to raise funds from those who want to donate, rather than cause added stress to his closest friends and family who may be stretched for money.
  4. Really? In that case somebody must've been using your username to post pro-Iranian regime comments on this topic. Never leave your computer unlocked...
  5. You're still not getting it. The Iranian people hate the regime and it's 'morals'!! You're giving support to a regime that rules it's people with terror!! Do you have no sympathy for the Iranian people?
  6. Doesn't sound like you read the story properly. It didn't happen in the 7-11. The victim went to the 7-11 after the incident for help. And although Thailand has a reputation for 8 on 1 fights, it's just a 'numbers needed to win' game everywhere you go. If you were mouthy to a group of Brits in England at 4am you would probably be attacked by 1 of them, or 2 of them if you were putting up a good fight. Maybe 3 of them for good measure. Thai men are generally much smaller so they attack in larger packs to ensure the win. As you can see in the video, the part in the back alley, the 3 or 4 Thais struggled to overwhelm the bigger bearded foreigner. Who knows what the Brit did leading up to the stabbing because it's certainly not clear in the videos. Maybe he was an innocent bystander walking back to his hotel after a night out at the Tai Pan disco (closes at least 4am). Maybe he did get involved in a fight, which is stupid IMO. Whatever happened I hope he fully recovers.
  7. Errr...ok. We can't get the parts we need to make these old helicopters safe, so let's send the president up in one. Bloody America's fault...
  8. That comment shows a lot of naivety. The people might be peace loving, but the regime are evil. The latest 'government initiative' is to shoot people in the eye who protest. Can you not not distinguish between a country's hard line dictatorial regime and it's people? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64503873 Dr Mohammad Jafar Ghaempanah is one of nearly 400 ophthalmologists, or eye doctors, who have signed an official letter, urging the authorities to give more support to the injured. He says the blinded protesters will be marked forever in society. "Until the end of their life, this young person will be living proof of Iran's crackdown," Tens of thousands have taken parts in protests against Iran's clerical establishment since the death in September of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, in police custody for allegedly failing to wear her headscarf "properly".
  9. I don't see much substance in anything he said, and it's mostly about long term plans to stop the boat crossings. I hope that comes to fruition. Most sane people want the boat crossings to stop. But he doesn't say they will track down and deport all the potentially dangerous bogus asylum seekers who are in the UK right now and deport them immediately. As I said, neither party has the balls to say something like that, and you haven't provided any evidence that Labour will do that. In fact, you could say that promising to immediately stop any flights to Rwanda sends the opposite message. The Moroccans and other bogus asylum seekers will be relieved to hear that.
  10. Morocco is not at war. Morocco is a popular holiday destination. This story is about a Moroccan man who was refused asylum in Germany and Spain and was now seeking asylum in the UK before he decided to go on a killing spree (he said he'd have killed many more people if he hadn't injured his hands while killing the 70 year old man).
  11. When I suggested neither party has the balls to round up the potentially dangerous bogus asylum applicants and deport them immediately, you said: "I look forward to the Labour Party publishing their manifesto, where such matters will be addressed." How do you know this matter will be addressed by Labour, the matter of potentially dangerous bogus asylum seekers currently wandering the streets of the UK? Starmer announced his 6 election pledges this week. It wasn't one of his pledges. So where have you heard this? If you say this matter will be addressed, please provide some evidence. You can't preach to others about lack of evidence then not provide evidence yourself.
  12. You haven't provided any evidence that the Labour party would introduce drastic measures such as rounding up all the bogus asylum seekers and deporting them. When will you back up that assertion? I've said neither party has the balls to do this. This is evidenced by the fact neither party has proposed such measures. Waiting for your back up.
  13. You see you're just treating this like a football supporter. Your team (Labour) are going to beat the other team. At least I'm open minded enough to admit the Tories don't have the balls to do it. Politically I'm right of centre, but I don't blindly support the Tories. You know Labour would never propose drastic action like rounding up bogus asylum applicants and deporting them immediately. If you can provide an ounce of evidence to suggest otherwise, please provide it.
  14. The Labour party are not proposing any tough action against these freeloading potentially dangerous bogus asylum applicants. If you know otherwise please provide links.
  15. Withdrawing from the EU gave the UK the ability to make the drastic changes needed to stop these dangerous freeloaders roaming the streets. It will take a government with balls to actually make the changes. But both main parties are too scared of the left leaning human rights brigade. The country needs a leader/party not afraid of upsetting the vocal minority by taking tough action. All those with a similar story to this Moroccan POS need to be rounded up and deported asap, asylum application cancelled. There may be one or two genuine refugees who get caught up in it, but it's a price worth paying to keep the public safe and put an end to the freeloading.
  16. This POS is Moroccan. Morocco is a popular holiday destination not a war torn country. He's been drifting around Europe for 10 years, and has had asylum applications rejected in Germany and Spain. How the f has he subsequently managed to live in the UK for 4 years 'seeking asylum'?! Anybody who's had an asylum application rejected already in an EU (or any civilised) country should be sent packing immediately. The other country has already done the processing. They should not be added to the UK processing queue. The UK government need to change the system drastically and quick. Sadly I don't think the Tories or Labour have the balls to do what's needed.
  17. Fascinating to watch. The innocence and clean cut performances back in the day. Love it! Maybe they'd have got 1st place if they had worn leather chaps? I blame Bucks Fizz for the decline in standards, after their skirt whipping off antics...
  18. It was quite revealing to see Israel getting 12 points from the UK public vote. Just goes to show how the 'silent majority' in the UK feel about the current situation, despite what the mainstream media would have us believe. Back on topic, I thought Italy, Spain and Greece's songs deserved more points, but their performances were too heterosexual I guess. Didn't rate the winning song at all.
  19. I agree with your point, but I don't agree it's an LGBT cultural event. The LGBT community don't own Eurovision (yet), but I guess it's heading that way. Eurovision was always a celebration of diverse culture and musical tastes across Europe, with a bit of camp and comedy mixed in. Great entertainment for all the family. I feel it's being hijacked now and seems to be all about which act can out-gay the other acts.
  20. Eurovision has always had a global family audience. Over the last couple of decades the LGBT community have really embraced it and almost claimed it as their own. Which is understandable in a way - I mean it's always been very camp. Unfortunately it's gone too far now, and it's almost become a giant Pride parade. The organisers need to understand that their core audience don't want to see gay fetish acts on stage. As for the zero points from the British public, I did hear the voting system is a bit like 'first past the post' as in Olly might have received a lot of votes but they didn't translate into points. A bit like UKIP getting 4 million votes but no seats in the 2015 UK election. But I suspect it's mainly because Olly's performance was essentially gay sex show, plus he can't sing live.
  21. I spent 1 night in Manilla and that was enough for me. You can smell danger in the air. Ultra tight security in the hotel lobby, including a big metal detector arch to check guests for guns. Manilla would need to have something really special to make up for the heightened security and risk of muggings etc. I didn't find anything special there. I've never felt unsafe in BKK
  22. More likely they realised the consequences. Most of the senior Hamas figures are safe in Qatar so they don't care. They knew Oct 7th would spark a massive response from Israel, and because Hamas soldiers use Palestinian civilians as shields they knew this would result in a huge PR win. And it worked. Despite raping, torturing and murdering innocent civilians, holding elderly people and babies hostage, using their own citizens as human shields, Hamas are now being touted as the good guys by many. Hamas are also preventing food, water and medical supplies from reaching the Palestinian civilians. They need Palestinians to keep dying in order to maintain their support from the left.
  23. What you don't see is the UK losing it's status as a secular country. All the areas with a high percentage of Muslims, the Muslim candidate wins. They're not voting on local issues, they're voting for whoever follows their god.
  24. Unless you have vast experience with hundreds of these girls I don't think you can generalise like that. Doing something to 'survive' would be working for a few baht to pay the bills and eat basic food. As others have said on here, a good percentage of the girls earn good money, way above the average Thai wage, and can afford to more than survive. That's why a lot of them do it. Lots of money in a short space of time. They can support family / kids, buy nice things, and a lot of them genuinely have a lot of fun in a similar way to blokes having fun going out drinking and pulling women. Most are not obliged to go with every single customer and can choose who they go off with. Most. Many end up moving abroad with their foreign partners who they met while 'working'. I know several who are now living a great life in the UK, Canada, Switzerland etc. Settled and content family women now. With a bit of Thai craziness chucked in of course... Think about it this way. There are a lot of poor countries where the girls don't have an opportunity to make money like this. Their country might be a sh hole, zero tourism, crap weather and the women are not blessed with good looks. Those are the women we should feel sorry for. They have no opportunities, no fun, no escape route. Thailand is an an incredible and beautiful country with a warm climate, and the women on the whole are more attractive than in most countries, plus they like to party. Why shouldn't they take advantage of the influx of westerners that Thailand draws in?
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