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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 2 hours ago, peter48 said:

    But the point is: if you are using the double jabs for most citizens Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZenica it massively brings down hospitalisations & deaths as in Isreal, UK, Canada, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Sweden and so on. The reason being of course these vaccinations give you anti-bodies that can then fight the virus when you get it from crowded indoor spaces or family & friends. 


    PS The reason you will see Wembly Stadium paked on Sunday for the finals of the Euros is because the vast majority will have had the vaccination - its not totally perfect but the AZ & Pfizer is returning Europe back to some  normality with masks. The paked pubs, bars etc will lead to some upsuge of the Delta Variant mainly from silly people taking risks who likely refused jab or have not had the second jab yet.

    so you say the majority have double jabs, so ok ?

    how many people does it take to spread this "deadly" virus ?

    Is it ok to have 1,00 people in a stadium who have not had the vaccine, but its not ok for anyone to have a beer in a bar in Thailand ?

    Refused jabs ? So you think its public duty to have the jab, when in reality not everyone can have it due to other reasons ? You think if you have it, everyone should also have it , and accept the risks either way ?

    Maybe if the government, or the vaccine suppliers removed the clause which denies you any claim, now or in the future, maybe more people will accept it .


    • Sad 1
  2. 4 hours ago, kennw said:

    Seems to me that the reluctance to implement firm restrictions is based on the perceived impact on the economy. Well, maybe it is time use some of the large foreign currency reserves. What is the sense in having a lot of "money in the bank" and then not using some of it in times of crisis. Where should it go? Pass urgent legislation to allow payment up front of urgently needed vaccines. Make payments to those people out of work and really in need. Buy testing kits and implement a massive testing program. Increase quarantine facilities and stock up on oxygen supplies.  

    so how will you pay the millions of poor farmers, out of work construction workers, bar girls, shop keepers, etc, etc ?

    Make them wait till the end of the month, providing they have logged into the sites, and then waited for possible pittance paid into their bank, that they then have to travel many miles to access ?

    Look at the normal" people in Thailand, not the ones who live in the cities, the ones struggling to pay bills and buy food to eat, with no work, other than begging for the 200-300 baht a day farm work if lucky .

    Then look how many are actually dying from this "deadly" virus in the countryside, 

    How many do you know who have died, or been in ICU due to this virus, ? I ask this in our villages and nobody knows anyone, yet due t the mass media hype, are scared stiff of it .


    • Like 2
  3. On 7/8/2021 at 3:31 PM, Bkk Brian said:

    Thought so thats why I responded to your inaccurate post:


    "ha ha ha curfew ? Lockdown ? Prohibition ?

    maybe where you live, but the rest of Thailand carried on as near as normal

    Just liken they will if they impose it again"

    thanks, but why keep me waiting so long ?

    Your obviously much more intelligent than me, so would appreciate it if you could explain your simple post ?

    Would be nice to see what part is inaccurate, , unless maybe you live in the southern tourist area ?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:



    Face masks can stop some transmission of the virus. Your internet friends are lying to you about the efficacy of face masks. 

    pity it only stops some !

    look inside any food hall, restaurant and see how many are wearing masks, so makes them rather pointless. Unless you think you cant get covid while eating or heaven forbid will die if you dare to drink beer in a bar 

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  5. 7 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Various comments by authorities regarding 'possible lockdowns' is just about getting folks head around the fact that lockdown is coming.

    Hopefully it will include holiday travel out of Bangkok.

    Is this the same lockdowns that we had last year ? The ones that most Thias, and ex pats just ignored ?

    Had road checkpoints all over, but always next to a slip or side road, so just go round.

    No beer, no worries, just go out early morning to back door to stock up 

    Had no problems riding bike or car to surrounding towns to go shopping/drinking 

    • Haha 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Nickelbeer said:

    Agent is always the best option. No stupid "seasoning" requirements. Just buy yourself an extension for around five hundred dollars. Yes, it's grossly overpriced but works like a charm for most of us. Sooner or later, they will probably change the rules to force out most of us. Hopefully, the Covid madness will subside and we will have the option of moving to Cambodia or the Philippines. I expect nothing but more problems from Thai Immigration. Farangs are not wanted or needed in their rose-colored vision of what Thailand should be.

    which is why i now use an agent in Pattaya, more expensive, but much easier, Drop off one day, pick up next day, plus an excuse for a bit of a holiday too. Really upsets them when i go back to local office for my 90 day, but tough !

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, tonray said:

    You were 1 day late with your application ? or your seasoning was only 1 day short of 3 months ?

    my seasoning was i day short of 3 months, not 2 months, but she refused to accept the paper i put in front of her showing 2 months seasoning , so told to come back and pay fine , otherwise no visa .

    And people on here say i should treat them with respect ?

    • Sad 1
  8. 16 hours ago, BritTim said:

    A 2,000 baht fine normally suggests that you were four days short on the required seasoning, and they let you pay a four day overstay, then accepted the application for the extension with the full seasoning period then being satisfied. However, I think it very likely that there is no overstay stamp in your passport, and neither were you given a receipt. If so, you were scammed. I am not sure what I would have done in your situation, but the current rules are definitely two months before and three months after.

    i know i was scammed, but what can you do

    I showed the lady the papers, in English and in Thai, which shows 2 months, not three, but she says "we need 3 months, come back in 1 days, pay fine and get visa, up tp you "

  9. 15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No! It's two months before the application, and three months after.

    It is NOT three months before.

    That really depends on the office you use

    My office refused to accept the paper showing 2 month rule, saying 3 months here !

    Got fined 2,000 baht for being 1 day late according to their rules

    so check with your office, as some make their own rules .

    • Like 2
  10. 23 hours ago, bdenner said:

    All falls on the Czar.

    75% of deaths are motorcyclists!

    I sit here in my Isaan Village and watch the bored schiteless teenagers, who should be at school, racing up and down the road then await the ambulance sirens.

    Our village of 1700 is recording 1 death a month and who knows how many injuries = Idiot parents and Idiot Czar.


    9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Why even compare it to Corona....... irrelevant.

    your right of course, would be silly to compare vast numbers of road deaths that effect so many people, with the rather insignificant deaths caused by Covid 

    Ask around, see how many have friends, family that have died or been seriously injured in road accidents, then ask how many of the same, have died, or had serious effects from the Covid ?

    Like you say, silly indeed 


  11. 11 hours ago, Henryford said:

    You have to have your wits about you riding on Thailand's roads. Riding at 79, just asking for trouble.

    im almost 70, and still enjoy riding here in Thailand. I live in the sticks, so most of my riding is on the smaller roads and on the dirt roads. I often ride and not see or pass a car for anything up to 40 minutes, just the odd motorbikes.

    Yes, it could be dangerous, and have had many cars and trucks forcing me to move out of the way or get hit, but like anything, take care, look ahead and enjoy the ride and scenery 

    Its no worse than driving the car, just more enjoyable 

    • Like 2
  12. On 6/22/2021 at 12:50 PM, nahkit said:


    Poor?  I've been married to the same Thai lady for over 30 years and my wife owns 4 houses, two "lock-up" stalls in a clothes market along with numerous pieces of land, all paid for by me. If I were to die tomorrow she would be anything but poor.


    Love ones distressed?  We all have to die sometime, I'm sure my grown-up children could handle it.


    Its not just about you?  I've spent the best part of fourty years working to provide for my family, its about time they learnt to look after themselves and that I started to do the things that make me happy.


    "It's my life
    And it's now or never
    I ain't gonna live forever
    I just want to live while I'm alive"


    Bon Jovi

    so you wont be getting the vaccines then ?

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Did you apologise to him for your ignoring the current Covid regulations by not isolating when you know you are infected?

    how do you know if your infected though ?

    slight cold, ? feeling tired ? bit run down ? 

    how many would go to hospital with symptoms like these, which the majority of infected people will get, just like a  normal cold or flu

    • Confused 1
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