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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    At times like this it's always best to have plenty of stock in,

    and I don't mean toilet rolls, and cook for yourself, today

    had pan fried Haddock ,mashed potato , and a sauce of 

    onions, peppers, tomatoes , celery , tomorrow think I

    will make a chicken, yellow curry with potatoes, if you

    are afraid of eating at smaller street places, cook yourself

    at least you will know what's going into it.

    regards worgeordie

    i managed to cook a ham and cheese toasty today

    Might mange to make beans on toast tomorrow 

    If it cant be thrown in a microwave without any work, or put in a toaster or sandwich maker, then tooooo much work

    although i have been known to manage an egg or bacon sandwich before , 555

  2. 4 hours ago, phetphet said:

    Can order some foods delivered from Lazada, Tops, Makro etc.


    These are times when it's best to have at least a few emergency foodstuffs at home. e.g. Frozen foods and bread, tinned and/or dried goods.

    Can get a small one burner gas ring from most supermarkets if no oven.


    Easy to knock up a simple tasty meal if stuck at home, but have some ingredients.

    Maybe that's an idea for another thread. 


    Here's one: Cook some penne pasta. Strain water, mix in a can of tuna and a can of sweet corn. Done.



    you forgot one thing 

    How do you cook penne pasta ??

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    You would get nothing at all . 

    If you had four kids with you, you may be lucky to get emergency temporary accommodation , if you've got two kids with you , you would probably get a room in a hostel .

       If you've got no kids with you , they will give you the address of the local homeless shelter , where you would have to queue up every night in order to get a bed to sleep and you would have to leave the next morning .  

       You need to book an appointment by telephone with the benefits office , if you are retired, they wouldn't even give you an appointment and security wouldn't let you in .  

    thanks, but would you not be able to claim additional benefits to increase your pension 

    Are you saying you could not rent a property and then claim all the additional benefits allowed, like rent and rates rebates, furniture and fittings for house/flat. gas and eclectic top ups if needed and anything else that seems to be available to those who know ?

  4. 1 hour ago, bluezircon said:

    I suppose it depends which Council you try that with. The thought of spending 6 mouths in Sheltered accommodation with homeless, junkies and immigrants only to be given a council flat in the roughest part of town doesn't sound like a great retirement plan. 

    but much better health care , and if unable to afford health care in Thailand, what choice ?

    Seen a few people going back home, USA, UK due to high cost of health care here

    But yes, not my idea either, but with all the extra benefits and NHS, maybe worth it for some 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

    The 1st hurdle they will have to pass is the habitual residence test until that passed the council will simply ask security for you to be removed


    A person is exempt from the habitual residence test if they are in the UK because they were deported, expelled or compulsorily removed from another country to the UK.[4]


    but what if they left voluntary ?

    Which could be  due to health, money or just life problems and the wish to return to possibly friends or family 

  6. I wonder what would happen, if like me and a few friends, who have no property in the UK, were to return to live

    Obviously, with no home, then would need all the basic things, like flat, house, furniture, , plus all the additional benefits that would be available 

    Couple of friends have said that if it gets worse here, or they have pension problems, they would fly back, and then go sit in the Benfits office until they got everything they are entitled to

    Their view is what can they do to them, , if immigrants can get these benefits, why not pensioners 

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/9/2021 at 8:15 PM, billzant said:

    Richard, please clarify details on this. I understood that if I returned to the UK (or went to the Phillipines!) my pension would be unfrozen and I would receive the UK rate. I assumed that if I then returned to Thailand I would go back to the frozen rate. I am unlikely to do it but would like to know what I would have to do.

    Go back to the UK, and apply for a pension in the UK. How long would that take? How long would I have to live there?

    On returning to Thailand would I have to re-apply for my pension from Thailand?


    can you not find someone to use their home address, so making them think you reside in England

    I use my sons address, just like a few of my friends do here, that way we manage to get the small pittance rise  that they allow us to have 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, VocalNeal said:

    Eventually but the Forza will be away from the lights first. At what speed/distance the Ninja will eventually pass I don't know. 

    and what speed would you ride a Ninja on normal roads ?

    But still not sure why you chose a Ninja in your post, why not decent bikes, ,of which many will leave a scoot behind, if wanted 

  9. 5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    For your chain driven bike maybe but I know you well enough for you to know what is said, a bigger cc proper motorbike would be quicker than a scoot.  

    just curious what speed people with  big  bikes ride at ?

    I ride the old man x max, and dont see too many big bikes going past me, although they are more than able to

    Do you go mad, riding at 150-200kph on normal roads ?

    Just now, VocalNeal said:



  10. 5 hours ago, papa al said:

    Ya ya ya.


    Just sayin the Ninja300 is faster & quicker than Forza300.

    Try to keep up with the discussion.



    But who asked about Ninjas >? What has that got to do with Scoots ?

    Do read the posts first and see what it is about , maybe you could then keep up 



  11. 2 hours ago, pattjock said:

    I thought zebra crossings were where motorbikes had to stop waiting for green light.


    Spend the money on red light cameras and increase the fine for crossing the wide white line before a green light. At the moment it's a 500Baht fine running a red light, this is ridiculous. If you run a red light you could kill someone. If you smoke on the beach you could annoy some people could be fined 100,000 Baht!!!


    Every time the light changes in a crossing there is about 5 seconds where traffic is going everywhere, even if there is a police box at the crossing. I'm sure the officer is keeping an eye on the situation and not just not sleeping in the air conditioned comfort.

    does anyone pay these fines ?

    maybe better if police stand and issue fines, rather than through post 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 12 hours ago, piston broke said:

    I literally spat my coffee out laughing ! - a "bathtub" X Max 300 can leave a Honda 500 behind on the twisties ....


    You're either Barry Sheene re-incarnated, or they're riding like a bunch of nancy's.....


    I've never seen the attraction of the forza / x max - too big for the city, compared to say an ADV150,  and out on the open road sterile compare to a geared bike .....


    Ha ha ha 

    ADV 150 , ladies bike !

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    What 500 's are they, my friend has a Honda 500x and if you thrash it, it goes well. 


    With my friends, they go well on the straights, but they seem much more cautious

    than me in corners, especially the very tight ones, but then, i am a crazy old fart !

    Think they are Rebels ?

    12 hours ago, piston broke said:

    some of the bathtub gang are deluding themselves ........


    My ADV150 would show one a clean pair of heels round town ......


    and on the main roads ??

  14. 23 minutes ago, Henryford said:

    I agree, could never see the point in them. Too big for around town but not suited to touring/long distance.

    not sure what you mean about touring or long distance ?

    Often do 3-400k rides with no bother 

    Usually only do one or 2 nights away, but that's through choice, not the bike

    No good for town ? Just like any big bike, you can either filter through or you wait till clear, maybe you prefer a Wave / Although it is much more suited to running around towns


  15. 1 hour ago, kimamey said:

    I don't know where you're figures are coming from (has flu surged?) but flu numbers would be expected to be lower at this time of year but will increase in the winter as will covid most likely.


    It's restricted on age and vulnerability grounds and not everyone takes up the offer but there's been a yearly flu vaccination programme in the UK for years. I get one now based on age but due to my first wife's increased vulnerability because of multiple sclerosis I was having them about 20 years ago. It's really a case of trying to reduce deaths whatever the number. The problem with covid isn't so much the mortality rate as such but the transmissibility which spreads it to so many people.


    I've just looked for some figures on infections and found this.




    Flu cases do seem to be increasing but covid still seems worse. 

    W/Ending June 11 2021

    covid deaths  84

    flu/pneumonia deaths   1,163 

    as reported by many newspapers in Uk,  Evening Standard, Telegraph, Times, Mirror

    Yes, would have expected flu deaths/cases to be very low, due to the time of year, and the restrictions 

    If this continues during the summer, will not be good come the winter months 

    But its a similar case in Thailand, even with restrictions, flu deaths still exceed covid deaths 

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 2
  16. Just now, Kwasaki said:

    Yours friends riding on 500s can't be experience riders thats all would say.

    Well, i didn't want to say that to their face

    They keep talking about their bikes, but seem to spend more time polishing than riding 

  17. 1 minute ago, kimamey said:

    If you're looking for a complete stop of transmission, infection, hospitalisation or death then you're wasting your time. The goal is to reduce all of those and in the case of transmission the 'R' number. The less it's transmitted the fewer people have it and so the less it's transmitted and so on. This also as far as I know reduces the chances of mutations and therefore the chances of a vaccine resistant one.


    A plane may not be the worst place to be if sufficient precautions are taken such as mask wearing and distancing. The cleaning on a plane should be pretty good and you have a defined and controlled number of people using the plane plus the ventilation is pretty good.

    you were doing really good till you mentioned the plane

    mask wearing when eating food ?

    do they do social distancing on the airport bus  taking you to the plane /

    social distancing  ? On a plane ?

    and it only take one to transmit the virus to many

    But i see your point 

    It seems the real reason is to prevent overload on hospitals, spread out the number of sick and dying , which is most likely to continue for many years, just like flu 

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