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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 11 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    People drinking Coke dont tend to think they can sing, dance, are attractive to the opposite sex, hug each other etc.

    I dont know that people have 6-8 cokes and sit around for hours telling stories and arguing.


    Don't know that people drinking 6 or 8 beers can catch the virus too, 

    But most people sit for hours eating, talking , all without masks, so does singing and dancing mean the virus will get you, even though the virus is not present on anybody in that bar/restaurant ?

    And if it is present, how will sitting quietly drinking coke, stop the spread of this : deadly: virus ?

  2. Just now, robblok said:

    Too bad that the members don't have a clue or pretend not to know why they banned alcohol. I really think that a large portion of the members are addicted to alcohol and take any opportunity to complain about the fact that its not available.


    Ill give you the reason one more time, people who drink lose inhibitions and don't follow the social distancing rules. That does not happen when your drinking coke, unless you add alcohol. Alcohol is a social lubricant a hard drug it really makes people behave different and not in a good way. 


    Combine that in a indoor bar and you got a recipe for covid spread. They came to the conclusion to close bars in almost all countries in the world so perhaps its time to review your opinion. This is not a Thai thing its a logics thing.


    Now i will ask one more time

    So you say the restaurants in Thailand all adhere to social distancing ?, but bars do not ? Not sure what or where you go, but place is see and visit do not do social distancing, other than government buildings 

    So if no body has the covid infection in the bar or restaurant, how does drinking beer cause them to be infected ?

    If there is someone infected in the bar/restaurant, how will drinking coke only, prevent them from catching it 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, starky said:

    Ah yes the comparing deaths to deaths argument...im sympathetic to that argument even used it myself ...oh but 77 die on the roads on Thailand a day...but now the deaths from covid outnumber that and we have nearly 4000 cases a day meanwhile India has so many cases and so many deaths every day with no end in sight so the argument holds very little water until we are out the other side ....


    You say we have nearly 4,000 deaths a day from Covid, in Thailand ?

    India again, a different country, different lifestyle different culture, so no comparison is there ?

    Do you see dead bodied floating down the Mekon, How many people per toilet in Thailand, compared to India ?

    How many people living in slum conditions, with no fresh water and toilet factifies . compared to Thailand 


  4. 1 hour ago, starky said:

    Welcome to TVF......there's only like a million threads referencing alcohol, the service of, hours you can buy it, what's the cheapest, why can't I buy it, can I on this day?, yadda yadda ad nauseum. It's not just the be all and end all of the pandemic it's the be all and end all of their very existence apparently. 

    Sad isn't it, they are starting to sound like these doomsayer talking about Covid and fanciful numbers that mean little, but give them a feeling of superiority to keep mentioning , while ignoring the thousands of deaths from other causes 

  5. 48 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

    You can buy the axle and wheels complete ready to go in most ag shops.

    Then it's a matter of finding the correct size and length U bolts to attach it to your frame.

    Most of the DIY  shops have U bolts for sale.


    Me being thick, but what is an AG shop ?

    have seen the U bolts in Thai Watsadu 

  6. 4 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    I have a K-Lion 150cc ATV same as the model in the picture below. They are sold here in Thailand as are the hitch to fit and a trailer. I priced them at 15K for the trailer and about 2K for the hitch. Not cheap but no hassles.


    klion atv with trailer.jpg

    Thanks Isaan

    Have got the hitch and tow ball with the quad, have ordered a ball coupling from Lazada

    Have made the trailer frame, very similar to your in the picture, but just need to attach some decent wheels 

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/27/2021 at 9:38 PM, Meat Pie 47 said:

    I also made the tow bar and all electrical wiring and licensing

    have decided to make my own, using 50mm angle iron , much easier to weld than box section ( for me)

    No problem making the frame and drawbar, but

    How did you make and fit the wheels to the underside ?

    dont need brakes or lighting, just need something that the wheels wont fall off, lol

    Smaller wheels would be ideal, rather than the  bike wheels that seems to be the norm here

    Any advice would be much appreciated



  8. 18 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You may be deliberately missing the point or have failed to understand the point of the alcohol bans.


    It's not the ‘act’ of drinking an alcoholic beverage which is any more risky than drinking an non alcoholic beverage but the reduction in social responsibly of people when they get drunk. 


    The regulations are based on the fact that some people become idiots when they get drunk, inhibitions will drop etc


    The line has to be somewhere...  it's too difficult to police people by allowing two drinks etc... so the regulation is to stop all drinking in public. 





    Thanks, but what proportion of people become  idiots in bars ?

    maybe i go to the wrong bars, but the people i see are people drinking and having conversations with other like minded people

    Bit like in the restaurants when eating with friends ?

    And how exactly, does people behaving like idiots, increase the chances of dying from Covid ?


    • Like 2
  9. 13 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Stop talking rubbish, you look foolish.

    The issue is restaurants behaving like bars....

    So what we got now, red lights and green lights over bars!

    so restaurants behaving like bars ? So how dos this infect and kill people with this "deadly" virus exactly

    car to explain how serving a coke is supposedly safe, yet serving a beer is deadly ?

    care to explain how sitting in a restaurant without a mask, drinking coke is "safe" yet change that drink to a beer and it suddenly becomes a danger to everyone ?

    Explain how, if the virus is already in the restaurant, it will not infect or kill if your not drinking beer ?

    Look forward to your so called opinions, but prefer to see you provide facts  

    lets see who is the foolish one now !

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Ventenio said:


    How many times must we say this!!!!  Falangs....not your country.   no follow rules, you go home now!!!!  you ruin all of us other falangs!!!!!  


    No excuse.  They probably never heard of covid, they will tell us.  no worries about infecting the poor, the old, the sick..........not worried about maybe killing billions.  maybe they will start the SOI Variant...the most dangerous in the galaxy.  


    Is this what the Wuhan scientist thought???????


    hey, while i look at this bat I'll do some drinking!!!!!  oops.....


    Is there even one responsible person left on Earth???


    I'm 400 meters below the surface, surviving on worms.....all so I don't get covid and infect other humans...


    these 7 falangs.....oh they not think same same!!!!!  

    wow. another intelligent reply from what appears to be a non english speaking person 

    Someone who thinks beer is infected with Covid !!!

  11. 13 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Just look at Brazil and India for example. Italy had problems too Your a probably a denier hard to argue with those they live in their own lil world

    Thanks for a rather pointless and silly answer

    Ahh, that magic word  "denier" that people like to spout off with, when anybody dares to ask questions that they cannot answer

    Have i ever denied that this :deadly" virus exists 

    Did these countries allow you to drink and eat, but only soft drinks, not beer ?

    But i thought this was Thai Visa, not Brazil or India visa 


    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, robblok said:

    Not exactly till enough people are vaccinated we need to keep it under control. This level is ablut the max as more then this and health care cannot cope. 


    So we just have to be patient. Right now the risk is not too bad if healthcare cant cope its a different story.

    Health care seems to have no problems coping with the thousands of flu and pneumonia patients each year, !

    Number of covid victims in comparison ? 

    Every body does not get vaccinated for the flu and pneumonia either , yet no worries or lockdowns .


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