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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 9 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

    People die every day, so will after having a jab that has not been the cause, probably so in this case

    yup, people die every day in Thailand, in the thousands i guess , but so very very few from the Covid virus 

    Which cause  are you most likely to die from , and I'm guessing its certainly not the virus. In fact , for most old ex pats, probably just as likely to die from the vaccine as the virus 

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  2. 2 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    It's been over a year now, and the same question has been asked and answered many, many times. If you still can't understand it,  then it's probably beyond your capability to grasp it.

    I'm guessing you cannot give a rational answer either  ?

    Maybe I'm thinking logically, unlike many of the people on here who believe everything they read ? 

    Care to show me where i can find these so called answers ?


  3. 8 hours ago, Crusader said:

    Once again, everyone is being tarred with the same brush...because of the small minority who have a beer or two then act like complete dorks - us resposible chaps are not permitted to do something we have been doing since way back when.


    but still waiting for someone to explain how being a dork, increases the chances of dying from the :deadly" virus. Does acting silly, singing or dancing make it more likely, while sitting quietly does not ?

    If so how does this work ? Either the virus is already there, in which case anyone could catch it, or it is not, in which case nobody will catch it, beer or no beer

  4. 9 minutes ago, the green light said:

    IF you want a safe vaccine.. then you need to pay money at a private hospital and  you might wait a little too


    Thai expectation is that farangs living in thailand have money to spend on liquor food and girls.. that is why they are in Thailand.    so how much a dent will it make to the farang budget  to pay  Bht 3k  for the vaccines.


    go for it and spend your money and your will be safe


    You mean spend it on the food, liquor and girls,? . Probably more chance of dying doing this than dying from the Covid ?

  5. 10 hours ago, sungod said:


    With nothing else available it seems, I would imagine the chance of catching Covid and the possibility of severe illness or even death I suppose?

    care to give us the odds on catching and being seriously ill or dying from the Covid, here in Thailand ?

    Then lets compare them dying on the toilet, dying while travelling to the shops, or dying from heart attack ?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    The WHO isn't corrupt.  They didn't tell any lies, just repeated what China told them.  Not much else they could do.  But yes, they didn't handle that very well.

    didnt they say the vaccines in the Uk were fully tested and safe ? The same ones that are causing blood clots and other disorders ?

    The same vaccines that are still in trial stage till 23 ? 

    The same vaccines that they are paying guinea pigs to take , pregnant women and children ?

    The same organisation who, while they may not give outright lies, are very wary about given any truths 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

    Clearly changing a single drink does not change the chance of infection. So let’s get over that point and move on.


    the second issue to move past is the one that restaurants don’t practice social distancing anyway. Well, they should. And the rule should be enforced. Just because people break one rule does not justify getting rid of all rules.


    as has been pointed out, people who have more than a single drink behave differently. Whilst you may innocently have a beer or two with a meal, there are those who will treat the restaurant as though it were a bar, get drunk and ignore social distancing.


    and then there is the point that I made. Authorities know from experience in the early lockdown that bars who are desperate for any kind of income, will be a bar with all the issues that implies vis a vis social distancing, but circumvent the rules by offering finger food or some snacks.


    I am not saying that the rule barring restaurants from serving alcohol is right, but you asked why they can’t and these are some of the reasons. 

    feel free to say they are clap trap, they aren’t my rules and I have no axe to grind either way. But you asked for an explanation and you got one.


    But unless you fully enforce things like social distancing, which would be very difficult and costly to both police and owners

    But we all know social distancing is just nice words that Thais ignore, just go to any supermarket, Makro, restaurant, etc and see how they distance , so to use this as a reason, is a bit futile 

    So the word that keep springing up as a reason, is social distancing, nothing else

    Even though we have almost no social distancing in the majority of buildings , which people seem to accept, 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I was giving you a chance to impress with your thinking skills...unfortunately you didn't impress. What is the effect on most people after 3-4 beers or glasses of wine in a restaurant, bar, or nightclub setting vs. a similar amount of Coke?

    sorry . still no answer from you , maybe your thinking skill need improving too

    i will repeat the very difficult question for your

    how will having fun, laughing, joking, and even arguing, increase your chances of catching the virus, if the virus is not present in the venue

    and if it is present, how will sitting quietly with a soft drink, prevent you from catching the virus ?

    either way, your sitting without a mask, in groups close together , talking and laughing, so how does this increase, or prevent catching the virus ?

  9. 28 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

    Where did he say that? I read he said Thailand has over 4000 CASES a day, not deaths. Although I don't agree where he said covid deaths now outnumber roads deaths,

    so why state the cases, when he is quoting the death count. Why not give us the true death figures from the virus compared to road deaths 

    The number of cases does not correlate to the number of deaths from the virus

  10. 4 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

    I think the issue may be that if restaurants can serve alcohol, suddenly bars become “restaurants” with minimal food offerings, but plenty of alcohol, which then causes a lack of social distancing.

    Yes, if only if the restaurant enforces social distancing, which the majority out of the tourist area do not 

    but if the restaurant already enforces social distancing, how will the change in drinks cause more deaths and infections ?

    and if it does not enforce social distancing, how will the change of drinks cause more deaths and infections ?


  11. 22 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    You have it turned around...the virus doesn't act differently...people do. Amazing over a year into the pandemic you still apparently don't understand this.

    But you still have not answered the question

    No matter what people do in the bar/restaurant, how will drinking beer instead of coke, increase the chances of catching the virus 

    If the infection is there in the venue, will sitting in a group drinking coke, instead of beer reduce the chances of catching it ?

    Amazing, still not able to answer other than stating people act differently



  12. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Restaurants in BKK at least can only have 25% seating arrangements. So a table meant for 4 can only have 1 person. So people are spread out that does not happen in bars. You really don't WANT to get it.

    Thanks, not been in Bangkok for a few months

    BUT, Bangkok is not Thailand, so this does not apply to the majority of bars and restaurants in Thailand, where social distancing is certainly not followed

    Why don't i want to get it, are you saying people like me will die or suffer great harm from this "deadly" virus, or will i be like the possibly millions of others who catch it and suffer a mild flu effect for a few days ?


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  13. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Sorry but bars are far worse then any restaurants. Restaurants have to do social distancing and you might catch a few not doing it but in bars it impossible. In short your grabbing at straws. Its far easier to police restaurants then bars in restaurants they can see it right away in bars they cannot.


    If their are no infected nobody will get it duh...  but how do you know nobody has it.


    As i said before people who drink alcohol are more likely to break social distancing rules then people who drink coke. So the person drinking coke would stay further away keep his mask up more the person on the hard drug alcohol would not care about a thing and be more likely to get it.


    You do remember that this wave started in a BAR in Thong Lor. Kinda proves the point.


    So again all over the world they close bars as the infection risk is higher but you think that governments all over the world do this just for fun ? You think that you with your incoherent reasoning knows better then all those people in governments ? You think they don't care that people are losing jobs. Ok that is one way to look at it.. looking at it as a victim because you NEED your drink.





    Im confused

    Where do you live ? Where do you eat out ?

    Social distancing is a nice word, that very few Thais seem to follow or even understand

    So to use this as an excuse is very feeble, or rather stupid

    ? How is it higher than the average food stall and buffet restaurant?

    If the venue , whatever type it is, has infected people inside, then there is a chance of catching it, but if no infected person inside, then zero chance of catching, even if drunk and dancing on the tables !



  14. 16 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    I couldbe wrong but I think the premis was more people are likely to go and gather etc with alchohol present than they would with soft drinks. Just a theory.

    Yup, but is your theory correct, when comparing the number of people, Thais and ex pats, who congregate  in restaurants each day,,  Just go out on any evening and see how many Thais are sat eating and talking in large numbers , whether beer or not is present

    So surely, it more a case of if someone in these crowds have the infection, it will be passed on, not matter what they drink

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