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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 8 hours ago, tifino said:

    and then there's those nincompoops who are inside the shopping plaza... with a mask on their head... be that: under nose, under chin, hanging off one ear...

     - yeah fair enough if they are eating/drinking something; but it is those who have it somewhere useless on their head that boasts back to the 'Official' that they have a mask exemption!!  


     - que??     

    (why have a mask on your head at all/ if you are exempted from wearing one)  

    So put mask on, enter mall,

    5 minutes later, sitting with group of friends, eating and drinking without masks for around 1 hour

    Put mask on, exit mall

    Makes sense ??

  2. 1 hour ago, thvima said:


    helmet or not, riders have chosen their risk, that will happen sooner or later, you like it or not, I have never met anywhere in the world a rider who never had an accident. This is why I estimate myself so smart to avoid riding bikes anymore, and especially here. Those old riders are the worst, they can't see 3m ahead but they ride a bike...




    went through 3 helmets back in the UK, all 3 cracked and damaged due to hitting objects, just lucky to escape any major injury

    Had one truck run red light here, so T boned him, luckily at low speed. But still broke both the 2 visors hitting his door pillar. Again, head ache, sprained wrist, but ok

    I NEVER ride without a helmet, even when they were not mandatory in the UK, always wore one 

    But as they say, up to you

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/19/2021 at 7:07 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I wonder if people who create signs and stupid text like that take everything so serious.


    Sure, it's a good idea to wear a helmet to protect ourselves. And personally I do this most of the time.

    But not all the time. Because a helmet is hot and it's a nice feeling to feel the wind without helmet.

    Does that make me stupid or all those other terms mentioned above?


    How many people ride bicycle without helmet? The risk is high.

    How many pedestrians dare to cross any street in Thailand - and without helmet and protective clothes? Why do they do that?

    And why are there people who think amulets will protect them?


    This list goes on and on. Most of us are not always in the mood to protect us as much as we can. Sometimes we take a risk. That's life.






    are these the same people telling everyone that they must get vaccinated too ????

    Or is this up to the individual ?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

    The die was cast last summer when it was decided to procure Thailand's supply of vaccine only from the local company Siam Bioscience.   With various governments buying huge amounts of vaccine from the foreign makers, it is now hard to get.  The only hope is that more vaccines from new producers will be approved and world-wide supply will increase dramatically.

    i wonder who is the owner of this new company, who i guess will be profiting very nicely . Would this be why they prefer to wait than buy from other companies ??

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Quite. I doubt it is coincidence that the rates in the UK have shot up since they allowed people back in the pubs.

    Alcohol however is only a catalyst, the real problem is the close socialising and unfortunately a great deal of that happens in Thailand without alcohol being involved.

    so as you admit, close contact happens in Thailand, with, or without the beer ban, so why continue with it ?

  6. 11 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Yes that was back in April and May when hospitals were being severely stressed and there were waiting lines for people seriously ill with covid.  

    Did you actually bother to do a search and see what the Bangkok Post articles said? I doubt it

    What do field hospitals set up for the asymptomatic have to do with that?

    What do you think will happen if the govt. relaxes restrictions the way it did before? Especially now that the delta variant is on the increase.

    hospitals stressed ?

    Seems to be very few , overworked with Covid, with many many lucky to have but a few patients, most having mild symptoms

    But you keep believing that if it makes you happy

    Did the Bangkok Post ask around the country, or was it just the rough tourist areas , because none of the hospitals around here have had more than a few cases, and certainly not stressed. 

    perhaps if the relaxed the restrictions, the country can get back to normal, providing they stop the media from hyping up what is still, such a small amount of deaths

    Yes, it "could" get worse, if, maybe, possibly, , but the it could also, if, maybe possibly not .

    kept hearing on here since last year how we were all gunna die from this virus in the thousands each week, still waiting !

    Meanwhile millions of Thais are struggling to survive, to provide basics like food , all the while listening to the media hype, but never actually seeing or hearing of anyone dying from this " deadly" virus, , 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Irrelevant comparison..... 

    Surgical facemasks are effective at reducing particles of 0.1 microns >99%.

    Comparing normal breathing of air at negligible pressure drop to water being delivered at about 20-30 psi is foolish. 

    They don't wear them in operating theaters for a laugh!




    but do they wear the cheap Chinese masks that most Thais do ?

    The ones that state on the box " Not for medical use " ?

    So how good are these in protecting you, when worn all day, often many days ?

    How many Thais, and expats, wear the true medical masks, and replace them after short time like surgeons do ?

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Yes. As long as the hospitals ICU's aren't being taxed to the limit, that's a very strong indicator that the virus is currently being held at bay. It very nearly overwhelmed Bangkok and few other places that cater to certain kinds of activity or have lots of workers in adequately protective work situations.

    were the army hospitals full of ICU patients too, or did they stay empty most of the time due to lack of patients ?

  9. 7 hours ago, The Cipher said:


    Except...it is though.


    Even if you don't enjoy nightlife of any kind and are home and tucked into bed by 10pm every night, do you...never lift a weight; never swim; never get a massage; never want to travel without quarantine to other parts of the country, let alone other countries; enjoy sitting diagonally or at another table from your partner/friends; enjoy having to wear a mask every time you step outdoors, including in your private motor vehicle...


    Some of those, for some of us, even individually are huge hinderances (closed gyms and closed borders in my case), but collectively they certainly constitute a material annoyance for most people.


    That doesn't even take into account the constant mental pressure of keeping up with the changing regulations both here and abroad and the concern of watching businesses close and people struggle.

    but most of them don't apply to the many many people who live in the countryside.

    Me, never swim, other than in the sea, lift weights, not unless its a large beer, massage, can get one free from the missus, have no problem sitting together or with friends across the tables or at the bar, never diagonal .Perhaps you should move to a better area that does not have these "restrictions "

    The only ones that apply to the majority of people are wearing masks, but only in some public buildings and possibly to some of them that want to travel overseas.

    as far as travel round the country, never stopped me or friends, from going to many places, with the exception of a few places further south, like Bangkok, Pattaya, which is no hardship to miss anyway

    So for most people life does go on as near as normal

  10. 51 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Now descending to personal insults? I find that's usually the reaction on the part of someone their arguments are repeatedly exposed as defective.


    If comparable deaths are to be your line of argument, then the relevant statistic would be to compare the number of deaths per million from Covid in the UK vs. the number of deaths per million from road accidents in Thailand over the same stretch of time. I believe the number of deaths from road accidents yearly  in Thailand is roughly 20,000. Given that Thailand has a roughly equal number of residents to the UK's, how do you think that compares to the yearly number of deaths from covid in the UK?



    no, lets compare the number of Uk covid deaths compared to UK road deaths

    Then lets do the same to Thailand 

    You quote 20.000 Thai road deaths, which is a quoted government figure ? Does this include the deaths in the ambulances and in hospitals? deaths rate in 17 months, not 12, for covid in Thailand around 1,580?

    But if you want to use other countries instead of Thailand to show how dangerous this virus is, , then i want to use Tonga !! 

    • Like 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Suua said:

    Oh well, I guess we can all watch the death rate skyrocket in the coming months.

    They won't even learn from other countries experiences......I have no words for their jaw dropping stupidity.

    The only conclusion to this, is it's obvious they are in very deep financial poop.

    I will be moving my money to banks abroad come Monday.

    Som nom na.

    Is this the same rocketing death rate evryone kept telling us about after Songkran ? The one that never happened  either  


    • Confused 2
  12. 6 minutes ago, Excel said:

    No one in our Amphur has had a vaccination and that includes the few doctors and nurses in our local community hospital !!.  And I think knowing anyone who did contract covid would mean a tour trip to go and gawp at them as it would be so unusual ????

    sooo true ?

    they never see, never heard of anyone catching it, yet still wear masks while riding bike through village

    How many of them wear masks that are many days old too. We sell masks, and see many adults and children with old and dirty masks on a morning, going into school 

  13. On 6/5/2021 at 12:30 AM, ThaiVisaCentre said:

    The cost is MUCH cheaper than ASQ/ALQ if you are coming with family / friends.

    You also can have your friends/girlfriend come to your room.

    Also some villas allow 4 guests, and we expect larger options to also become available.

    So even-though there are additional requirements we think it would be a much more comfortable stay than at an ASQ Hotel.

    So you are in quarantine in a hotel, but can have friends and ladies round to visit ????

    Remind me why the need to quarantine then ? 

  14. 8 hours ago, sezze said:

    Comparing flu vs covid was useless before , since the behavior of flu was very well know , and although it does kill quite a few people each year , there are vaccines for it ( doesn't work all the time ) , and hospitals aren't full of patients ( which is the real problem ) .

    Now we are talking a different period , since vaccines are to the rescue . This is why we see lots of fast improvements in measures and hospital numbers and also positive cases in many countries , making it very manageable . Thailand hasn't come near it yet , and due to some variants around it is still time to take care . There will always be deaths and people in hospital from covid , this won't go away , like the flu , so now indeed very similar .

    So , in order to the subject , only thing that needs to be done is vaccinating and doing it fast . I am still hoping to October to for coming to Thailand , but i am afraid they will still impose too much rules . They want to open but they don't know how to do it , the "sandbox" idea was a good plan in the beginning but the problem is that it really comes too fast for Thailand . They simply do not have enough vaccinated people themselves , and it isnt about the tourists but on the local population .

    Good post, but if we run scared of what is a small number of deaths in Thailand, from the Covid, and insist on vaccinations to severely reduce these numbers, why are they not putting the same tactics and resources into supplying a working vaccine and full vaccinations against the flu/pneumonia, which kills far more people in Thailand 

    It seems that even without the vaccinations in Thailand , there have been very very few deaths , based on the population of 68 million. we keep seeing lots of words like " could, maybe, possibly likely " on what may happen without the vaccine but after 17 months, very very few of these have proved correct .

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