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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    It is fortunate the precautions taken against Covid, will work for these too. 

    yup, some of those precautions will work, but for how long ?

    Do we continue to lockdown, restrict travel, wear face masks, social distance, etc, etc, for ever more ?

    or do we eventually lift the restrictions and continue life as "normal" as possible, accepting that thousand will continue to die each year from the flu and now the covid virus 

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  2. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    What it says is that there is a vanishingly small number of people who are coming down with the flu.

    I have no idea why you are bringing vaccinations into this. It has nothing to do with your original false claim.

    Is this " small number" based on this years figures, , the year we have had many lockdowns, travel restrictions, forced mask wearing, etc ?

    Then i agree the figures will have reduced from previous years

    But are you saying that this downward trend will continue after the restrictions are lifted ? 

    Do you have any actual figures for this years reduction in flu and pneumonia hospitalizations ?   

    Deaths by Covid virus since Jan 2020 ( 17 months ) = 1,525 ?

    Deaths , on average from flu virus in 12 months, not 17 , = 44,549 ? 


  3. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    If you think that the measures taken to control covid haven't pretty much eliminated flu deaths. then you haven't been paying attention to the science.








      Nice pictures, and probably correct in the number of deaths, but still people being hospitalised due to the flu and pneumonia virus

    so what happens to these flu deaths when people get the covid vaccinations, , you say the vaccines will stop the flu virus deaths too ?


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  4. 2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    The normal flu, used to spread because people would travel to the places that were flu hot spots, then

    spread it around. With out all the travel, and with people wearing masks and social distancing, the

    normal flu has not been spread like it usually is.  COVID is an air born virus, that spread further than it

    was assumed to. as the tiny mist can travel well beyond 2 meters.  It is not just the larger droplets of

    COVID that are spreading the virus.  Heard that on the news last night.  Get your shots and hope that

    it will protect you from the variants as well. Good luck all


    Thanks, but will the vaccine keep you safe from the flu virus too

    what happens when they start to open up all areas?

    unless you are going to keep wearing masks and stopping people moving around, then the flu will return as before surely. With the increase in deaths back to normal , which according to WHO is around 44,000 a year, far greater than Covid deaths 


    • Sad 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Ah no proof then but you're also the one who can't believe it spreads in bars and clubs, says it all really ????

    Proof of what, that the flu is around

    perhaps you should get the facts from your local hospitals 

    Sakon Nakhon has patients for months, though decreasing  over time 

    don’t believe that the flu spreads in bars and clubs,? Yes I do, possibly even more than  Covid does


  6. 22 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Didn't you hear? Flu has all but disappeared, due to the measures imposed to contain the Covid 19 pandemic so those deaths are also now being saved.

     No, just put down as Covid deaths ,

    but still plenty in hospitals with the flu and pneumonia, just nobody talks about them.

    if you think that the covid measure has stopped the flu deaths, which occurs every year, looks like a lifetime of lockdowns, masks, etc

    • Sad 1
  7. 7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    I don't like the odds... 1.5-2.5% of those infected in other countries die. Many get something called long Covid... doesn't sound good. And many have unpleasant symptoms ... it nearly killed the UK PM. 


    Which one has more chances of killing you, or giving you long term problems ?

    and yet people ignore this and worry about Covid ?


    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

    hmm, can't see how this will work at all !! How will quarantining for only 3 days protect the double vaccinated from the infected Thais? They should be quarantined for their entire stay and then do 14 days quarantine upon returning to their own country. We certainly do not want any more variants in the UK, thank you very much ????

    but we are told that if vaccinated, everything is good and cannot catch it, yes , no ?


    and if tested home and here, why do you think they will bring it with them ? or even take it back with them

    • Like 2
  9. can you imagine the thousands of chargers and charging cables clogging up the roads and pavements. How will the Thais be able to ride on the footpaths . And also, imagine how many of these charging stations will be tapped into for free power for the street traders and small shops, . 

    Maybe start by getting rid of all the polluting vehicles first, allowing only clean and modern vehicles within  the city limits, but that would mean the police actually doing some work

  10. 33 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    If only people could go to a bar and be Socially Responsible in these Covid times.

    But they cannot

    All starts well, but after the 3rd Beer, the Guard drops, as do the Inhibitions, along with any reasonable behavior ( not for all, but for many ), and that is how the Covid spreads.

    Thats why the bars are closed

    still don't understand how the covid will spread, just because they are enjoying themselves

    Its either in the bar already, or its not, so if you sit eating and drinking soft drinks nice and quiet, it will still spread it its already in the room

    Having a laugh and more noise and messing about cannot increase the chances of catching it, if it is not already in the room 

    And don't mention social distancing , that's in your dreams if you think that applies to any bar or restaurant 

  11. 1 hour ago, RobMuir said:

    Less than 800 per day.


    You get what you pay for in my experience.

    rate for our villages is 300 baht a day, can be as little as 250 baht sometimes

    don't kill themselves, but often steady workers

    Just give them the occasional small whiskey or beer at the end of the day

    • Like 2
  12. 58 minutes ago, Steve Vincent said:

    Anybody who may be concerned with the vaccines and their adverse reactions can keep up to date with latest reports ! Coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk 


    had my first vaccine back in March Astra Zeneca ‘ few aches and pains afterwards and chills lasting several days - booked in for 2nd jab this coming Monday - seems by reports I’ve read adverse effects have been much less reported after having 2nd jab ~ was against having the vaccine but without it i won’t be able travel,. Fingers crossed as missing my family in ubon 

    Hope everything is ok for you, and you get back here to your family safely


  13. 1 hour ago, chalawaan said:

    Nobody is forcing you -yet.  Most of us are quite fine that the world seems to have found a "cure for stupid", and in a delicious paradox, that cure for stupid appears to be ever-mutating Covid, dont take the vax? Then be prepared to deal with the endless list of post Covid complications, and I don't worry about the "death rate" another red herring the anti-vaxxers are obsessed with. It is quality of life youre gambling with. If one is dead, ones problems are over, I've had a good life, and I've made my peace anyhow.


    By all means don't take the vaccine, but I will cheer as security throw you out of bars, restaurants, airports, and shops, when the time comes to produce your vax proof, or leave the building!


    "Freedom", will soon, by human necessity, be reserved for people who understand it's true value -and the art of compromise. 


    We didn't hear you "freedom lovers" whine when 9/11 turned us all into terrorist suspects at airports these last 20 years! Now that, I do have a problem with. That dehumanizing security theatre should have been sorted out with biometrics and frequent flyer profiling years ago. 

    Thanks, but I'm sure i wont have a problem with the bars and restaurants, and as for the "passport", I'm sure i can find a perfectly good copy if needed 

    Endless complications ? So how many on here have got "Endless complications" from this Covid ? Its been 16 months now, how many expats on here have died or suffered from this deadly virus 

    Ahh the red herring death rate, you mean the one that is many many more times likely to kill you ?

    That magic word that keeps popping up, "Freedom " and Return to normality , while still having to wear face nappies, be constantly tested , to social distance, ( but only when its convenient ) , but I'm sure you will feel smug while still spreading the infection to others even after the vaccine

    Didn't hear people whine about airport security, perhaps you should get a hearing aid .? People complained then, and still complain about the often silly security rules. And if you've ever worked at airports, you would know just how stupid they really are 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    I think it's fair to say that all the vaccines are not as safe as we would like them to be.  With the vector vaccines the major issue is more obvious and easily defined, but the problem is also there in equal measure for the mRNA vaccines too, only more diffuse.  There is no point holding out for the 'good one' because it does not exist yet. Imo, regardless of the type we are possibly looking at 50 very serious adverse effects and perhaps 1 or 2 deaths per million among people who are truly fit and healthy (note: not many people are). 


    If you are relatively young, you may want to consider the possibility of not having the vaccine at all regardless of type.  If you are somewhat less than fit and healthy or over 60, then there is at at least cast iron evidence that any adverse effects are hugely outweighed by the benefits where the AZ vaccine is considered. The risk of serious blood clotting in old people is very, very low and may not differ from the general population.  Generally, I would say over 60's (unless frail) should just get vaccinated with whatever is available.



    so over 60s should run the risk and get the jab ?

    and how many 0ver 60s ex pats in Thailand have died from Covid so far ?


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