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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Bangkok plans cycling lanes to ease congestion in key districts If they work as well as the Zebra crossings there are going to be Many Death people about . One can't expect Most Thai drivers to stay off the Bike lane just because the lane is for Bikes. 😇
  2. I don't think that DT is That special My opinion is I just think that it is a stupid Idea to wait that long for the new President to get in office, I belie that if one won the Votes He/She should be in office within a week after the Final count of the Votes.
  3. Will Trump deport the LEGAL Haitian migrants in Ohio as promised? No DT won't. only Illegal ones. What’s the difference between legal and undocumented immigrants? Legal immigrants are foreign-born people legally admitted to the U.S. Undocumented immigrants, also called illegal aliens, are foreign-born people who do not possess a valid visa or other immigration documentation, because they entered the U.S. without inspection, stayed longer than their temporary visa permitted, or otherwise violated the terms under which they were admitted.
  4. Biden Struggles to Navigate Delaware Beach & Stumbles Multiple Times. IF JB isn't fit to be in office as the President Why not turn this job over to DT as he's the NEW President Chosen. Why wait till the end of January, He's voted in so what's the Delay. Let DT do his job, he's better then what we had and what we got now. No Excuses for the Delay till January 20
  5. 1 -General population ,hope that they Find Out and act accordingly . 2-Get himself put in Self protection section and hope for Self Harm.
  6. Scottish Man Extradited from Thailand Jailed for Sexually Abusing Young Girls. Going to jail, with some luck He will get "looked after" in there by some Inmates ,they don't like Rock Spiders in Jail.
  7. 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't',
  8. Elon Musk’s Estranged Daughter Seeks New Life Abroad After Trump Victory. What in Satans name, is that, He he , He turned out to be a Real Wannabe Bitch.
  9. Is it possible to have the wheels on a roller suitcase repaired, and if so, where (in BKK) Yes one can repair /replace the wheels. If one was to this himself there are many different ones for sale Online Lazada/Shopee/Temu/E Bay and more. https://www.google.com/search?q=suitcase+wheels+for+sale&rlz=1C5CHFA_enTH1025TH1025&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgAECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAuGCcY6gLSAQkxNjg2ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. That's not going to fix the problem for Stray /Soi dogs. Everyone knows what Has to be done , But people/Government here are so stupid that the only thing that works ( Extermination) is not getting done . It seems that Animals are More imported than people.
  11. Motorcycle riders and passengers not wearing helmets could be detained at a police station . That's the joke of the day . There aren't enough cops to bring in all the non wearing helmet riders and there's not enough room to put all the people in for an hour.😁
  12. Thai Govt Proposes Salt & Fat Tax to Boost Public Health What an Idiotic idea, People eat what they want to eat . What in Satans name has this got anything to do with the Govment what people eat. Who dreamed this Greedy ,Money ,Tax Scam up. Next they will put a tax on the Dirty air we breath . Tax for walking on the footpaths. We pay road tax now so they will look at that for sure.
  13. Taxi Driver Nabbed at Phuket Airport with Drugs and Weapons. That's a poor Harvest just 1 Taxi. What about All the other Taxies ,Most /if not all carry some kind of weapon and Drugs as well.
  14. Restaurant ‘beefs’ up search for customer who paid 200,000 baht Just want to be in the Limelight and advertise that they are Honest It is easy to refund the extra money from bank details /Bank
  15. You are the Dummest Dummy. Just red that link Again that Link Doesn't Say /Prove anything .. That's No proof from The Immigration department from Elon Musk''s Immigration files . That proof from the Immigration department is the only way to proof if Elon Musk Is/was illegally in the country and or worked illegally at that time Elon Musk, the billionaire tech mogul and influential social media voice, could face revocation of his United States citizenship and possible criminal charges if evidence shows he misrepresented information to government officials during his immigration process, legal experts told Wired.
  16. Maybe Not a Viper , could be a red tail green rat snake.. The Red-tailed green ratsnake, also known as the arboreal ratsnake and Red-tailed Racer, is a non-venomous snake. They are often mistaken for the Green Pit Viper, which is a highly venomous snake. This is because they both have the same colouration on their bodies.
  17. Thai police report 90% arrest rate in crime crackdown What crackdown? Arrests doesn't mean that the people that have been arrested are convicted for the crime the people are arrested for does it. Where are the Real Numbers for the convicted people that have been arrested. No numbers so this crackdown means Nothing.
  18. How do You know that Elon Musk is an Illegal Immigrant? Do You have any proof from the Immigration Department to back up your statement that Elon musk is an Illegal Immigrant ? If not shut your Face.
  19. I don't have to answer your question because Everything is explained in my post. You didn't read my post very well did you?
  20. What do you mean by NO? Because different Docs and different People studies have a different opinion what is Normal or not for a 70 yr old male ? According to some studies, the blood pressure of 70-year-old people usually ranges from 121/83 mmHg - 147/91 mmHg. Blood pressure at age 70 is recommended to be kept at 134/87.
  21. We're happy for you that you Know.
  22. Most devices are pretty good ,not much different than the one I use at home . Most times the measurements are not taken when the body is at rest , Normally one should be at rest/relax before the measurement is taken that's what my Doc said she prefers at least 15 Min What about BP for us Old Fellows, Blood pressure at age 70 is recommended to be kept at 134/87 mmHg. According to some studies, the blood pressure of 70-year-old people usually ranges from 121/83 mmHg - 147/91 mmHg. To measure blood pressure most accurately, you should let the patient lie down, relax, should rest for about 5-10 minutes before taking the measurement. Time to measure blood pressure for the elderly is about 10 minutes, should be measured in both hands.
  23. They both mean the same thing 'Meaning that the person is not 100 % capable of doing things with their body and or mind. A physical or mental condition that limits movements, senses, or activities. Offensive or not one can use whatever one likes + a few others one can dream up.
  24. Put your glasses on ,READ what I posted . Don't come back with a stupid Reply.
  25. What about using this money for the pensioners in foreign countries who don't get the yearly upgrade on their pension.. Do pensioners living abroad get pension increases? If you retire abroad to any other country, you will not get any annual increases in your state pension. However, there is an exception – if you retire abroad 'part-time' but live in the UK for six months or more each year. In this instance, you will get annual increases in your state pension.
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