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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Bangkok’s flood defences on high alert: I think that they need the Floods to Flush out the canals and all the dirt an rubbish what comes with that.. I think that they can't make Bangkok Flood proof even if they call in the Help fro the Dutch. Dikes along the river banks stops the water from flooding the land , I seen that when I went bak to The Netherlands . We were driving on the roads on top of the dikes for many Kilometers all along the rivers. Some river water levels there are Higher than the land outside the dikes . But Thailand would say I will do this My way. But they forget that there are Two ways of doing things ; The Thai way and the Right way.
  2. Don't tell me that people are expected to believe that drivel.
  3. Do you believe that true love exists? This is generally a matter of opinion. That can mean that some people Believe that true love exists and some people Do no believe that true love exists same as with Religion.
  4. No. they will find something else (An Excuse to blame it on Global warming having a day off) or some other Excuse. 🙏
  5. Do you believe in God and why. No. How can one believe in something that one can't see/doesn't exist.
  6. Disciplinary Case of 'Big Joke' Sees Significant Progress Don't count him out yet ,he may have the big trump card up his sleeve.
  7. Don't forget Where Thai people originated from . https://maichau.ecolodge.asia/en/blog-detail/thai-people-in-southeast-asia-origin-spread-11223-5.html#:~:text=According to David Wyatt%2C in,to the south and southwest.
  8. Trump’s nephew insists former president is showing signs of ‘dementia’ like his grandfather Don't you believe it people , DT . He's an Old fox he's Playing you all.
  9. 12 month bank statement They now require this nonsense 12 month statement for the term deposit 800 K down here as well. And they want a bank letter stating that the funds have been in the bank for the 12 months . It's a Term deposit for Satans Sake. The dates are in the book from when it Starts and When it's Finishes. They want 3 things for the Same thing 12 month statement Letter from the bank and copies of the Term Deposit book. Los , Land of Stupid
  10. Short Answer: No, Temu Does Not Offer Cash on Delivery Temu, the popular online marketplace known for its amazing deals and wide range of products, does not currently offer cash on delivery (COD) as a payment option. Instead, customers need to pay for their orders at the time of purchase using one of the app’s accepted payment methods. The reason behind this policy is pretty straightforward. Temu aims to keep transactions smooth and secure for everyone involved. By not handling cash, Temu can streamline its delivery process and ensure a safe shopping environment for its vast user base. So, while it might be a slight adjustment for those used to paying with cash on delivery, Temu’s payment system is designed with efficiency and safety in mind.
  11. So because someone /Some people see things different than you he's Ranting . Now your saying that My assertion is wrong, I can say the same from yours ,Right , because some people say/Think that they are right You believe them ? Not me. Stop badgering someone because his believes are different than yours and a few other people. End of replies . 🙏
  12. What Action do they want? It's the People that Trow the rubbish were they stand . Get a Squad together get them to place some Big Rubbish bins . Then Book them and Force them to clean/pick up their rubbish. Yes I know , it's Not going to happen . Same as Corruption People are Born and bred into it.
  13. Yea you are Right , Sh!t Happens . What happen Millions of yrs ago Can/Will happen again. Don't worry the planet will look after itself it's been doing that for Millions of yrs. Scaring the people and scamming Trillions of $ from them isn't going to Fix what they Think is wrong , Who are They? The Greedy monsters that are in Power to do what they want . Brainwashing comes to mind , just like Religion Trying to make people believe in something that Doesn't exit whilst robbing the people of their Money and Power. https://earthsky.org/earth/whats-hottest-earth-has-ever-been/ https://www.climatesignals.org/resources/explainer-whats-hottest-earths-ever-been#:~:text=One of the warmest times,about 56 million years ago.
  14. Uninformed , is That what you call it . You believe what you like and I believe what I think is right . Yes we have some Climate change for sure , But it doesn't matter if it Warms up Fast or Slow and Cools down Fast or Slow It's Still a Natural Phenomenon. It will change , This may take 100 Yrs or 10000 Yrs.
  15. Born in the Netherlands , Immigrated to Australia at 25. 🙏
  16. Hey there carlyai. Just Tried Again after 5 Years with NAB for an International money Transfer Via Internet banking . Just done a dummy Run AU$100 , If one sends THB they will give you a Bad exchange Rate. As much as 1 THB or more than the Bangkok Bank Per AU$ Guess what they must have my Thai phone number that I gave them 12Yrs ago Registered now ,That's the Only number that they have from me. The Transfer Did work They send me the 6 Digit OTP , I just cancelled the transfer as the fee was AU$ 30 For Transferring AU$100 Phone Apps are Free I don't use them. If you Transfer with Wise for a Higher amount AU$ 10000 it will cost AU$64.93 🙏
  17. Yes for sure . It could be just the employees not knowing what they are doing if they are not trained properly , but they are not fixing them No matter how many times we complain.
  18. NAB told me that 5 yrs ago that it was Thailand AIS at fault , we contacted AIS and they said it was NAB's Fault AIS never blocked any numbers. We were on the phone for nearly 3 days , I got them to call Me on the Thai number after Complaining for an Hr how much it was going to cost me for their Stuffed Up system. So back to NAB and in the end they Admitted that it is their System at fault . I Am Still waiting to hear from them to tell me if they Fixed or not . I haven't called NAB to try again I'll stick with Wise . There are many others here that have the same trouble . When I feel up to it I probable check again one day if I /They can make it work. They have my Thai number for the International Transfers . They tested sending a Normal SMS with that number and that works. There system is pretty Awful . Tried changing Address That took about 6 months before the found out the problem , and cant fix that problem. Problem is their system can't compute the Slash / in a house number like 69/2 We had to use the small horizontal - Key instead of the Slash to make it compute in their system and Emails.
  19. Heartbreaking Photos Reveal Melting Swiss Glaciers: A 15-Year Comparison Nice , Was that by chance a Winter Pic and a Summer Pic 15 yrs Later? What about scare mongering hey. Just look at the Real change in the Cold/hot world. https://museum.wales/articles/1036/When-Antarctica-went-into-the-deep-freeze/#:~:text=Antarctica hasn't always been,the Eocene and Oligocene epochs.
  20. Yes , Insurance companies are in business to Make Money . Definitely not to Help the so called Insured .
  21. Thank you , Does that work now ? Yea , they are pretty backwards at the NAB. I was doing International transfers with SMS ,OTP to Thailand years ago, than they changed something and than it didn't work anymore. they said they would fix that and let me know . Now 5 years later still Nothing . I use Wise in AUS now . I transfer from Nab to Wise (no transfer Fees) and Wise transfers the funds to BangBank in Thailand .
  22. What are the best ways to meet other expats? Nah, give that a miss.
  23. Talk and talk like they do all the time for Anything and getting Nothing done.
  24. Nonbinary and Transgender Nikki Hiltz in the Paris Olympics I would put All those Wannabes in One category in sports and Let them compete with their other wannabes competitors. Give them there Own Dressing Rooms to makes this ecceptable to Everyone.
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