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Everything posted by owl sees all
Yes! Only joking, life can be good before jumping the broomstick,
Everything sorted. The farm is gone; never to be returned. Picked up 200 pinkies from the market, and also bought 7 kois. Didn't see any bigger ducks today. Just as well, as me and Mildred would have bought a couple for sure. Mrs Owl was in Ban Dung sorting out the land, so didn't venture into the market. Went into Ban Dung afterwards to replace the Mazza battery. 3k for the new one, but got a discount of 500 for the old. 2500 baht. So that's no cheese for me, until the battery money is recovered. About 3 months. Life's a bitch. Then you marry one. Then you die. Only joking guys!
That's what I said to Mrs Owl - although with more subtly - about the daughter Nan. Who, so I'm told, the money was give to. 'How would she ever pay the dosh back teerak?' Only two ways; win the lottery or sell (or loan out) her assets. So a plea. Any farangs out there that want a thoroughly untrustworthy 30 year old, with two kids that she don't live with but needs money for. But to her credit; I've heard she has stopped her on-line gambling. But there is more. And this is really something I should have been more aware of. I'm from the old East London school., where a handshake seals a deal. ''An Englishman's handshake is as good as a bond.''; and all that. Over here that is certainly not the case. So all the plans, the talks, and the agreements we had, were simply a masquerade for the real manoeuvres. My main focus is Mildred. I have to see to it that she gets the best start in what can be a difficult world. Hells Bells!! I'm not gonna be about forever. None of us are. But when yer get into yer later years, things become quite clear. There is so much more to be done. Yet, unlike the days of youth when the body is more willing to carry out the mind's whims and ideas, the body had to be taken into consideration more. I want to put a solar pump into number two. The Mrs don't like that idea, cause that 25k would be better off in her hand-bag in the form of gold; or lottery tickets. But I did suggest to her that once an irrigation system kicks in, it COULD put 10k in her pocket every month, she mellowed a bit. We will see. Off to Ban Dung market in a while. Just charging the Mazza battery at the mo'.
What can I say CL? If you are trying to cheer me up with that post, you are bang on the money. Thanks.
Thanks Andy 'n' CL. You are both right. Fifteen rai of dedication gone forever. 329 mature palms. Two water towers. Covering the debt interest was nearly 16k a week. Simply too much for me. She had already lost her gold. The farm - one of them - had to go. But it's onward and upwards for sure. I've a lovely daughter and my health is good. And as you say, the dogs, cats, fish, snails are fine. I'm sure the terrapins are OK too.
Owl Log - 03-11-2023 - Sunday evening A strange week. Some very encouraging bits to it, but also a huge disappointment chucked in. Mildred is not back in school til Wednesday, so she can join me in going to the number 4 market tomorrow. Hope to pick up 200 pink dooks. No more ducks for now. On the downside one of the big farms has been sold, to cover the huge debts that the Mrs had run up. I'm hoping that the pineapple plant will give a third fruit. I will admit to watering it. Doing OK. At school last week, every day was spent on the sport's field. Not for sport; although there was some footy. Mildred belongs to the yellow group. Six groups altogether. They didn't win the prize for the best performances, but did get some drinks given to them though. It was the 'blues' who came out on top. Back to learning next week I reckon. Sport finished. Found the worst soi in Ban Dung by accident. Never usually go down this soi, but it was sprung on me at the last mo'. If I ever go to town on two wheels I'll stay well clear. And Ban Dung has not got the monopoly on holes. There is a bad one developing on the 2022 near the bridge. About 1.5 km out of town. You are travelling on the inside lane towards Ban Dung, approaching the bridge. And!! Only one lane on the other side. Where I stopped on the other side of the main road was horrible too. Though not for the same reason. At least our soi back in the village is clear of rubbish. I go down it every day to clear any trash. Rice completely done now. Someone owes us 12 sacks. Was gonna pick them up today, but the people were not at home. Poo asking Robert about his new clothes. Saw something unusual yesterday. A yellow water tank, in the school opposite Adjun's pad. And Adjun likes giving Ginger a hug. Last Sunday. This is the time of year for the beautiful flowers. The village just after dawn. Twins growing up. +++++++ Owls get a great win at home to Blackburn yesterday. Saints, Peacocks, foxes and tractors all win. No change at the top. Toon sort out United. Gunners back on top. That's nearly two months without rain now. Once that rain stops it's clear skies all the way til April. No sign of the little ducks. Can't see the pinkies in pond 3. Some of the smaller Mekongs are showing up for surface food. I'm a bit down in the dumps at the mo. Have to have a long listen to Maris Callas. Cheer me up. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. One of Mildred's latest sketches.
The Bible should be studied at higher education level in literature and history. As for its relevance in today's world. Well?! Some might say it's essential. Others say it's insignificant. For me personally; God is mother earth. And religion is nature.
Worst Joke Ever 2025
owl sees all replied to warfie's topic in Jokes - Puzzles and Riddles - Make My Day!
A man walks into a doctor's surgery after an accident right outside. Carrying the severed limb. The nurse looks up at the poor man dripping with blood. "Sir, I take it that you have downloaded the NHS App." -
Be a good one to win. Foxes are really an EPL club.
Right then. It's Monday morning - November 27th 2023 Changed all the pics over. Don't know if I can present the vids. We will see. Everything stops for rice. It was all about rice harvesting last week. Cut and laid out to dry. Mrs Owl inspecting the crop. I had taken the door off the rice store. The plan was to put some wire mesh on the inside to stop any rats hiding in there. Had to put it back in a hurry on Thursday evening in the dark. The day before we cleared the last of the previous year's haul. Rice all done for the season now. Got 25 bags. We are owed a few so we will probably have 40 plus for the year. The whiskers for the cat were giving me grief. No matter how much glue I was putting on I couldn't get them right. So used slithers of bamboo. Mildred painted them. They look OK. A bit stiff. But there ya go. Daughter was happy with the final result. Have to find a nice plinth to mount pussy on. We did actually get a bit of rice in the dish. It's not about rice really. It's just to get Mildred interested in her very own bit of nature. The Shop Lady, next door, has got herself a couple of lovely song birds. Beautiful bird singing. But only if they feel secure. I sat outside for ages until they came out singing. Did a little vid. Couldn't get the vid of the birds singing loaded. Sorry all. Another time. Back to the cat's whiskers. Bought some glue in the 20 baht shop a while back to do the whiskers. This Chinese glue is really good. Sticks elephant tusks back on. Sticks diamonds back into the ring when they fall out. And most importantly;;;; sticks the Mrs to the chair. Must buy a load more. Trees along the road next to the rice paddy are looking fine. Mildred got a couple of big snails from number one pond. And the pinkies in her pond are coming up to the surface. Although the 100 in number 3 pond are not yet showing. None of the new arrivals are obliging with a show. But the big Mekongs are. The colours of these Thai flowers are striking. This plant next door at the Shop Lady's little garden. Is there a better way to end a day in Isaan? Not all sorted out yet. Have to speak to admin about the uploading. But good to see AN up and running again, after a traumatic week or so. Don't know how to reduce the size of a mp4 file. So for the time being; no little vids. Sorry guys. Toon smashed the Blues. United did the same to the Toffeez. I'm rooting for the Hatters, Irons and Seagulls. All won. The Owls lost for once. Don't look good. Thailand win away in Singapore. Terry Venables passes away. Rice all done. It can rain as much as it wants now. But none for a month now. Next year I think about April first. Fighting has stopped in Gaza. Some Thai guys have their freedom. Will be a big party in Udon very soon. I might pop along. Join in the celebration. Little dogs have been brought to the village from Bella's farm. She is still in Singapore working away in some factory. Be glad to see the back of this month. Not a happy one. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
Owl Log - 27-11-2023 - Monday morning Think I've got it sussed. The loader will only accept files under a meg. So what I'll do is change all thois weeks pics into jpegs from pngs. Quality will suffer just a little. Seez ya all later.
There is some logic in this post. When the UK lottery first started, I was involved with a college with a computer section. The programmer students developed software that simulated a person doing the lottery. This is how it worked. The computer bought a million lattery tickets. All the numbers were generated randomly. Any winnings were put back into the pot. After the first draw the kitty was down to under 600k. All the dosh was gone in 31 draws. They did it a few times. Not once was there more in the kitty that the million quids they started with. Since those far-off days the lottery has gotten even harder to win.
Owl Log - 26 November 2023 - Sunday afternoon No rain for a month now. Didn't really want any until last Thursday night; due to the rice. Now I'll take whatever is going. We had a team cut the rice last week. Got it laid out, bundled up and the machine arrived at 6 on Thursday evening; in the dark. All sorted half hour later. 25 sacks. After giving over two to the harvester boss. Into the store. and that was that. But being Thailand, it sometimes is not that simple. The Mrs said that we would get the harvester on Saturday. So I took the door off with a view to covering the inside with mesh; to stop those rats.. That was on Wednesday. On Thursday afternoon someone told Mrs Owl that big rain was on its way from Vietnam. I said no rain! But the Mrs had her way and it was panic stations to get the machine before the expected downpour. I had to enlist Mildred, straight from school to help me put the door back on. Finished working in the dark with Mildred holding her mobile up with the little light on. Anyway; rice finished for this season. I gave up on the cats whiskers. I had the idea that running a twine thread through glue would give a nice texture, and be ideal for the whiskers. Changed my mind a while after and used slithers of bamboo. About 20 whiskers adorn the cat now. Took some great pics of the big Mekong Catfish feeding in pond 4. Mildred found a couple of big snails in number one pond. The pinkies are showing in their little round home. Mildred took some nice pics when she was visiting her friend yesterday. They have a goat farm. Nice video too. Our rice in the pot venture has been excellent. Just waiting to harvest later this week. Snails are doing just great The lady next door has some songbirds. They are quite timid. But I was patient and sat there for an hour to get a nice vid. Oh dear. Just tried to up-load 30 pics and only two managed to get up. Tried different things, but it seems any file bigger than,,, well who knows,,, is rejected. Quite dispiriting this. I'll put up the full monty tomorrow morning. Might have more luck then. Tomorrow is another day in the life of an Isaan Farang.
And for the next draw on December 1st. All straight lines. No curves. Thats; 1, 4, 7. But with the emphasis on '1'.
I don't agree with you here TBL. You, and me, and all of us, are here by pure chance. As for that time your mum and dad 'did something'. Well! That particular wriggly, at that fortuitous time of the right egg, got there first. The others were spewed out every month or finished up a wet patch on the bed. This is the beauty of nature.
I'm not so well-versed about religions. But I think there should be certain pointers to being a good person.
I've been thinking about religion a lot lately. Don't know how many there are in the world. Maybe a dozen or so. Then there are the side religions; break-offs from the main one; like Christianity breaking away from Catholicism. Or Islam coming from Judaism. I suggest a new religion; based on Nature. It could have bits and pieces from other religions put in, but essentially my religion would be simple. Five rules::: 1 - Respect and care for nature. 2 - Do not unnecessarily harm living things. 3 - At all times attempt to leave the earth unadulterated for the next generation. 4 - Do no harm to fellow humans. 5 - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Then you are not doing it proper. I learned a long time ago, that to get what you want in Thailand, with the ladies, requires a bit of craftyness. Firstly there is the money angle. Always have a 20 baht note tucked into your shirt pocket. It should be showing about an inch. 100 baht note if you can afford it. But the colour green attracts the female eye. That's nature at work. They will focus their attention on the note, and give in to your requests. Secondly and perhaps even more important. When you talk; look into her eyes. When she talks; look at her mouth. Only resort to the finger pointing, stamping, shouting and thumping the table, if the above doesn't work. And as a last resort; threaten that you will report them to the police.