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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Thanks for that MD. 12k don't seem too bad then. It's with a known agent and reasonably local (Udon). I think the option of sending the PP to England, and doing it on the internet, is not worth the effort or the worry. And I will only go to BKK if I absolutely need to. Don't like the place. Far to busy! So it looks like I'll be contacting the agent at the end of September. Or can I do it earlier? Can it be done 8 months early?
  2. It has been suggested, on another AN thread, that for those of us who do live a long way from BKK - or just want an easy life perhaps - using an agent could be the way to go. My local one in Udon wants 12k; seems a bit pricey that.
  3. Really encouraging to hear Bannork. I'll leave it until the end of October, now you have given me the heads up.
  4. You are right there Rick. Last time it was IPS - out of Hong Kong (I think) - now some other agency has taken over. Trips to BKK, and the like. I've read up on member's passport renewal experiences on AN. Not made up my mind what to do yet. Someone suggested sending it to a daughter or brother (etc) in England, and doing it on the internet. Bit risky that; I'm thinking. But cold it be done with a VPN?
  5. Good win by the Hornets last evening against the Baggies. Very good, exciting match, by all accounts. Not too many people know that WBA won the league, the first season after the war. And have not won it since. Although they should have took the title in 1953/54, but had an absolute disaster at the death.
  6. Fulham saw, came, and conquered. Let's hope BHA and the Cottagers can crack top 6 this season. Every chance. L,,
  7. Bottom half of the EPL table, but a ChLg finalist. Decisions, decisions!
  8. Got to the bank OK. Spelt it out to the Mrs what was wanted. Made sure she understood. Get to see the bank man. He nodded in acknowledgement, and done the biz. Finished up with 25 pages of gobble-gook. Who got it wrong? My money is on the wife. Anyway checked through all the paperwork - that turned out to be every transaction on that account of over two years - and it certainly supported my own data. Happy about that. So it's back to the bank next time we go to Ban Dung for another go. What I wanted was all transactions of only/precisely/exactly 4,500 baht for the previous two years. Did get a print-out bill of 200 baht though. Paper don't come cheap! Got a receipt for the printing bill. Gonna pass that on to the finance company next time we visit them.
  9. Could have been from the place I visited last week. A bit closer than the last horse place I found.
  10. Off to the bank this afternoon; hopefully, Will report back on events. If I'm still up and running!!!
  11. Congrats are in order Garry. And what a lovey area too. Lots of beautiful mango orchards in your area. Could have a big military base close to you also. Hope it doesn't stop your restful sleep at night. In a couple of weeks time we will be cursing the roasting hot days, and the humid nights.
  12. They are the class act of the division. Luton are a tough nut to crack. But crack them they did yesterday. Boro looking good.
  13. The 'salty cuppa'. This is the ultimate 'accidentally-on-purpose' ruse. We will see. If I can persuade her to go to the bank tomorrow, and we get the necessary. I can't see how the finance crowd can argue. It will be interesting on a couple of levels. The thing is; I am right. But that doesn't mean I win.
  14. You are not wrong there Andy. However the house next door is not occupied and it is perfectly livable. And I know the lady that owns it. What a terrible loss of face it would be if the farang went to live on his own - next door - and didn't want for anything! Got to prepare for all eventualities. Close to Mildred too.
  15. Owl Log - 19-02-2023 - Sunday afternoon Big problem with a loan company in the week. a couple of years ago the Mrs borrowed some dosh for her daughter to set up a business. The venture fell through, but, I continued to pay the monthlies until last month, when it was all finished. Or so I thought. Went to their Ban Dung office on Friday to be told there was still another 2,800 baht to pay. Not a happy Owl, I can report. "You pay late each month." Can't argue with that; without checking. I did check. On finding out that the shut off point each month was the 22nd. I indeed was late. First payment was two days late. Second; the same. Then OK for the next 20 months. One day late on month 23 and three days late for the final payment; month 24. I couldn't make it out. They were so sure of themselves, and of course Mrs Owl 'appeared' to be on their side and was urging me to pay up. They did me a printed sheet of the payments. And what did I find?! Even when I paid well before the 22nd, it was marked down as up to two months late. And this is where the financial penalties came in. So, I refused to pay them anything, and walked out. It led to me and the Mrs having an almighty row. What I'm gonna do on Monday is go to our bank and get a record of all the payments printed out. Only one problem with that line of thought. It's the Mrs account. Can see some problems ahead. The US arms have arrived. Getting ready to fight the Ruskies, or Chinese, or Iranians probably. Or might be just parked up. The white printing looks original. Wonder how old? I'll keep my eye on it. All of a sudden there is an explosion of dogs in the soi. We have two. Bella opposite has two. Two doors along has two. And the monks bring a pack of 6 with them on their rounds. One of my favourite village ladies tried to sell me some treats in the week. "Only 20 baht a bag Farang Owl. Would be very nice with your cup of rosy each morning." Couple of pics from past years. Fun at the pool. Making sure the carp don't go hungry at the Udon's Chinese Quarter. Found an unusual structure on me travels. Every time I go to Ban Dung and I have a bit of time on hand, I go have a look at the koi-carp in 7/11. They moved them from the bottom pond to the upper. Spotted a couple of fish. Next time - if I remember - I'll take a bit of fish-pellet, and get them to the surface. Get some nice pics. Went to this very special place in the week. On first look, I thought it was a Buddha place I wasn't aware of. But no! I was wrong on that. Paying to go in was optional. I put some dosh in the basket on the table; and gave more on the way out. Well worth a walk round. I was told farang rent out the houses long term. Saw a couple in the restaurant as I looked round. A lot of things made of wood. But air-con sort of spoiled it for me. And the dish. Nice owl carving. Maybe not an owl on second look. More like a falcon. Can actually climb to the top of the tower. Might do next time. And go under the waterfall. Have buffaloes and horses, which can be ridden around the park. vid park 00.mp4 Quite a few horses. Always an nice attraction for youngsters. 100 baht for a horse-ride. Or perhaps a horse-walk. vid park 11.mp4 I think this was a past entrance. Lots of places to go and relax. Still not finished. Ban Dung saw a procession last week. vid 124 process.mp4 Don't know what happened to the sound there. Sun-up in the village. Robert and Oscar have two doggie friends. The 'big dog' often comes round to play. And eat any food left over. vid big dog 04.mp4 Coffee lives opposite. He is a lovely dog too. Never quiet when the three of them get together. vid coffee 05.mp4 World news. Sad to hear that one of the 'Wild Boars', rescued from the cave, has died. 'Russia must be defeated but not crushed,' says the French President. North Korea sends warning to US and South Korea, with a missile or two, as a protest against their 'war games'.. More news about the 'weather balloons'. They are everywhere. Search for the one shot down over the great lakes 'continues'; a spokesman said. But next day the search was called off. Just too mach water for one rowing boat to cover. Another balloon crashed near Taiwan. Weather monitoring equipment rumoured to be found close by. No need to "jump to conclusions", an official reported. Banksy at it again: Dolphins found dead off the coast of west Oz. A big oil slick is thought to be - if not responsible - then a suspect. Footy round-up Some strange results in the EPL. Chelsea got turned over at home by bottom club Saints. High flying Brighton also beaten at home; same score 0-1. Big club pretenders Toon were put in their place by Liverpool. Man City couldn't win at Forest. The Gunners jump back top. Leeds had better watch out; there's relegation about. Orient increase their lead to eleven points. Burnley look invincible, and cert's to get back to the EPL first time of asking. In the third, top club Plymouth, draw at home, letting the Owls go top. Banks O'Dee lose at home. Never heard of the 'Pinatar Cup' before yesterday. But anyway; Scotland march on with a 2-1 win. The BBC are certainly promoting Women's footy. Thailand musings. Government Lottery Office - The Finance Ministry - has approved a plan for a new Thai Lottery. Big celebrations in Isaan villages. Mrs Owl says "Exciting!!" Thailand’s University lecturers are labelled 'lazy', by the secretary of the Department of Higher Education. How can the youth of Thailand get to the very top, if their lecturers only care about food and sleep? Police raid Pattaya go-go bar. Farang seen with bar-girl in sugar field. State Railway of Thailand (SRT) spend 96.3 million baht on robots. Nong Khai to BKK in just two hours is racing ahead. A German farang is behind a monk making sex-vids; allegedly. Thai airways decide to cancel flights to Germany. It is not thought that the monk's sex-vids are responsible. Dropped Mildred off in Ban Dung yesterday. School project?! Anyway. I got change out of the 200 baht for spending Didn't go back home as the wife had threatened to do me in. So went on a spiritual journey until four. Leccy bill still on the high side. Just under 2k. MinL's not too bad at 350 baht. Some of the strangest rain in the week. On Tuesday morning I walked daughter to the big road to catch the school bus, and it started. Within two minutes had stopped. Happened a few times just like that. Again yesterday. Our resident 'gecko' did 18 'eh-ohes'. Lottery number nest time around. Dogs doing OK. Oscar is a greedy pig. He gobbles down the morning offerings and then tries to muscle in in Robert's grub. A bit of growling then occurs. Mrs Owl says it's worms. Can't argue with that. Where's that Ivermectin? Have to start thinking about getting a new passport. Expires in December this year. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all and thanks for tuning in. ------ Who's that well-dressed farang enjoying the music? vid procession 111.mp4
  16. Quite a pessimistic post that. . Chelsea can certainly win through to the next round. should have got a draw by all accounts. I didn't like Potter going to west London. I thought Brighton would struggle. But no! Just shows that he built something special there. Although I don't watch them live, I do read all the reports. He is the right guy for the job IMO. Some of these clubs are so up-themselves, that they think they should be on top all the time. Liverpool and Spurs are the same. Stop moaning and enjoy this wonderful sport, with its traumatic ups and downs.
  17. So who is dumping the cr@p into the oceans? The Honey Bees? I've read recently, that there is an idea to send our nuclear waste into outer space. Dear me! What will our neighbours think of us? As far as I'm concerned, we have two main functions on this Earth. One is to keep it in pristine condition. And the other is to ensure that it remains so for future generations.
  18. Nature is beautiful. It can also be devastating, dangerous and unpredictable at times. But never ugly. It is we humans that are the ugly side of nature. Our wonderful earth is all we need. Thoughts of a god are unnecessary. But, as I say; each to his own. I'm OK with that.
  19. We are all a part of nature. But it is we, the humans, that are seemingly doing our best to destroy it. This world that we live in has everything we need. But one of the things that it should give us is often missing; respect. Take care of nature and it will take care of us. If the humans were more in-tune with the earth, and the beauty it has to offer, perhaps there would be no need for religion at all.
  20. I think @hummin put it nicely in his earlier post. We have everything we need around us. Nature is the key. It gives us understanding. It gives us beauty. It gives us love. And it should give us respect. Instead we fowl up nature at seemingly every opportunity. As I said earlier; if someone wants to believe in a non-earth entity, then that's up to them. As long as they don't do any harm. Which unfortunately has not often been the case down the centuries.
  21. They are all in the same basket. They believe in something because of faith; not evidence. I'm not doing anyone, or myself a disservice. Just posting what I think. I'm not saying they are wrong. Not ridiculing them. And as long as they don't do too much harm; they can get on with it.
  22. In one episode of Star Trek, the locals, on a far off planet, worshipped Vger (pronounced VeeGer). Turned out that it was 'Voyager' with a few letters missing. People who believe in 'God' are like those who thought Vger was an all powerful entity. In that they cannot believe in themselves, but need a 'superior', something or other, to worship.
  23. Certainly sounds serious. But why the virtual news blackout? Is there fishy things swimming about here.
  24. Very long and thought-provoking post. I think the onus is on the believers to give evidence for their beliefs. Not for the non-believers to do anything. But if a poster thinks that we are a food source - to be harvested at a future time - then it would be appropriate to say why that is believed. If god exists - and we are probably agreed that we are talking about the one that created the world - where does he reside and what is his energy source? Also his/her/its age would be billions of years old. Too much for me to imagine.
  25. To a point. A good deal of research is suppressed and never sees he light of day.
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