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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. IMO, the BBC has been gradually losing its independence since Marmaduke Hussy (later made a life peer as Baron Hussey of North Bradley) took the helm back in 1986. He was married to Lady Susan Waldegrave; Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth 11. The Diana interview (1995) had to be kept secret from Marmaduke, or it would surely have been scuppered. BBC not the same since. Now fully a mouthpiece of the UK government.
  2. Think it is worth pointing out that there are different types of 'agent'. There are the back-of-a-taxi bods. There are agents that use other agents (such as the agents that will renew a passport). And then there are the accredited ones; with an office and English speaking staff; all in uniform. I've heard that one agent in Sakon Nakon agent was awarded a 'Charter Mark.. That is proudly displayed of their paperwork. Charter marks do not grow on trees. Have to be earned.
  3. Good to point this out Crossy. Cardboard boxes! A discarded fag-butt? Paper eating insects? Lost boxes; mistaken for discarded trash? My input - for what it's worth - is that nothing what-so-ever will come of this. Too many IOs involved.
  4. I usually only see queues like this at the 'farmers bank'. The volume of people at the KrungThai bank were much more than I've seen before. So many people that the traffic had to take extra care. I heard a couple of 'toots' while I was snapping. There is a little bank tucked away down a side street in Ban Dung. I'm gonna visit and ask if they do internet banking; but not the dreaded 'APP' thing. Proper internet banking like they once did at KTB. I's situated in the only one-way street in the town that I know of.
  5. I don't know if it has anything to do with the ending of NetBank Services, but the queues at the Krung Thai bank in Bang Dung are enormous. Went there in the week and at 7-45 in the morning there must have been 200 people. When I passed at 8-30 the crowd had grown to over 300 I reckon. A lot of the 'early-birds' had been given a chair directly in front of the bank. Those turning up after 7am had to stand.
  6. Ban Dung pics Going to the hospital in Ban Dung gave me the opportunity to get up on the roof for a few pics, There I am! The entrance on the 2096. Accommodation in the hospital. Looking south-east. View south-west. West view. North-east. East. Big school at rear of hospital. East. South view of big school. Next time I'll get some pics looking north into Ban Dung. And if I can get up to the roof of the accommodation block, then some south view pics.
  7. Internet all day long. I like to buy those little gramme buttons. With delivery; around 2,200 baht. Have to beware with the www however. Bargains seemingly everywhere. From India; buy a ring; get one free. And from West African, half price gold at the mo'; free delivery. Have to check them out.
  8. I reckon you are right there FJ. I also recall rain in the second week in March. Maybe its on its way and I'm just moaning for nothing.
  9. Owl mini Log - 06-03-2023 - Monday evening. Just got back from the farm with Mildred.. Decided to run a one inch pipe from number 5 to number 7. Hopefully this will put a couple of inches in. vid running pipe.mp4 Tomorrow, while Mildred is at school, I'll get some water running from one pond to another. (hopefully). She was very concerned with the lack of water this evening in her pond. Also took the opportunity to trim the tree that is growing where I don't want it to. vid bad tree.mp4
  10. Seagulls marching on. Top four awaits. United will blow up. Liverpool too inconsistent. Spurs; over-reliance on Sugar boy. Toon peaked too early, and will slide down. Chelsea still feeling sorry for themselves. Who else? Fulham and Villa; not this season.
  11. Last year was a good year compared to the years since 2017, but well down on 15 years ago. I've never seen so many ponds being dug as this dry season. Must be eight or so new ones. The farmers know that they cannot survive if it continues like this. This dry season is the driest I've known since I've been here. Meanwhile, - back in Dagenham - the Chase (fishing gravel pit) is a metre higher than what I remember it 60 years ago.
  12. Really, it's all down to that Greta T bird. She has put the mockers on it. What a change from when I first arrived here 15 years ago! Even during the dry season back then, one downpour at least every month could be relied on. And during the wet time, I was forever wondering how to stop all the ponds overflowing. I remember asking Chai, from the adjacent farm, if we could flood his fields one year. I'm still not given up on the self-supporting pump that we talked about a year or so back. I need it to lift from 6/7 metres down. Can that be done? Seen a couple of vids on YT with a Thai lad doing just great. Looking at a solar system. But have to hurry if Mildred's fish are to be saved in pond 7. Might be easier to catch them and put them into another pond.
  13. The lady of the house is married to a farang. He is due to visit this month. It's obvious where the money has been spent. I'll pass it on about the flying ants. A delicacy for sure. But 'rain'??!! Don't think we will see any in 2023.
  14. Bang on the money over hospital food waste Bannork. I'm thinking that these birds have a great life. In the forest, or hanging around buddhas in the day, and getting together for a hospital sing-song at night. Are they there every night I wonder? What happen to that buffalo avatar bro'?
  15. Owl Log - 05-03-2023 - Sunday afternoon Certainly has been a busy week. M in Law into hospital twice, and other interesting stuff. Not that Mrs Owl's mum going into hospital is interesting. But I did take the opportunity to get up on the roof of the hospital and take some pics of Ban Dung, and the surrounding area. Also; being on my own for a while allowed me to explore certain things. One of which was the road construction on the 2022. Took a load of pics from the roof which I'll post in a special later. But here's a couple. Looking north across another hospital building. Solar panels obviously a back up for the operating theatre in case of leccy cut. Looking east. Very late night visit; but it let me record an amazing sound. In the daytime there are not there. vid hospital birds.mp4 I'd never seen an MG pick-up until Wednesday. Never had an MG back in England. Did have an Austin Allegro though. Worst car I ever had for sure. I did promise myself that I would carry some fish-food in the pick-up to feed the Amazon carp. What with the other things going on; I forgot. But did get a nice shot of a few when i visited 7-11. Off I went to view the road-works on the 2022. But earlier in the week I had noticed a hole; I went to investigate. Someone had put some cones around and partially filled it. Good to see the authorities are on the ball. And the new road! It's gonna be grand. Lighting all the way along!? The dogs - Robert and Oscar - are perfectly at home now. Every day is fun and games with their friends 'Big Dog' and 'Coffee'. Rough and tumble. vid dogs play.mp4 Logs at the wood-yard are getting bigger and bigger. vid cut big log.mp4 There is a concert at the village wat this week. Dancing, music and food; also offerings. I passed over a few baht to help. I think it's to raise funds in order to complete the house over the pond. I'll be there on the day. Ear-plugs at the ready! That canopy just had to go. It was ripped, and since the budgies have been let loose there seemed little point in having it. I took it apart and gave the worthwhile bit to 'little legs' the scrap lady. Much better! Managed to spend a relaxing afternoon at the farm, in between going back and forth to the hospital. The water in number 7 pond it critically low. Seriously thinking of getting a deep-well solar system set up. Gonna cost around 20k baht. Had a look yesterday and sussed out where it would all go. The house that was undergoing transformation has finished. Lovely new roof. Also about 20k baht of scrap - timber and old roof sections - to cut down the overall cost. Struck me that it could get a tad hot inside. And noisy when (if) big rain arrives. Mildred has a new companion when she is working in her studio. And the painting's finished. Trees seem to be cut down all over the village. This last one wasn't doing much harm. The government offices just outside the village. Found a couple of striking feathers at the farm. Fantastic colours! I posted the pic on the 'birds' thread, and I'm informed that they are tail feathers from and Indian Roller. Poo thinks that bringing us gifts will keep her elevated above the dogs, which are getting a lot of attention from us all at the moment. Mildred let it go in the field just along from us. Didn't seem to have come to any grief. A couple of regular posters were saying that their trees were a bit iffy this year. The miniature coconut trees at the farm seem to be OK. Some more wire put in last week. Only a village of 200 houses. Must be internet wires. World focus Why did that lady turn on Matt Hancock? Hell have no fury,,,,,! Passenger plane from Iceland to Kenya forced to land in Essex. Jets scrambled. Sonic booms all over. A Virginia court upheld a ruling stating that the US does not have the same strict rules as Europe on the designation of origin for foods. US cheese can be labelled anything? Liverpool has been chosen to hold the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. The sing-song, in May, will be the first time held in the UK for 25 years. What an honour?! A woman in Kerala, India, is protesting outside a hospital after finding forceps in her body after surgery. US's Blinken, and Russia's Lavrov greet each other in India at the G20 talks. Bestiality will no longer be considered a criminal offence in Spain 'if' there are no injuries to the animal. And if there are injuries, but a visit to the vet is not forthcoming, then is is lawful. Footy round-up. Owls add another game to their unbeaten run. Top two win. Gooners 5 points clear of City, and hit 4 in the second game in a week. What has happened to QPR? From top six to bottom six! Lost the last 7 matches. Blackburn finding form at the right time in the Championship; and still in the FA Cup. Thailand weekly traumas. Democracy Index, compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), have praised Thailand for their significant strides. This follows a jump of nearly 20 places to 55th last year. Samut Prakarn resident was so angry over some builders that she displayed her panties in protest Pattaya again. Thai lady seen giving oral to unknown farang. All caught on camera. Also in Pattaya; little lion escapes. Rumours are that it was trying to get to Spain. National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), said that Venus and Jupiter almost touched each other in the night sky on Wednesday. Bangkok traffic cop delivers 100 babies. Asked for a comment he said; "There is more to being a cop than directing cars. I'm tired." A busy week for me. Went to Bandung 9 times. Also took over 300 pics. whittled them down to 50 or so this week end. I've looked at revamping my system for getting water out of the well, but can't find strong enough containers. So now I'm leaning towards a solar cell set up. Have to more quickly if Mildred's fish in pond 7 are to be saved. Gonna cost me 20k+. Mrs Owl will not be overjoyed. Only two days left at school for Mildred this year. Tuesday and Friday, then it's off until May. She has three exams left. The Mother in Law is back home for the present, but she is not doing great. Cannot walk unaided and has difficulty holding a conversation. Mrs Owl's sister has returned to Oz. Shelved my urine challenge for now. Did a short 48 hour fast in the week. Keeping up with my sprinting and weights. We had a bit of a row in the week. The Mrs found a big spider in the bathroom and wanted me to kill it. I said I wouldn't. Led to some verbalcuffs. In the end I put it out the window. "Stupid farang you are . Can come back - kill us all." What with all the week's traumas, we've not been back to the bank for any documentation to do with the pick-up loan. Perhaps this week. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  16. Thanks for that Skeptic. Certainly has beautiful feathers.
  17. There are dozens of birds in the garden, and even more at the farm. But while I was in the undergrowth the other day, picking up rubbish that had been blown about, I found three beautiful feathers. These feathers were striking in their brightness. I left them in the pick-up for a few days before this morning. They had faded a little; or at least I think they had. Should have snapped them when I first got hold of them.
  18. Bang on the money there Bannork. And of course there is the 'jackpot'! No! Not the Thai lottery. The humble farang joining the family.
  19. I agree with both of you. It's the same here. And not just with fruit. Sugar and cassava growth so far this season is abysmal.. The yields at the end of the year will be poor at best. For most of Isaan, rainfall has been virtually non-existent; and no change is expected as we stride into March. In our area we have had just one decent drop since the beginning of October. Couple this, with a two month long cold spell and it all points to poor crops. Our oil palm monthly harvests have been low. Although oil palm nuts start their life 18 months before they are cut, It is the final 4 months that ripen them. I drove through one of the farms today and didn't see much to be positive about. Isaan is one of the poorest areas in Thailand, with rural activities at its heart. Farming - and needless to say produce in abundance - is essential for any sort of community prosperity in the North East..
  20. Maybe I've met him in Big C or the market, but I don't recall the name. I do know a couple of farang that were ripped off by Thai ladies. Unfortunately both have died. But on the upside; I also know a few that are happy with their lot.
  21. Would you Adam and Eve it! Just went onto to 'Isaan Farang' to watch their latest offering, and it was about renewing passports. I've so much info now. Don't know where to start.
  22. Owl Log - 26-02-2023 - Sunday afternoon This dry season is certainly severe. Only one drop of rain that could be called decent, since the beginning of October. The farmers that have planted their cassava and sugar will not be getting the best of crops later in the year that's for sure. Our number seven pond only has half metre of water in it at the deepest, There's not any rain forecast for a week, so next w/e we might pump a few inches into it from another pond. Mildred feeding her fish in number 7 pond. A new sign on the main village road. I thought it must be a 'best somtam in town' poster. But no!! I'm informed that it asks drivers to take care. Like it! Talking of roads, the 2022 widening, is racing ahead. Not too much in the way of warnings for any unwary drivers. A guy in the village (I don't know him at all) said to anyone that was listening in the village bar, that sales of tractors were at an all-time low at his place of work; Kubota Ban Dung. They have stored away a couple of hundred round the back. Quite a few at the front also. Escorted Mildred to the bust-stop and on the way back called into the local wood-yard. It was planing time. Not everyone wants rough, some want smooth. vid cutting wood.mp4 Well done lad. A good business on the go. A Village house is having its roof renewed. Went round the back to get another view. Found a swimming pool I didn't know about. Next day I got inside the property. The upper floor was gone. And the following day! Lots of wood for someone. Don't forget to pull those nails out. The dogs are up to all sorts. Although I've looked after the occasional dog, in the past, this is my first ever experience of having to care for one; two even. Lesson one for me. If you care for it, or think it's important, keep it out of doggie-reach. That's my best shoe ruined. But I still wear it. Mrs Owl has thrown it away twice; but I found it. Mildred keeps her art stuff well away. And when the monks come round each morning there is usually some action. vid monk dogs.mp4 The twins are delightful. A tad glum though. "Where's that ice-cream you promised us farang Owl?" Mangoes are growing well on some trees. This little one gets regular watering and is looking real good. Not Oscar or Robert. No! They wouldn't do such a thing. Mildred's thinking it was Curly Wurly. Anyway, soon had it sorted. And me walking up and down the soi picking up all the rubbish has inspired others. vid little fire a.mp4 It's chicken dancing competition time soon. Bella's hubby - opposite us in the village - has a few that are top notch. Show stoppers even. vid fighting chickens.mp4 Footy round-up. Man Utd are on fire. Barca the latest to get the OT boot. Newcastle later today in the League Cup at Wembley. In the week Pool thrashed at home in the ChLg. But get a point yesterday at Palace. Win relief for Leeds, but Everton might be in the Championship when they move into their new home.. Top two in EPL win. A club record of 20 matches unbeaten for the Owls after their win at Charlton. Orient now 13 points clear in their division. In Scotland; Cove Rangers lose at Greenock Morton, but Banks O'Dee win away. The two Madrids share the points at Real. Napoli moved 18 points clear in Italy. Thailand musings. Thai Airways gonna merge with Thai Smile to 'reduce losses'. Thai 'Baht buses' will have to stop standing soon. New law! Big event of the week in Pattaya as Thai-Bangladeshees gathered on Wednesday at the Unique Regency Hotel. An International Mother Language Day event. Luxury cars worth millions have ended up in Thailand. A spokesman for the Thailand operation - that worked alongside the UK police - said that the cars might have been illegally imported. Vaping remains illegal under Thailand’s vaping law. Smokers trying to kick the fag addiction, are up in arms. But will only have their vaping equipment confiscated. No fines; no monkey. Coffee and beer festival to be held in Hua Hin next month (March). Police launch an investigation into the disappearance of over 30 manhole-covers in Bangkok. The Thai Agriculture Minster says Thai rubber is underused in the world's sex toy market. Thailand is to stop all imports of plastic rubbish. Woman in custody, is accused of being a witch, who sacrificed cats as offerings. World focus. Thailand votes for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine. Deputy Prime Minister Prawit, again says that he wants Muay Thai added to the 2028 Olympic Games. Presidents Putin and Biden make big speeches. Mrs Owl's sister has been visiting us from OZ. She goes back later today. Gonna return to the bank tomorrow to get the documents I didn't get last time. I've explained to Mrs Owl exactly what I want and she says she understands what's needed. Looking good. Turned a little chilly with some wind about. No rain and not likely to be any this month. No leccy for about 10 hours in the week. The Mrs says there was an accident with a pole. Something to do with road-widening on the 2022 probably. Took the dogs to the farm yesterday. Got to get them used to chickens. Oscar is terrible for chasing them. But at least it's good exercise for him. Have an annoying loose tooth. Not that loose, but stops me crunching nuts on the left side. Think I may have to pull it out in the week. Mildred did the first of her end-of-year exams on Friday. English! She normally does well in that. Her two worst are Chinese and Thai History. Two little cows are suddenly on the scene in one of the adjacent farms. Go to the farm and it's even more dogs. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  23. Thanks for that Rick. I did Mildred's PP some years ago. It has run out now, but she is in the system; which I thought important. I reckon it was a lot easier 10 years ago compared to now. I've a good mind to renew it for her this year. Yes, please do report back on the happenings. I think a lot of members are interested in events; as I am.
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