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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Exactly the same here. Darts still in a drawer somewhere. Not been used since I've been here. Is it not illegal to play darts in Thailand?
  2. Thanks for that Jo. Caught up with the final this morning. What a match, and as you say; what a leg!!!! Reminds me of that night in the 'Squirrel and Chicken'. I was on fire at the oche.
  3. I looked into ''Cloud Seeding' when I first arrived here. I think it started in the US in the late 20s or early 30s. But didn't a Swiss committee award a medal back in 1970? Anyway, best if there is plenty of cloud when the seeding starts. the heavier the better. No cloud; no rain!
  4. Very dry here HP. I need rain to activate the cow poopoo and the dried out cassava waste,. which will be dust before too long.
  5. That's what I thought she said. Been reading her Thai - English translation book in bed.
  6. Sorry guys. Should read '119 dry days'. Maybe the wife is right when she says; "You monumental Silly Billy Farang."
  7. Thanks for that Andy. To a degree, this thread keeps me out of trouble. Without it, I'd have been kicked off a couple of years back. One of my NY's resolutions is to keep my 'Life Theories' off the platform (AMAP). And Andy; seeing as you say such nice things, I'll be rooting for an Orient vs Peacocks FA Cup final in a few months time. Haven't heard anything from GT, or Ody recently. Hope they are OK. If I can be wishing you all a prosperous NY in 12 months time; for 2024, I'll settle for that. Just have to take each year as it comes. And hope those nutters in charge of the nuclear buttons don't start believing they are indestructible.
  8. Owl mini Log - 01-01-2023 Procession and dancing through the village yesterday. A fundraising exercise to get the pond Buddha finished. I'm told?! Some lovely money trees on show. . Brother-in-Law shows his handiwork. vid 11 dancing.mp4 The dancing was sublime. vid 111 dancing.mp4 And with that it was into the Buddha for a reccy up. Find out soon how much we have got to finish the building. I reckon about 50k. The village is holding a party tonight. I'll go if Mes Owl lets me. I like a bit of Lao Khao, and dancing with those voluptuous ladies.
  9. Owl Log - 01-01-2023 - Sunday afternoon A new year starts today. I've made my resolutions and I'm ready to face what 2023 brings. Didn't start off that well this morning. Mrs Owl was out doing some Buddha stuff early on, and I had to wait ages for me cup-a-rosy. But she eventually came back and made one for me. No salt detected; sometimes put in by accident of course. Must be in a good mood I thought. But i had a little moan about waiting so long and pointed out that we all had our work, and I wouldn't ask her to charge the pick-up battery. Think she understand the jist of what I was saying. Some people had been using the corner of number one farm as a base, while they worked in the farm next door. Didn't mind one bit. That's common here. They had vacated when I visited on Wednesday. But the rubbish!! There's me thinking how nice it is to see no rubbish, and I get this. Never took long to clear it up though. I forgive them. Put the lilies into the ponds just a year ago. Talk about thriving! Number seven pond. Number six. Number five. There seems to be more cow herds about now. Always coming across them when I'm out and about, Last day at school in 2022 for Mildred on Thursday. Paid the owner driver his 650 baht for the month. Had a look at the Pond Buddha. Had a nosy inside. Big fund-raising thing over the New Year to get dosh to finish the project. I gave generously naturally. Can't wait for it to be finished. Some strange pipe-laying going on. On top of the soil. I'll watch progress with interest. I pass every day. Getting ready for the NY celebrations. Making the money tree for the procession. Imagine the scene. Sitting around the table. Food and Lao Khao in plenty. Music blaring out. Kids still bouncing. vid kids on tramp.mp4 Big market in Ban Dung all the week. Plenty of goodies to be won. If you could find a sharp dart and could throw straight. Great dart player that I am, saw the stall-holders at my mercy. Can't have enough teddies. Footy focus. Just hand over the EPL title to Arsenal now. The Cottagers have back to back wins. Irons flop again and close to that danger zone. Moyes out!? Leeds hold high-flyers Newcastle. Pele dies. One of the true greats of footy. By all accounts a nice guy too. Ronaldo chasing the oil-money in Saudi. Owls on a roll. Could make it three from three if they beat Cambridge tomorrow. Good holiday for them. 26k at the Port Vale game. World focus. Bad incident in a casino on the Thai, Cambodia border. Death toll still unknown. Elsewhere things much the same. Darts at the Alley Pally down to the last 8. Don't want that Gerwin Jones to win. Tennis starts in Oz soon; 16th of the month. Come on Novak Djokovic. Pound to the baht down to 41-6. Dollar also well down. Interrupted by a delivery just then. Another two pair of sandals for the Mrs. It's out with the hand-bags and in with the footwear. That's six pairs in the last month. Decided to be more scientific with my urine challenge. Must do a 'controll'. So it's just one eyebrow and the left armpit for a couple of weeks. Big procession through the village yesterday afternoon. Will do an Owl Log special on that later today. Still in this cold spell. Every morning down to 12/13C. Was very worried about the Mekongs in the week. Went on Tuesday and didn't see one. On Wednesday, I went early and sat by the pond of an hour. Very quietly they started to show; but only at the far end. Didn't go to the farm on Thursday, as got back too late from Ban Dung. Mildred went with me on Friday and there were some encouraging signs. The fish responded to feeding after about 10 minutes. Still not right. We will see today. I know my fish and they have had shock. They are scared. Someone has thrown a net at the road end I reckon. They are wary. Will take a week to get them back to normal. But are they all still there? Still no rain. That 52 days now. Hope it's not gonna be as bad as last year when we had 119 dry-less days on the trot. Things to do this week. Visit Udon. Buy stone for the road. Set up water pump at the farm. Oh yes! Mildred wants a puppy. A friend of mine near Sawang Daen Din breeds Thai Rdge-backs. I'll pay him a visit this month. Maybe this week. Mrs Owl like Pugs; I do too. But don't know where to get one. i want to wish all of you posters that have kept this thread going - for over three years now - a happy NYD, and a prosperous 2023. Only one thing left to say'; bye y'all.
  10. Glad he is away from the English game. Over paid - over hyped - over the hill. Hope he finds peace in the sun.
  11. Indeed! Good memory. Won 0-1 away and 2-0 at home. Went their different ways after that 1998/99 season. City up and The Silkmen down.
  12. The Leyton Orient dream. Part one of two. In 1960/61, just a couple of miles way from us. across the reservoirs, Spurs were taking all the accolades. But when you are a footy supporter you are only really interested in your club. And although Spurs were good; very good even, I was more concerned with the 'O's. Or Leyton Orient. Myself and Colin stood on our favourite cinder North Terrace for the first game of the 1960/61 season. Which we lost against Ipswich, and TBH, we were dismal. Five losses on the spin in September and the fear that we were not anywhere near good enough to challenge the top boys woke us up. And so it proved to be. Finished 19th, and didn't deserve any better. Ipswich won League Division Two and Super Spurs - as they were known in my area - did a fantastic double in the top flight. What then was the following season - 61/62 - gonna hold? Another mid-table place, or a relegation battle. We stood at our favourie place on the cinders and we were somewhat hopeful. We had held Toon to 0-0 away, in our first match, and were ready to demolish the opposition in the first home game. Saints were the visitors, and they comfortably beat us 1-2. "Same season as last year Col." "Yea, looks like it Owl." Five days later we were back. Middlesbrough the visitors. We were victorious 2-0. Me and Colin made the trip down to Saints ground - The Dell - on August 30th. And we got our revenge by winning 1-2. We won a couple more, and then went on the familiar win, lose, win, lose story that we were so accustomed to. Played at Rotherham on 30th October and drew 1-1. Next up was Liverpool away. Not the Mighty Liverpool of today, as Everton were the better of the two Mersysiders then, but still a stiff challenge. Came away with a creditable 3-3.We moved up to 7th. Liverpool were 8 points clear of us, with Saints in 2nd only 3 points ahead. These two matches started a run of 13 undefeated, including 9 wins on the trot. Up to 2nd, 2 points behind Pool, but more importantly 5 clear of Saints. February was a bad month. Three losses and one win. Still 2nd though, but now it was Plymouth breathing down our necks. Only one defeat in March kept us in second spot. Only just though, as Plymouth also had a good month and were just a point behind. The last month of the season was upon us. Could we do it? Six games left. Won away at Seagulls' ground on the 5th April. Liverpool were well clear, and Saints had faltered. The second match in April saw a loss to the fast improving Scunthorpe. And Sunderland had come for nowhere to challenge also. With 4 games to go: Liverpool -------- 53 pts Leyton Orient --- 48 Sunderland ------ 46 Scunthorpe ------ 45 Plymouth -------- 45 Southampton --- 42 We were in there with every chance. Could we hold it together? Four games left. Luton twice, Norwich and Bury. We did hold it together; won two and drew two. Final top 6 placings: Liverpool -------- 60 pts Leyton Orient --- 54 Sunderland ------ 53 Scunthorpe ------ 49 Plymouth -------- 46 Southampton --- 45 Promotion!!! Alongside Liverpool!! Yea! "What do you reckon Colin?" "Ipswich has won the top flight first time up. We can do the same. "What you think Owl? Can we do an Ipswich?" I was enthused by the moment. "Just think about it Col; Fist Division Champions;;;;; The Orient!!! And into Europe." Part two: ----- Up with the big boys for the 1962/63 season.
  13. I'll kick it off with 1974/75 season. League Division One. Don't get seasons like this any more. Seven different clubs led the pack. Starting with Liverpool. But on their heels were Man City, Ipswich and an unexpected far North club; Carlisle. It was close at the top all the way through, especially after 18 matches, when only 2 points separated the to 10. The eventual winners came from the pack to lead after 39 matches and they stayed there until the very end. Leader -------------- Second spot Liverpool ----------- Wolves Man City ------------ Carlisle Carlisle ------------- Ipswich Ipswich ------------- Liverpool Liverpool ----------- Ipswich Ipswich ------------- Liverpool Ipswich ------------- Man City Ipswich ------------- Liverpool Liverpool ----------- Man City Liverpool ----------- Ipswich Man City ------------ Liverpool Ipswich ------------- Liverpool Man City ------------ Liverpool Stoke --------------- Ipswich Stoke --------------- Everton Half way 21 games Everton ------------- Liverpool Ipswich ------------- Everton Liverpool ----------- Middlesborough Ipswich ------------- Middlesborough Everton ------------- Ipswich Stoke --------------- Everton Stoke --------------- Burnley Everton ------------- Stoke Everton ------------- Burnley Everton ------------- Ipswich Everton ------------- Liverpool Ipswich ------------- Everton Everton ------------- Ipswich Derby --------------- Liverpool Winner's finishing stats: Derby County: P42, W21, D11, L10 8 points between Derby and 10th place Burnley. One of the early leaders Carlisle were relegated along with Chelsea. What a season!
  14. Football related. Personal experiences. Interesting facts or surprising occurrences. Anything football related; anywhere.
  15. Have some notable recent league scalps. 8-0 v Wednesday 8-1 v Man City. Didn't Boro lead the league under Jack Charlton, and look like they could win? I'll check that out.
  16. Boro had slightly better stats. 1-2 probably the right result. Both the Sheffields are on a decent run. Biggest shock was Luton beating QPR away. Have to look out for The Hatters. Huddersfield and West Brom also playing well. 18k at Ewood - 26k at Hillsborough. Good crowds in these times.
  17. Both Sheffields won last night. They are both on fire. Don't look as though they will be playing each other in The Championship next season. Over 26 thousand at Hillsborough. Sad news with Pele. Was truly a footballing 'great'. By all accounts; a nice guy too.
  18. I'll explain. The best 'scientific advice' should read best 'selceted scientific and compromised advice' IMO. What 'codes of conduct'? These codes of conduct simply reject anything that might interrupt the gravy train. 'Regularity action'. Dear me, the UK Regulatory Body (MHRA), for one, is mostly funded by big pharma. Their boss said - on camera - that the role of the MHRA was to give access to the promoters of pharmaceutical products. Dear me! Have we forgotten Gioxx and Thalidomide so quickly?
  19. This is a post of made up things (not saying you made it up though). Utter nonsense Brian.
  20. Is there a case for abolishing transfer fees? OK, so if a club wants to 'get' a player, and the player, is say, half way through a contract, all that should be allowed is a compensation - equal to the amount of wages left when the player finishes. Where does all this dosh generated by transfer fees end up? Mostly it's money just going round and round among the top 20 clubs, but a good bit of it slips away into 'other' pockets.
  21. I was having a little bit of a problem with my hearing. Went to the docs. He asked me 'what are the symptoms'? I said an American TV programme. Marge has blue hair. A lorry overturned on the motorway. It was loaded with Vicks Vaporub. Police report that there was no congestion for 8 hours. I bought some Viagra. The Mrs said; "will that turn you into James Bond?" I replied; "maybe just make me Roger Moore."
  22. Just looked at the stats. Looks even. Good win for the Owls last evening; after the three draws. Attendance 8,644 at Orient; 0-0 FT. Points gone, but still well in front.
  23. The 'O's don't get big crowds. If they get 10k it will be good. Shame on those Iron's supporters. WHU have nicked 000's down the years. They should get behind their neighbours. Orient for the Ch Lg in 4 years. Yea!!!!
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